Saturday, December 30, 2023

Closer To Fleischer Styled Betty Boop Drawn From Memory


As the title states, this is a drawing of Betty Boop drawn from memory that is meant to imitate the more "typical" way of drawing her in the Fleischer Studios look. This is both to serve as a test for stylization of things and for fun. Was planning on making the drawing more detailed, but the simple look of it is alright enough.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Evil Evergreen

It is now late December and Christmas time is finally here. For Betty, it has been a very boring past few months. The hunts themselves have gotten pretty boring and only gotten her and the gang basic payment. Bimbo had to continuously move houses as usual, after he kept destroying his already super cheap and mostly unstable or un-sturdy homes through several ways such as blowing them up with several explosives during "mere pranks" and his mother made him use all of his earned money he made from monster hunting as punishment. There were times where he and his family had to crash at Betty and Grampy's place or Koko and his family's place. Betty at least had a good Hannukah with Grampy and Koko and is hoping Christmas will be better.

Betty steps outside to enjoy the snow. After walking for a while she eventually found Bimbo also outside and enjoying the snow. "Oh hey Bim-Bim! WTF you doin'?! <3" she said affectionately. "Oh hey Betty! My mom beat the shit out of me, per usual, for making the fam have to constantly move out in the cold so I'm trying to forget about that and enjoy my Christmas away from her and my stepdad by touching gra- I mean snow and actually enjoying the fresh air." He replied after waving. "Omd (Oh my dog)! That's so great! Let's move forward and continue touching the snow to move forward the plot!" Betty shouted ecstatically.

The two idiots then started walking joyfully and jolly not knowing where the heck they were going. Something bright, shiny and beautiful was ahead of them. "Omd Bimbo sweetie look! IDK where tf we are but look a very bright and beautiful Christmas Tree! Let's go over there and see it!" She grabbed Bimbo and pointed at the tree. The two then went up the tree and had a simultaneous "OOOOOOHHHHHHH!" as it flashed bright lights in their eyes. All of a sudden, the tree came to life, started screaming in a garbled way, and reached it's long ass tree arms with it's branch claws out. The sudden scream and shocking event pushed them back out of temporary fear.

Then the two little idiots remembered that they were monster hunters and could just beat the shit out of this thing. "Oh shit! It's like a tree monster or some shit! Well good thing we're monster hunters lmao!" Betty got into her werepoodle transformation and took her claws out getting ready to shred the thing. "Goddamit, we better get paid for this!" Bimbo said taking out two knives. They both jumped at the tree monster to try and cut it to pieces and then it started throwing a bunch of exploding Christmas ornaments at them that they had to continuously dodged to obviously not get exploded. Once it all runs out of ammo, it starts using the long line of Christmas lights on it to whip at the two but Betty used her enhanced speed to avoid it.

After running out of ideas, and realizing that the popcorn and candy cane on it would make terrible weapons compared to pretty lights and glass orbs, the supposed evil evergreen then took the star on top of it's head and threw it on the ground it was rooted into to basically explode itself in an array of pretty lights. "Ooooooohhhh...." the two dumbass dogs said in awe and amazement after the beautiful and brilliant combustion of the plant. Popcorn and candy canes, perfectly wrapped as to not be infected with diseases and remain delicious and edible, started raining down from the sky. A message, wrapped in a white envelope with a peppermint on in was in the center where the tree's stump once stood. Betty and Bimbo went near it and opened it.

"Bro you guys are SO MEAN, I was literally just standing there and got really nervous when you got close to me and started attacking me. I was so scared I didn't know what to do. Why did you do this? I hope you are happy now, scaring off an innocent tree monster demon like that!" It read in Christmassy red cursive and a frowny faced tree with a green outline. Betty felt a bit of regret after reading and Bimbo just ate the peppermint that was on the letter and started collecting the numerous popcorn and candy canes. "Aw I feel so bad. We shouldn't have assumed it was an EVIL tree monster. Guess that one incident I had a while back, with those other tree demons, made me feel a bit on edge but it was wrong of us to assume like that. I feel terrible!" Betty said while frowning. "Look Betty, lots of presents, will that make ya feel better?" Bimbo pointed around. "Oooh yay! Prezzies!" Betty now said with glee.

After filling his pockets with food, Betty and Bimbo then got all the presents, wrapped them in the Christmas carpet thing the tree was on and then head to Betty and Grampy's house. Koko was there too. After ringing the door Grampy let them in with a warm welcome. "Oh hey there fellas, how was your time out touchin' the snow?" He said with a warm smile as they walked in and took off their coats. "Oh Grampy, it was terri-" Betty was about to say until getting interrupted by Bimbo. "TERRIFIC! Me and Betty fought this stupid ass tree monster that kept throwing shit at us and then when it got scared it fucking EXPLODED itself! Then we got free, perfectly wrapped, food and presents! Absolutely swell shit!" He said joyfully and proudly. "Well that's nice to hear you had a nice time! Come on and enjoy the happy holiday with us!"

They all went to the living room, Koko was drinking some nice well... coco, and Betty and Bimbo got some as well. Pudgy was just eating normal pet food cause he's a fucking pet. "Hey kids feel free to open any presents you got whenever ya like! I'll be right back just gonna get some hot chocolate for myself!" Grampy temporarily left the room as he said. "Hey guys, what'd ya get?" Koko said in a pretty chill voice. "Well, we're about to find out!" Bimbo responded. "Cool, guess I'll wait till after you guys then." Koko then sipped. Betty and Bimbo then ripped apart the wrapping around the presents like the crazies they are. "Oh wow! Such pretty dolls!" Betty said with glee. "Oh boy! Cool racecars and toy weapons! I mean, it's certainly not as cool as the real thing but-" Bimbo was about to say with glee but just then...

"Um why are they shaking and making weird noises?" Betty and Bimbo said simultaneously. The toys started moving and attacking Betty and Bimbo trying to bite, roll over and blast their faces off! "AAAAAAAHHHH! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! I told you we should have apologized!" Betty said no longer with any glee or joy. "I don't think we should have!" Bimbo said stubbornly. "Apologize for what?" Koko said raising an eyebrow. "Nothing! AAAAAAHHH!" Bimbo said while getting his legged rolled over painfully. "Hey children, I'm back what's with all the racket- HOLY SHIT!" Grampy came back and then spilled his hot chocolate and shattered the glass out of shock. He and Koko then decided to try and help Betty and Bimbo get out of the trouble they were in while Pudgy just got so full he could barely move and went to sleep.

And the moral of the story is never bully random tree monster demons, they could have been really nice people if you have gotten to know them but now look. You are getting toys rolling you over, blasting at you and trying to eat at your face. Happy Holidays and remember to apologize to any trees you may have done wrong.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Overly Fuzzy Texture Looking Bimbo


Some art of Bimbo I had lying around since September! It was practically finished already and just... lying there collecting "dust" basically. But I liked it enough to share it and just edited it a bit. What was weird was I originally intended to draw his sweater as orange and before I put on a bunch of textures and effects it did look that way. But ironically it came out as his usual red. Oh well.