About Page

About BBGW
Betty Boop's Great Grim World is an AU (alternate universe) where the titular character is, and has always been, a werepoodle. This is in reference to her origins as a dog into a human character. Betty Boop is brought back to her spooky, strange, odd and fantastical roots along with a twist of narratives with a sense of strange continuity, one that fluctuates but can still be there, in a cartoony urban fantasy world that is akin to a warped version of our own reality. Given the ghostly and demonic imagery of many classic cartoons Fleischer was known for, things like monsters and the supernatural play a huge role in this universe. The Grim part of the title is in reference to Betty Boop's creator, Grim Natwick and also the grim environment of the world.

Main Characters

Betty, Bimbo, Koko, along with Pudgy and Grampy, tend to recur more early on but other characters shall appear too. While Betty Boop is the titular character she is not meant to be the only main character. Aside from being the most popular of them all, her name in the title only still remains because it has stuck.

The media shall be presented through mixed media, being through literature, art, comics etc. Will try and put out distinct tags/labels for each when it comes out.

Where to Start?

In all honesty, where to start is really up to you and you are free to start wherever! However, it must be mentioned that there is a bit of a dividing point. There is the pre-soft-reboot era and the post-soft-reboot era. A post with some details that serves as the divider can be seen here.

The pre-era is pretty much complete literature filled with exposition and info-dumping. The post-era is to be more visual with more comics and art and starts out with more questions and mystery as information, knowledge and details shall unravel later on. So basically, either start with things if you want to have more knowledge or you want to go in much more oblivious.

Content Warnings

There are things such as certain language aka swearing as well as blood and gore, but it's planned to be kept substantially cartoony/cartoonish. It may also contain some things like death, murder, drugs/alcohol, abuse and other dark themes. There are also spooky monsters if that spooks you.

There is no official association with Fleischer Studios, or anything else similar of that nature, as this is simply a story/world made by a very passionate fan.

Substitute blog.