In case of any blog glitches...

While I like using blogger it is glitchy as hell. So far, the weebly equivalent of this blog, linked on the about the AU page, has been completely fine but blogger has had it's... weirdness. While there has been a post and some edits made to "correct" a certain glitch with, for whatever reason, certain specific early posts not being able to be seen through regular means in the manner they are supposed to, I would also just recommend switching between the "older posts" and "newer posts" buttons, back and forth, in case you feel like you missed anything because that "corrects" the glitch for whatever reason. It seems that at the very least you only need to go back and forth once so there is that. If you are someone who likes to just read each post of something "one by one" then it seems things can work perfectly fine if you just start at the first post of the blog and then click "newer post" and go on from there.