Monday, April 22, 2024

Soft Rebooting In…

So, was thinking of a little soft rebooting things a bit up! Given how I did say the continuity fluctuates and thus it can already be rather flexible, I of course just mean I wanna “refresh” some things a little. As said early on my writing was quite “rusty” after a whole but I had gotten more used to it as I continuously wrote more uploads here. I don’t want things to get too lengthy when writing this (as I did on my first attempt when writing this lol) but I do want to put a bit of a “divider” so to speak for the “pre-soft reboot” section and the “post-soft reboot” section.

To simplify things more, I wanna try and do things a little bit more on the “visual” side. That means make more art and comics. Won’t be dropping literature entirely but this “pre-soft reboot section” I will kinda call the “primarily literature” era. For literature you often are gonna have to be super wordy with things and explain things a lot, well not all the time and it depends on what and how you write, but I think my literature stuff does enough “exposition” and “info-dumping” on the basic mechanics and functions of the world that it’s enough for now. If one is into all that kind of stuff and doesn’t mind it going on into everything else, then starting with that section is for you.

However, some may want to start a story with way more questions than answers, being more oblivious to what’s going on and how things function until much later as well as a bunch of mystery. So, I hope for the main difference between the more visual era and the primarily literature is that, after the soft reboot, it can start out way more “mysterious” or with way more questions than answers until any sense of clarity is given out later. If you want to start with the more soft-rebooted side of things, then view the pre-soft reboot era as more of a “prequel” in a sense.

I have written over 20 to nearly 30 stories that are like, how do I say… chapters, episodes, issues? Whatever the case, when it comes to things like a show this can make up something like an entire season, and heck, can even be the amount for entire shows themselves. So maybe calling it a bit of a semi-prequel isn’t that much of a stretch after all? And hey, at least not everything has been entirely after before so there is a bit of that right? Either way, either if you want to view things through the lens of sequels and prequels or different seasons, arcs, sagas and other story segmenting concepts, just know there is some sort of division at least, ha ha.

Alright, well I hope this provides a decent divider between the two sections then. So, remember, anything before this post is before the soft reboot and anything after is, well, after. Okay then, take care!

Monday, April 1, 2024

A Special Day and Celebration for Betty

Betty Boop was laying on a sun lounger, with a red and white polka dot dress, red flower sunglasses, rose earrings, red bracelets, a large red bow headband and some bows on her shoes that otherwise look very similar to her usual style to match. Some moving flowers, moving around in pots, were serving and tending to her and Bimbo and Koko, both dressed in blue and white outfits, were setting things up around the place.

Bimbo was moving and lifting certain stuff while Koko was painting several objects and layouts. Meanwhile Betty was relaxing out in the sun, on a penthouse her Grampy bought her, while she lets the boys do the work. Why though? Well, because it’s gonna be a special day of… something… for Betty. Everyone remembers it’s Betty’s special occasion but doesn’t remember what. So anyways today is a special day for Betty and that’s all that’s important.

“Huff… huff… gee Betty, there’s a lot of fucking shit here. But I won’t complain because it’s your special day and it’s okay because it’s you!” Bimbo said first making a grumpy face then smiling to the point you could see his gums. “Yeah… huff… wait why am I huffing my work’s less strenuous than his. Anyways Betty, we’re glad to work our butts off for you while we get nothing in return!” Koko said smiling as his little dot eyes went from small to big spooky eyes with a wide ass grin.

“Oh, teehee boys! You are just so kind! You know, you can take your break now!” Betty giggled. The boys then quickly sat down near Betty while wiping off their sweat and sorta kinda sweat. “Aww, you must be so tired, here for you and for you!” Betty gave them both flower shaped cookies. “NOM! NOM!” They both said. After falling back from exhaustion, a horde of animal people just busted in out of nowhere to celebrate whatever the fuck was being celebrated.

“Happy special day Betty!” They all shouted while throwing gifts at her which piled up. Betty stuck her head out of all of them as she rose up. “Aw, thank you guys!” She smiled. As the party went on everyone was doing usual party shit. Dancing, singing, eating, playing pin the tail on the… wait what? Is that a donkey? It looks so fucked up what the fuck haha?! Pin the tail on whatever poorly drawn stuff was on the wall. “Hey! I was super exhausted.” Koko angrily tapped his foot. After all that was done was basically done, the animal people all formed a line and became a giant flying worm creature and flew into the sky to get consumed by a giant bird that was just waiting for its meal.

“Ah, so glad that’s over I don’t even know or remember most of those guys names… why are they our friends again?” Bimbo said. “Because…” Koko just smiled. “Hey, wait, I opened all my presents, but I didn’t open that one just lying over there can you guys get it for me please?” Betty pointed. Bimbo and Koko ran to it, picked it up and brought it to Betty. “Thankies! Haha!” She had a delighted laugh. As she ripped it open ferally with her sharp nails it was inside some sort of box. “Hmm, what the… oh!” It had a little crank on the side that Betty went to wind up. Out came a little jester shouting “April Fools!” and chuckling till it started sounding like it was coughing. “D’awwww! Haha! Little jack-in-the-box! So colorful! So cute! It has little diamond sparkly star shaped looking eyes!” Betty’s eyes glimmered with glee.

“April Fool’s Betty…” Bimbo and Koko said simultaneously with a monotone voice as their eyes shined, albeit with an empty expression, and the flowers that were once lively had wilted to bits. Betty frowned out of confusion and tried to wave her hands in front of them but got no response. The jack-in-the-box then grabbed Betty and abducted her. “Bimbo! Koko! Please help me! Save me!” Betty cried out but the two were clearly unresponsive. However, it seemed that her sound managed to make it to them slowly and woke them up from their odd trance. But it appeared too late as Betty was already gone and as Bimbo and Koko’s eyes tried to focus and they looked around, Betty couldn’t be seen. “Ah fuck!” Bimbo squinted his eyes out of rage and shouted. “Hmm…” Koko was analyzing the place with his sludgy psychometry. “I think it’s safe to say that Betty is in trouble as usual.” Koko said. “Yeah.” Bimbo said. “Let’s go.” Koko said.

The boys took out their weapons. Bimbo pulling out a gun and knives and Koko shaping up and whipping out a large clown mallet. They ran down the building and onto the streets to go and find Betty but then “What are you doing? Don’t you fools realize the illusive path you will take?” Pudgy in his smarter mode manifested and floated in front of them. “Get out of the way Pudgy! We don’t have time for this!” Bimbo said. “Yeah, we gotta save Betty!” Koko said. “You may seem obstinate, but you aren’t as strong-willed as you think you are.” Pudgy crossed his arms and floated away.

Bimbo and Koko shrugged it off and were super prepared to get into whatever trouble as long as they could save Betty. As the boys ran, Bimbo felt his phone buzzing and picked it up. “Hey fellas! How’s yer party going? Unfortunately, I couldn’t come with you, still working on these commissions but then again making these doohickeys is pretty fun! Can you believe I made over four quadrillion dollars just by-” It was of course from Grampy. “Grampy we can’t talk now! We're trying to save your granddaughter!” The boys shouted. “Eh? What?” “WE’RE TRYING TO SAVE YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER!” Haha! You youngsters and yer silly games! Alright have fun, time to get back to work!” Grampy ended the call. “That kooky old man.” Bimbo grunted. “Yeah but at least, he won’t further interrupt us today! We gotta focus!” Koko said.

The boys ran and ran very fast until they both hit an oversized stop sign and passed out. As they woke up, they felt like they were swimming in rose syrup. They groaned a bit trying to move around but saw something up above them. “Hello boys…” A large, floating, disembodied Betty head, with long flowing hair, was staring up above them in the pink sky with a piercing gaze. The syrup started solidifying into cubes and was floating upwards. The two just started screaming. “Yes, I agree.” She said and put fool’s caps and silly clothing on the both of them and the cubes formed together to become a stage. Without saying anything, Bimbo and Koko started to dance around and make fools out of themselves for the Betty head’s entertainment. Koko tried to see if he could get a chance to analyze anything, but his senses were too messed up.

The boys then started doing jumping jacks and the Betty head grew arms and legs and joined in and the boys started screeching and the Betty head just smiled. The platform grew larger, and the environment became that of a usual stage and theater. The audience was comprised of many girls… who had looks that were similar to Betty but were clearly… not Betty. “Ah yes… the prototypes…” The final words the Betty head said as it popped into confetti and the girls started running after Bimbo and Koko as they were being chased down a street and they kept throwing objects like spikes, needles and thorns at them while giggling and smiling. The boys were being pricked and poked but still ran.

As they got to the top of a building the girls the flew up into the sky and combined into some horrific creature like a body made of bodies that was further made of bodies. The boys started twisting and screaming as their fear flung them across the sky and the creature followed and took out one abnormal arm to grab them and the boys started shivering in the darkness.

As they woke up one last time, they were on two sun lounges at the penthouse as Betty, wearing a white and red polka dot dress, a red rose headband and bracelets, some white shoes with red socks and a white apron with a bow on her back, brought out pancakes with rose syrup on them. “Dinner’s ready!” Betty said as she gleefully put the food on both of their laps and smiled. “But this is breakfast and it’s still daytime.” Bimbo said. “If I say it’s dinner then it’s dinner!” Betty pouted. The boys just looked at each other and started eating. “Mmm this is really good!” Koko said. “Yeah, nice of you to use all these neat different types of syrups, Betty.” Bimbo said. Betty then twirled around with sparkles around her like some sort of magical girl. “Thank you!” She said with sparkles from her eyes and holding up a peace sign. “You’re welcome” they both said.

They just ate silently as Betty gazed in the sky for a while. “By the way, I tried some new drugs recently. Was gonna try and prank you for April fool’s but guess I was tripping out too much to even think of anything. Hahaha!” Betty did a cute little giggle and spun away, back inside to do whatever. Bimbo and Koko then looked at each other with concern. Slowly, the Betty head, with a spooky Pudgy on her head, rose up and grabbed the two boys and they went flying into the sky. “Help Betty!” They shouted. Unfortunately for them Betty was too busy jamming out with her headphones to her music playing backwards. She was in the middle of baking a cake that would seem to be one flavor but would turn out to be another and giggled. The text that would be inside once you ate the top? April Fools!