Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Werepoodly Origins of Betty Boop


Sometimes She's A Human, Sometimes She's A Dog, But All The Time She's still Betty
A long time ago, two Jewish immigrants from Central Europe came to New York. At some point, they planned to have a child. After some months, the child was born but it was not the ordinary child they'd been hoping for. Despite belonging to two seemingly normal human parents, the little girl was born with the traits and features of a dog. She had a body like a human, a face similar to a human, but ears, nose and some other qualities of that of a poodle.

While the close-minded parents were not happy bringing a child with such a "defect" into the world, the father even more upset as he wanted a boy and not a girl, they would still decide on keeping her. This child would be named Betty Nan Boop Blum, but she would simply be known under the name of Betty Boop. Eventually they realized Betty was someone stricken with a rare variant of "werebeast syndrome" specifically one that made her a werepoodle. As a baby she would often switch between her more human and dog forms at random.

As the child grew, her parents forced her to try and appear fully human as much as possible. There was also added pressure of how her parents were very abusive and strict with her, mostly verbally. Little Betty struggled trying to fit in either way as humans found her head to look too weird and oddly dog-like while animal people found her features to look too human. While the mean comments would often hurt Betty, she refused to completely give in and would transform whenever she liked as much as possible. Although she had felt lonely at times.

Luckily, she had a loyal friend by the name of Bimbo the dog. The two were friends as long as they could remember. When they were at an age where they finally could fully speak, Betty would complain about how, while she is used to it, she often doesn't like the ridicule she gets by people for being perceived as "ugly" and "uncanny" looking. Bimbo would say that he thinks she looks fine and that the other people who act mean to her are just dummies. Because of this, he would often try and support her by making her feel better.

One day, Betty said that there were times she wanted to hide. Bimbo decided to give her some type of hooded hat incase Betty felt like she wanted cover her features at times. Bimbo said he'd like it if she could just show herself instead of hiding herself but if it made her feel more comfortable to wear it if she really feels like she needs it. Betty would hug Bimbo and thank him in response and grab onto this hat from time to time as it reminded her of Bimbo's niceness to her and felt like a hug.

At some point, they would eventually meet a friend by the name of Koko the Clown. Koko used to be quite silent for a while and it seemed like he either didn't know how to speak or just preferred not to speak as a child. Koko, like Betty, was a monster but of a different variety. He was some sort of slime-liquid or semi-solid clown creature. He was also accepting of and friendly towards Betty. The three became the best of friends and would often play with each other.

Sometime later on, as the three became teenagers and some things were changing. Koko could speak for a while, Bimbo's birth parents had been divorced for some time and lived with his mother and Betty would take on a human appearance more often as she could control her forms more and she was forced to comply with fitting in with the appearance of her human family. Around their early teens, Betty and Bimbo began to date. Bimbo's mother was fine with the relationship and liked Betty but Betty's parents weren't so fond of Bimbo and, aside from his mischievous and rascally behavior, were concerned if he would make her feel like she wanted to be less human and more of a dog. Betty's parents felt Bimbo was a bad influence on her and wanted him gone.

Betty said that she loves Bimbo, and Bimbo and some of the other few friends she made along the years, have been more nicer to her than her parents ever had. Her parents would often try to keep Bimbo away from their daughter but Betty would often find ways to sneak out against her parent's will.

At some point, now in her mid-teens, Betty's parents were tired of her constant rebellious behavior, noticed how she'd been going werepoodle more often than before, hanging around friends and people they didn't like as well as other things they didn't approve of. They decided to kick her out, an idea formed by her father, as Betty's father was the more cruel one of the two and resented her more. Now forced to pack up and feeling she had no place to go, Betty was sad for a bit but then realized she could always go to her Grampy's place.

Betty Boop called Bimbo to help her move and drive her there and so he did. After getting all of her belongings out Betty thanked Bimbo and Bimbo hoped she could be happy at her new home. They hugged and then waved goodbye to each other as Bimbo drove off. Betty would ring the doorbell and Grampy would instantly let her in and show her around the place. His home was both a nice home and a hideout that contained some type of laboratory with all kinds of neat gadgets and gizmos. He was a renowned genius inventor after all.

Despite one of her parents ironically being his own son, Grampy is more open-minded and accepting than either of Betty's parents combined. This is because his son, Betty's father, was first mostly raised by his cold, now deceased, ex-wife who had custody over him, even after their relationship had ended and they split, but he would later on mostly grow up in a boarding school. Betty never met her grandmother and Grampy has yet to really talk about her much with Betty.

Betty and Grampy would live a very happy life, as Betty finally was with a member of her family who was more nice to her. She also got to own a little dog called Pudgy too. She saw Pudgy as her sweet and precious little "baby" and protected the pup with her life. No one lays a hand on Pudgy without Betty knocking the daylights out of them.

After spending some time together, Grampy would tell Betty how he knows people and has many associates within the monster hunting business and feels that Betty's supernatural abilities would be useful in combatting many evil creatures and spirits that exist in the world and she could make a fortune off of it too. He has created lots of technology, many of which have been weapons, tools and machines for monster hunters who have paid good and high prices and that by joining in on the job, she could not just make bucks but help save many lives who have been harmed by the several entities that roam the world.

Betty agrees, while she isn't too concerned for the money, although it could be helpful in getting many things she wanted, she agreed to being able to openly use her powers and transform more as well as help people as it's something she likes to do. She would also call in Bimbo, who she knows enjoys getting into fights, to join in on the job. Bimbo agreed and became a sort of apprentice to Grampy and thus use many weapons and technology given to him by him. The two would be assigned missions by Grampy, hunt evil creatures together and make cash from it. They would also call in their friend Koko into the mix for additional support, while he was not concerned with the job so much as he just wanted to assist and be there with his best of friends, he still did accept whatever money was offered.

Now finally free to express herself as someone who can both be werehuman and/or werepoodle as she pleases, Betty and her friends decide to have fun and fight evil, regardless of being supernatural or not. In her free time, she may enjoy doing some acting, singing and dancing but her current main priority has been focusing on what next bounty she may get and what else she can do with the untapped potential of her latent werepoodle powers.