Sunday, January 7, 2024

Bubblegum Beast

After a harsh Christmas and burning the toys they opened from that embarrassing attack, Betty Boop and Bimbo got to heal it off and decided not to be so bummed about it. The other presents they opened were at the very least normal, they had an otherwise decent day even if they were in severe pain and Grampy and Bimbo got to grab their flamethrowers on the fucked-up toys and watched them burn to a crisp as Betty, Koko and Pudgy watched. The blazes were beautiful.

After Christmas, Betty and Bimbo would heal it off and relax and eventually have a Happy New Year. It was a very cold winter and they would often rest snug in bed for a while until they got bored. On this day, fairly early in the morning and now having been January for a while, Betty, clinging onto her blanket, heard some buzzing coming from her phone. "Hey." It was a text from Bimbo. "I'm bored, and I have a major sweet tooth right now. Wanna go get some candy?" He asked. "Don't we both have enough candy at home?" Betty asked and replied. "Yeah but... that's boring. I want some outside candy. Okay maybe this was just an excuse to try and ask you on a date outside... and to get some candy while we're at it." Bimbo answered.

"D'aww! Bimbo! Of course, we can go out and get some candy! ^_^" "Aw, well that's swell. C'mon I've got my scooter waiting outside your window." "Huh what?" Betty then looked outside. "Hop aboard my sweet, we're about to get some sweets!" He really was just right there. "Ah! Hold on, it's super duper cold outside let me get my stuffs!" Betty started running to grab all of her things. Then when she was done, she jumped out of the window and hopped on the scooter with Bimbo. "Hang on tight, y'know Grampy recently made this electric scooter go real fast." Bimbo said as Betty was hanging on tight to him. "Oh really? Well it can't be that- FAST!"

Just then the scooter went extremely fast. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The two screamed as loud as the speed the scooter was going. It was at such a high speed they couldn’t even see anything. They then crashed right into a tree but luckily the scooter was intact. "Geez! Good thing Grampy caught on to how accident prone you can be Bimbo! Seems he upgraded it to be really sturdy!" Betty said rubbing her head. "AWW COME ON! Don't tease me like that! You know you and me are EQUALLY the same amount of accident prone-ness!" Bimbo said a bit fussy and pouty. Betty just giggled and kissed him where a large bruise was on the top of his head. "Tee-hee, now don't get so upset yet! Remember we're on a date! Save that usual anger for later!" "Ehhh, aaaalllllright." Bimbo crossed his arms while blushing, but he still looked angry a bit, but Betty's sweetness calmed him.

Betty and Bimbo got up and Betty pointed. "Hey, there's a candy shop right there! Let's go into it!" "Well see! Looks like I've got some neat scooter skills!" Bimbo said confidently. "Hehe, guess you do." Betty and Bimbo held hands and walked in. As they opened the doors it was like they stepped into a place that was bigger on the inside than the outside. "Woooaaaaah!" The two said with shines of delight in their eyes. The place was bright and colorful, filled with a mix of neons and pastels. All kinds of candies, confectionaries and sweets were seen just looking in one direction alone. It was like getting an overdose of sugar just by looking at it. Betty and Bimbo looked at each other and started giggling at each other in excitement. "Yay so much candy!" They both went and jumped forward. "Good thing I stole BOTH of my parents' wallets while they were sleepy as fuck, I wanna buy a shitload of these!" Bimbo said. "Hahaha- wait Bimbo what?" Betty looked at him.

Just then, out of nowhere, a large sign dropped in front of them. It had a white background and a pink cutesy font with hearts that read "BE WARNED! You may only buy one thing per individual or else there will be CONSEQUENCES! Teehee!~" The sign then poofed in a mist of pink sugary dust. "Huh... what an oddly ominous message for a sweet looking place." Betty said. "Yeah, uh... do you think we should really still be here I have a feeling something absolutely fucked is gonna happen if we stay." Bimbo said scratching his head out of concern. "Uh, good point! We should probably get out of here!" "Agreed." Betty and Bimbo then started trying to run to the door only for it to poof away in the same pink sugary dust.

Another sign with a similar appearance said. "Hehehe, you stupid dummies! You must buy one thing before you are even ALLOWED to get out!" The sign then poofed in the same dust. Betty and Bimbo looked at each other frightened and biting their fingernails. They slowly walked forward to see what they could buy and looked around but then the floor right under them started sliding and forced them to move to a specific area. "Buy it..." A sign shaped like an arrow said. "Why that, why can't I have one of those chocolate cupcakes over there?" said Bimbo. "BUY IT." Another sign said. "I wanna have one of the strawberry flavored lollipops." Betty said. "BUY IT YOU STUPID DUMMIES!" A final sign said. "I think it wants us to buy the gosh dang bubblegum." Bimbo said sourly. "That's right! BUY IT!" A large sign in a different font and colors, blue background and light-yellow text, appeared with lights surrounding it. "Ugh fine!" Bimbo said rolling his eyes. "Cool and okay, that will be 1 dollar." A sign similar to the white and pink signs said. "That's it?" Betty said with an eyebrow raised. "Stupid bitch." Bimbo said angrily while paying and putting a middle finger up to the signs. The signs formed together to give a middle finger back and then poofed.

After they bought it they started walking away. "Hopefully this shop actually fucking promises to let us-" Bimbo said as he and Betty were walking and all of a sudden hearing and feeling a larger poof. "...out." They were finally outside, safe and sound but the shop they were once in was gone without a trace. "I don't like where this is going. I'm kinda scared! It feels TOO safe!" Betty said while shaking a bit in fear. "I don't like it any bit too but look on the bright side! We're at least outside and didn't have to spend that much time in there!" Bimbo said while patting Betty to comfort her. "Okay. You're right." Betty said softly after being a bit calm. "Now, where were we?" Bimbo said with his thought bubble cogs trying to slowly move together. "Weren't we on a date? Lmao." Betty said. "Oh yeah lmao." Bimbo also said.

Bimbo got out his electric scooter again, that was apparently folded in his clothes all this time, and he and Betty hopped on it. "I'm not trusting anything that happened by the way so I'm just gonna ride slowly." Bimbo said while using his foot to push to find a place to settle and relax outside. The two moved throughout slowly and slowly, things seemed fine for a bit. The two eventually settled in a nice park covered in pretty snow. "Wow teehee, you picked such a nice spot Bimbo! Such a wintry wonderland!" Betty giggled. "Well what can I say? I know the best places to mesmerize my girl!" The two then held hands and started to laugh at each other. "Oh Bimbo teehee! Hmm guess this is a nice time to write in my diary?" Betty’s laughter quickly turned into a scream. "Eeeeeeek!" As Betty was taking her book and good ol’ writing utensil out, what was crawling over it was pink bubbly gunk eating and ripping them apart.

"Augh why! Why would you do that!" Betty said in a tone mixed with fear, sadness and rage and threw the objects fast across the snow. "Huh, I thought I put the gum in my pocket?" Bimbo said scratching his head. Just then, the moving goop that Betty Boop threw grew larger and larger. "You dumbass! This is magical teleporting gum! And damn… that book, pen and ink was tasty. Needs more sweet scented marker flavor." The creature spoke as it was constantly bubbling and bubbles, gunk and goo were flying and floating around and above it. "I don’t care what you are, just give me my stuff back!" Betty said in an aggressive and angered tone ready to get up from her seat. "I can’t I ate it, you genius." The gelatinous gum replied. "Huuuuurrrrrghhhhh!" Betty said with her face getting redder than a tomato and steaming up.

Bimbo got two guns out. "Hey, no one upsets my girl and eats her stuff! Especially on our date!" While Bimbo was about to shoot the gum manifested on his weapons and quickly ate them whole. "Huh? Gaaah! Hey it ripped a bit off my gloves too! Dang it!" Bimbo said trying to rub his hands together for warmth. "Here you have some spares sweetie." Betty got out a different colored pair of gloves for Bimbo. "Thanks babe and ah goddammit, what a great coincidence. They’re the color of that thing." The color of the gloves was exactly bubblegum pink. "Let’s just focus on fighting this thing, okay?" Betty said while taking her microphone weapon out and Bimbo followed taking more guns out.

"Hahaha, try and come at me with more stuff again. I’ll just continuously eat them, chew ‘em and rip ‘em apart! Not to mention, I also have the ability to gain information on the objects I consume. I have lots of intel on you, Betty and Bimbo!" The gum boasted and then the bothered couple then put their weapons down. "Sheesh! How about you mind your own business? The fuck does some talking pile of edible goo want with us?" Bimbo said aggravated. "Oh no! How are we even gonna fight this thing? I don’t want it eating more of our stuff! And it knows our names and, after eating my diary, it must know our deepest darkest secrets!" Betty said with huge concern. "Hmm… perhaps we could…" Bimbo started whispering to Betty.

"That’s a great idea!" Betty bounced up and down and shouted in excitement! "Hey, keep quiet about it! Don’t say anything cause you know!" Bimbo said still in a whispery, but angry and concerned, tone. "Oh right! Sorry, teehee!" Betty then said in a whispery tone. The two then looked forward at the gum monster, with angry eyebrows and a grin on their faces, Betty tapped into her werepoodle abilities and let out a super sonic scream directly at the thing… only for it to teleport away. "Huh what? But you said if-" Betty said surprised. "Look out!" Bimbo pointed above as the gum was right behind them and bashed their seat sending them flying up into the sky. "AAAAAHHHHH!" Betty and Bimbo held onto each other while screaming. They fell down into the soft but very cold snow, still in the area now facing opposite to the monster. "Oh no! It’s eating so much of the beautiful park! This is such a horrible date for us!" As Betty was about to cry Bimbo dashed up to the growing and expanding bubblegum beast. "Now it’s my turn!" Bimbo said reaching for something in his clothing. "No Bimbo wait! Be safe! Be careful!" Betty said warning out to her beloved worried about whatever shit he was trying to pull.

"GYAAAAAAAAAH!" Bimbo let out a bomb, but not just any bomb, a magically fueled bomb that Grampy specially specialized when trying to fight against magical entities who can only be defeated by magical forces by being magically exploded. But then again what really defines magic is kinda still hotly contested so… "A BOMB?! Wait Bimbo no!" Bimbo strapped it to himself tightly and set the timer off. "Silly fool, what you are about to do is futile." The gum entity then let Bimbo come near ready to have what it saw as its next meal. As Bimbo collided with the creature, he was starting to get ripped apart, very painfully, but then just as the gum thought it was gonna have its last laugh… it exploded along with Bimbo. "BIMBOOOOOOOO!!!" Betty saw as both Bimbo and the gum blew up to smithereens leaving behind a large kaboom with pink, sweet smelling, sparkly dust, floating bubbles and some of Bimbo's guts and remains. One of which fell right into Betty’s hands.

"Aww no… poor Bimbo. Now he must be burning in fire and brimstone again… and I guess maybe with some sugar and sweets too." Betty said looking down at the very sweet yet awfully bloody smelling heart of Bimbo that was in her hands as she was tearing up. Eventually it and the rest of his remains started floating away in the form of pink sweet bubbles. "See you in your next cycle, sweetie." Betty said waving and looking upward. It was pretty chilly, and without the warmth of Bimbo to console her since he got warmed up from the explosion, she decided to try and go back to Grampy’s house. However, Betty had no idea how to get back. Luckily, she briefly looked at the name of the area she was in and got her phone out to ask Bimbo’s mother to pick her up and bring her back home. "Hello, can I get a ride back home please?" After explaining things to his mom, she quickly would go and drive to get Betty. After finding her and driving her back home, with the car being very warm inside, Betty and Bimbo’s mother had a small chat.

"Make sure to tell him when he comes back, that I will be restricting his scooter privileges, as well as not allowing him to be in control of any vehicle, if he steals any money from me and his father again. That little man is going to get some severe punishment for exploding our wallets! We had lots of important things in there!" Bimbo’s mother said sternly. "Okay ma’am. Sure will!" Betty said waving goodbye. As his mother drove off and Betty went inside, Betty was a bit surprised to see how silent and quiet the house still was. "Oh yeah, Pudgy and Grampy must still be sleeping at this time, lol." Betty then went to get settled and went back into her room.

Wrapping herself back into her blankets in bed, Betty was glad to be relaxed but felt a bit sorrowful over the loss of her diary and the stuff she wrote with it. "*sigh* Poor diary of mine… such a waste of so many things to write and scribble in! Gah, I feel so bad! And aww poor Bimbo, I didn’t want him to have to sacrifice himself on our date… I feel so sad. But then again, it was very brave of him, oh Bimbo. Your chaotic actions and unhinged ideas. One of the many things I love about you so." Betty said while slightly daydreaming. "But I must question, what was it with that crazy candy shop giving us that gum? And what did that gum want with us? And that use of the word intel too?! Augh! So much to think about!" Betty then got so frustrated she fell asleep… but as she fell asleep and started to dream, a thought bubble started floating above her head. A pink, sweet smelling, chewy looking thought bubble.