Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Thought Bubblegum

After dying in a great sugary kaboom with a gum monster, Bimbo’s soul would linger in the demonic realm for a while. In a burst and shimmer of great flame, the body of the little dog would start forming and falling down. He lets out a huge yell as falls straight into Hell.

“AUUUUUUUHHHHHH! Oof!” He crashes and he lands. The area around him is contradictorily both darker than night and yet filled with the brightest glistening fires that one would see. “Gah… my back.” Bimbo would slowly start to get up in pain. “God… wonder what torture awaits me this time.” He looked around. Nothing happened for over 10 minutes as he sat around just waiting for his torment to get it over with. “This must be some kind of joke.” All that was heard was the crackling warm flame and presumably the echos of the many other unfortunate souls screaming out as they may be getting their own torture.

Now bored and annoyed, Bimbo got frustrated and started walking around. While mostly yellow the flames would slowly glow different colors. He was currently in a very cavernous looking region with very dark blue, green, purple and gray stony surroundings. He saw very dim and faint lights either floating or flying around. Likely very tiny souls or fragments of souls. A lot of them resembling sparkles, a very beautiful and glittering sight, but Bimbo was too annoyed to care.

“Get the fuck out of my face.” Bimbo said trying to wave the soul shards away from him. The tiny pieces started getting into his eyes. It didn’t exactly hurt him but it was really messing with his vision. He started tearing up, not from any emotion, but just from how bright they were. “If my form of torment for today is getting me even slightly annoyed then well, you’ve succeeded. Can I get killed so I can go home now?” Bimbo said while rubbing his eyes. As he opened them again his vision had gotten blurry, an array of several colors starting waving and shifting before him.

“Oh just great, fucking great, now I can’t see shit! Just what I needed.” Bimbo tried to navigate while not being able to see mostly anything. After a lack of sight for some time, his use of hearing and smell increased. “First I smell sweets now I mostly smell rotten eggshells. I guess one of the perks of being a dog person is when sight fails ya, just listen to and sniff around for shit.” As he kept moving the bright colors started fading to duller colors, to then darker colors, and then finally pitch black. He would also keep feeling soul fragments, until they became larger soul parts and then it was almost like he felt the fully fledged spiritual forms of more full souls themselves. “Yeesh, stop bumping into me and keep your hands to yourselves.” Some spirits kept poking and scratching at him but he kept slapping them away.

After a while, his vision started clearing up. He no longer sensed any flame around him and the rotten smell of brimstone was finally gone. There was less of an echo too, some of the final sounds he heard were just the drips of the liquid within the dark caverns. As his vision finally went back to normal he found himself in a mostly dark gray, almost black looking, cavern with several blue lights. It was a very ethereal blue glow. “Huh, this is actually very pretty… and relaxing. Something is probably gonna jump out at me and lunge at me but I can live with the vibe of this place for now.” There was bright blue very luminescent liquid all spread about, forming the large lakes across the area, to the littlest ponds, to the waterfalls. It presumably was the liquid form of several souls or spiritual beings.

“God… I’m starting to get really hungry. Can’t tell what this stuff exactly is but from the looks of it and *sniff sniff* the smell of it, I’m thinking it could be some liquid spirits. Don’t seem to be very conscious.” Bimbo was walking for a long time and sat down to rest, he started reaching his hand towards some of the bright pools. “Guh… probably not a good idea to do what I am about to do… but… I’m so hungry… I feel like I’d start to pass out anytime soon.” Bimbo started sounding very weak and grabbed some of the liquid in his hand and drank it. “Ugh… not half bad… maybe I can try some more… urgh…” His stomach kept grumbling and this time he cupped both of his hands together to grab more of the liquid. He continued gulping more and more. “God... I wanna have more so bad.” Bimbo started acting in a frenzy and looked a little twitchy.

Bimbo kept drinking more and more, it soon quickly felt like his hunger was fading away. “Ugh, no more. I don’t even know if what I ate was indeed what I ate. I hope I don’t regret this. Man, I was so hungry.” Bimbo then started walking again and found a nice crevice to rest near. He rested his head on a soft rock and took a part of the soft surface of the surrounding area to form himself a blanket. He yawned greatly and looked around a little bit to see if there was anything to be weary of. Nothing. His eyes then closed, and he made sure to hide himself under his blanket just to be safe.

The little dog person took a good rest. Surprisingly, he started to have a comforting dream. He dreamt he was with Betty and cuddling up to her. They were in a cabin, near a nice warm fireplace. They had their arms wrapped around each other and were sharing the same nice warm blanket. “Ah, this is how our date should have gone! Something sweet like this!” Bimbo said calmly yet joyfully. “Oh yeah honey, this is so relaxing! I love being warm and cuddling up with you! Now this is sweet!” Betty said also calmly yet joyfully. “Yeah… haha… sweet…” Bimbo said slowly. He felt something off was about to happen.

The two were eating the sweet foods they wanted at the candy shop, chocolate cupcakes and strawberry lollipops. After a bit, the food started to oddly melt. “Huh? Our sweets!” Betty said in shock. They melted until they were gone without a trace. Just then, the cabin around them started shifting. “Ah! Oh no! What’s happening?” Betty started hugging onto Bimbo tight. “Something wrong must be happening… even then hang on tight to me, okay?” Bimbo held onto Betty comforting her. “Okay.” The two closed their eyes holding onto each other even more as it started to get louder.

Just then the sound of the shifting stopped, and the flame of the fireplace went out. It was very dark. The two still held onto each other in silence. All of a sudden Bimbo felt something sticky and gunky. “Betty?” Bimbo whispered. Then the room they were in flickered lights on by itself with no known source in sight. Right in front of him was a gum looking version of his beloved and the rest of the room was filled with gum and lots of candy and sweets sticking into them. “Betty!” Bimbo shouted. The gum started bubbling and consuming all of the stuff sticking in it and started closing in on Betty and Bimbo. Bimbo tried his hardest to remove Betty from what they were stuck in and to free both of them.

“Ahh! Hang on baby! I-I’ll find a way to save us both!” Bimbo was struggling as Betty only made slight noises. “B-B-Bimbo-o…” Betty said faintly. “Yes? Speak to me Betty!” Bimbo said slightly tearing up as the bubbles got louder. “Call me… Betty Gloop…” “Huh?!” Betty started blowing “kisses” of bubblegum that started tearing at Bimbo’s face. Screaming loudly, he woke up engulfed in the same blue luminescent liquid he was eating from earlier. With no sign of land or surface to go into, Bimbo felt this was his fate for this specific cycle of his in Hell. “So that’s it huh? Tricking me into being so bored I get curious, walk a lot so I get hungry, then get tempted by some shit and eat it, have a weird ass dream of goo and end up drowning in goo huh? That’s what is in store for me today?” Bimbo thought to himself.

“Bimbo!” He heard a voice very faintly and distantly. “Bimbo save me!” It got a bit louder. “Huh?! Betty?!” He said opening his mouth after trying to hold his breath for so long. Suddenly the blue liquid he was in started moving up, then splashed him back onto Earth.  It was gone, like Bimbo had absorbed it all. “I better not still be dreaming…” Bimbo said coughing a bit. “Bimbo!” Betty was clearly calling out for him. “Ah, hold on I’m coming! Gah! Why d-did I have to c-come back to Earth, in winter, with my normal s-sweater and no pants get up! I was more dressed before dammit!” Bimbo said shivering, hugging himself for warmth and trying to look for Betty. Betty continued calling out for him and Bimbo decided to follow the direction he heard her voice.

“Seems like I drank, or well absorbed, a lot of that glowy spirit stuff. I know it’s possible to gain more power from souls, but the effects vary from person to person.” Bimbo thought to himself still on the look for Betty and still very cold. “I think my connection to Hell and rare curse… altered my soul… to be able to tap into the powers easily. But I still have a limit on how I can use spirit energy and in what ways.” As Bimbo kept moving, the environment warped into a dark snowy forest. “Not this shit again… and what’s with the glowing lights on the evergreen trees? Christmas has been over! Whatever, first of all let’s warm myself up.” Bimbo snapped his fingers and manifested winter appropriate clothing. “Ah that’s better… uh, how much spirit energy did I just use? Dammit! I don’t even know how to keep track of such a thing. Luckily, or at least hopefully, my equipment should also automatically be in here…”

Bimbo started taking out various objects, from a gun to a knife, to his electric scooter, to even a kitchen sink. “Neato! Alright time to put this stuff back… except maybe…” Bimbo decided to keep out the kitchen sink and continuously swung it around. “Anyone comes to fuck with me… they’re getting a good bash in the- OW!” Bimbo accidentally hit himself in the noggin. He took a nap again and an even longer one this time. As his eyes slowly opened up, he was in a cabin, a different looking one. Now with more electrical lights instead of a fireplace. “Hello Bimbo!” Betty was looking over him and patting his head gently in the area with a bump on it. “What the fuck?! Betty!” Bimbo said in shock. “What?” Betty asked innocently.

“But you were- I heard you screaming- we were- hey where the fuck are we anyways?” Bimbo said looking around. “I don’t have the slightest idea what you are talking about, but look I got you that chocolate cupcake you wanted!” Bimbo slapped the cupcake out of her hands. “H-huh?! Bimbo!” Betty said angrily now putting her hands on her hips. Bimbo then pulled up his sleeves almost getting ready to fight. “Don’t try and trick me! Where the hell is my sweet Betty!” Bimbo started rushing towards Betty then crashed as she moved. “Bimbo! Stop! You’re scaring me! What has gotten into you!” As Bimbo slowly gotten up from the crash, he decided to take his gun out and aim at her. “Bimbo! Stop it!” The gun let out a large BANG! A bullet made contact with Betty’s large forehead… a spiritual bullet. This stunned her for a bit but didn’t injure her.

Bimbo then got close to this “Betty” to check if it really was his Betty. He still had his gun in his hand just in case. “B-Bimbo… why?” Betty said in a very weak voice. Bimbo got near Betty and tried to sense her soul, he used some of the soul energy he consumed to get a more accurate reading to know for certain rather than just a mere sense. “Huh, it’s you alright… sorry… weird shit has been going on and I had to make sure-” Betty got up all pouty then furiously tugged at his ear. “UGH! Why didn’t you just do that in the FIRST PLACE instead of SCARING me! You BAD boy!” Betty waved her finger at him. “Hey, I thought you always said you loved me for being such a bad boy!” Bimbo smiled nervously. “Hmmph! Well not in this instance!” “And besides, sorry I didn’t think of doing that sooner, but I had either a bad dream or weird visions in Hell that you were trapped by that spooky gum! When I came to Earth, and was awake, I even heard you crying out to me for help! So, when I saw that you were fine and all, handing me the same food from the shop that I wanted that I also had in the dream, I found it suspicious and got really upset!”

Betty took a moment to sit down and tried to calm herself down. “Bimbo, I still have no idea what you are talking about, but if it makes you feel better you were able to explode that gum the other day and it hasn’t come back.” She put her hand on Bimbo’s shoulder. “Nothing wrong has happened recently after, I think you should forget about it. You could have just been having a really bad dream that was, understandably, caused by the bad recent events. But was nothing more than a bad dream.” Betty’s formerly angry face turned into a calmer one attempting to comfort Bimbo. Bimbo was pouting angrily for a bit but then made a neutral-ish expression. “I… I guess you’re right.” He was looking down for a bit then looked up at Betty.

“I’ve got one question though…” Bimbo asked. “Why are you here and what is this place?” Betty slowly picked up Bimbo and sat him on a couch. “Well… teehee… Grampy made a portable cabin with some of the magic tech he bought. It can be a fun little place for you and I to be in!” Betty said with a warm smile. “And the weird forest? I was in the city and all, then all of I sudden I get warped into this weird forest with what looks like Christmas trees in January spread all about!” Bimbo asked. “Hmm, well… I’m not so sure about that! Uhhhhh… HAHA! I mean! I’m in a portable cabin and all I just sorta moved it here!” “That doesn’t explain with the forest itself-” “Oh Bimbo! Stop thinking about it so much! *hiccup* HAHAHA!” A bubble flew out of Betty’s mouth as she hiccupped. A pink one. “Betty!!!!!!” Bimbo took out his gun.

“Bimbo!!!!!! Teehee! You really should put that thing down!” Bubbles started engulfing Bimbo’s weapons, including the kitchen sink. “Ahahaha! *hiccup* Teeheehee! *hiccup* AHAHAHAHA!” Betty let out an insane cackle. Her eyes twitching and more bubbles bursting out. The cabin started melting and the lights on the trees became bubbles that started aiming for Bimbo. “Gah! I don’t know what you’ve done to my girl but I don’t like it! You better free her! Or else” Bimbo started forming spiritual weapons out of the essence he had consumed. He popped several bubbles with the blast of his pistols. “Gloop-gloop-a-goop!” The trees and snow then turned into bubbles but Bimbo kept blowing them up.

“You’re gonna have to try harder than that! Looks like I’m really good at bursting your bubbles!” Bimbo said while blowing off the astral smoke of his spiritual guns. “You fight the good fight little dog! Looks like with your currently enhanced state you can dodge and blast at many of my direct attacks, but how about this?” Just then it was like two Betty’s had split. A normal looking one that was passed out and the one who took on the appearance of a “Betty Gloop.” The Betty Gloop was holding Betty Boop as a hostage, with a razor sharp scythe-like weapon, made from gum, very near her throat. “So you wanna stop fighting? Or you wanna say GOOdbye to your little girlfriend here?” Gloop chuckled. “Aaauugghhh! That wasn’t even a good pun!” Bimbo just started rushing towards the gum.

As Bimbo started moving very quickly towards Betty Gloop, she dropped an unharmed Betty Boop and let Bimbo come near to slash at him with her scythe. The slash drew a bit of blood. “Heheheh… so foolish… are you forgetting that I know so much about you and Betty? I explained to you how my powers work the other day. I have chewed even the smallest parts of both of you and what you have touched and thus gained so much intel on you. My ability to teleport as I please makes that even easier. It also helps that I can change my shape at will.” The gum said while absorbing the blood that leaked out. “What the hell do you still want with us anyways? Why are you toying with us instead of just killing us?!” Bimbo yelled. “I am aware that you cannot truly die. At least not in the “normal” way. You have your constant resurrection cycles and she has her rapid regeneration. Even if I were to swiftly cut her into pieces, she could just grow back as a whole again. She has some strong magic within her even if she hasn’t fully been able to tap into it yet. There is no point in killing you.” Gloop replied.

“Then why go through all out of your way to torture us? And with all your speaking you still haven’t answered my question on the whole ‘intel’ thing! Answer me!” Bimbo was really furious. “Because… I know I am going to die soon anyways… I wanted to have my last ounce of fun simply toying with my targets…” the environment started becoming bubbles “…the only thing I was good for was… on this expedition… was…” Gloop started turning into bubbles. “…chewing and producing… more thought bubblegum…” The bubblegum finally became just bubbles and it was like the creature and the environment fully faded away. Bimbo was right inside of Betty’s room now. “That was… odd…” Bimbo took one last sense to check on Betty. “Seems… normal…”

Betty was still knocked out cold, sleeping a lot. Bimbo decided to put her on her bed. As he checked the house Pudgy and Grampy seemed to be asleep too. He also checked sensing them. Things seemed alright. Bimbo then went back to Betty’s room and watched her to make sure she was safe. “I should still have some energy left on me? Right?” Bimbo flicked his finger and Betty was in her comfy nightgown and wrapped warm in her blanket. Bimbo got himself a sleeping bag and some comfortable clothes to be in too. He watched out for her until he was sleepy too. Then the two little lovers finally rested, for now, in a calm and peaceful manner. Having sweet dreams beside each other.