Sunday, March 10, 2024

Gone To Sleep and Goodnight

Bimbo was sleeping peacefully in bed as Betty and Grampy were out buying stuff. He was smiling comfortably as he was very snug. Bimbo would then feel a snap in his neck that would wake him up. “Ow!” His neck would snap in two and black blood came running out. “Gaaaaah!” Bimbo felt his soul get evicted from his body as it was falling down into a new one spawning up in Hell. “Ooof!” He came crashing down in a dimension in the demon world.

It was very dark… and shadowy… and pitch black… with some gray. Bimbo got up and started rubbing his hurt areas. “Been a while since that has happened… I think?” Bimbo had a royal blue question mark over his head. A “certain copy” of himself spawned and Bimbo just frowned with his eyelid's half closed. “I’m not even gonna say anything.” He spoke. “I will just be Bimbo again from now on.” The look-alike said as it was also frowning. “I would ask what you are up to now but, I did say I wouldn’t say anything so heck. Maybe I ain’t in the mood to conversate?” Bimbo started crossing his arms and tapping his foot. “I will also not partake in the conversation.” The copy dog then merged into Bimbo.

“Woah! Hey at least it didn’t hurt this time… better not jinx myself.” Bimbo then started walking. “Why do I feel saddened and empty inside?” He then sat down and was now in deep thought. Images of darkness, emptiness and sadness then flooded his mind. “I don’t wanna be depressed…” a storm cloud went over his head as everything just became darker. “Every time I commit so many conquests, I am still left with such an emptiness inside, I even question ‘will this truly end all suffering’ but I’m not allowed to ask such questions. At least… only in the darkness can I have the thoughts all to myself…” Bimbo paused for a second but didn’t say anything realizing the words weren’t coming from him but yet, he continued to let the other one speak. “While these things can be good on their own… Controlling others all the time? I can’t stand it! Total domination over everything, is that really what I want? Always having to be manipulative, why oh why must it be all the time?”

The storm cloud grew bigger and louder. “Ugh, whatever. I still have to do this, it’s not like I can go back now… but ugh… deep down I know accomplishing such a thing is impossible, despite so many kinds of demon lords, rulers and masters trying to all do such a thing, but if I say that out in the light… I don’t wanna imagine.” Bimbo’s body then started curling up and moving back in forth. “Er, uh, you dealing with some issues buddy?” Regular Bimbo said. “…” “Hello?” “The dog is the perfect vessel to get away from it all, right?” The demon started smirking. “What?” Black blood started coming out and Bimbo’s body started walking. “To take a break, to have a rest, to just spend some time on my own. Even someone made for a specific purpose needs a break, right? I can’t be working ALL the time! Does one know how much stress, such stress SUCH PRESSURE is put on me? I’M NOT A GOSH DANG PUPPET!” They started putting their hands on their knees and started laughing a bit. “I am Bimbo, I manifested as Bimbo, and I will ‘die’ as Bimbo.” The demon took a large invisible knife. “Woah! WOAH!” A stab right in the heart.

The body and soul would start reforming together on Earth. “Morning Bimbo.” Betty was pouring out cereal. “Ah, ha…” Bimbo was breathing heavily with his eyes wide opened and then he had a nervous smile. “Morning Betty.” He was sweating a lot. “You feeing, okay? How’s your recent trip to you know where been?” Betty started rubbing Bimbo’s head to comfort him. “Well, you see uh…” “What you heard is to only be kept between me and only me…” The demon said in Bimbo’s mind. Bimbo just raised an eyebrow and took a deep breath. “I think spooky-o void-o’s dealing with some real issues.” He smirked a bit. “But I won’t say anything else beyond that.” He laughed a bit. “The demon who’s been haunting us? Let me guess, a real loner huh? I figured since some other powerful demons probably would have just killed or eternally tormented us at this point. …Not that some of the things that happened haven’t been torment but, I think you get what I mean.” Betty winked. The other Bimbo just stood silent in his mind and had a stern, cold looking face as his eyes were obscured by shadows and leaking out black blood. “Eh, let’s just move onto something else. Heheh.” Bimbo rubbed his head.

Betty got closer to Bimbo and kissed him. “Well, I’m just glad you’re back, honey.” Bimbo started blushing. “A-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee.” He had a stupid little grin. Betty then put her hand on his face and analyzed him. “Oh my, your blood is so black, and look at the hearts sprouting on your head! They’re also so black and almost look like they’re grinning madly!” She had a surprised expression. “Well, at this point I think it’s safe to say that it’s from the demon constantly larping as me. I don’t feel their presence so much now but some residual stuff from them affects me constantly you know?” Bimbo said as Betty then gave him his bowl of cereal and she sat down to eat her’s. “Heheh, yeah.” They both started eating and then just smiled and giggled at each other. Black hearts started springing out from both of them. “Er, um. Betty, you’ve got them too.” Bimbo pointed. “Oh, do I? Well, hahaha. Guess I do.” Betty just laughed it off at this point. They’re pretty much very used to it now.

After they finished eating and cleaned their bowls they would then sit down and continue conversating. “Sometimes, I do wish that demon could just… come out and just be themselves. Even if they have some type of form that would make me go mad and break my mind, I would still… appreciate seeing them… however, they look like. I can… understand feeling the need to hide one’s appearance… but I always learned to just embrace the beauty that I am inside and out! I want them to do the same.” Betty sighed. “You’re already constantly sensing me, but your mind would break if you sensed the full me.” A slightly echoey, airy, delicate but still somewhat distorted voice said where both could clearly hear them. The two shivered a bit but they both decided to listen. “If I truly wanted you to be struck by the permanent madness and break your minds beyond repair, I would have done so from the get-go. As beings who identify with a fixed state, it’s easier for you to view things for yourself in such a way. I am a being who often fluctuates, oscillates, vacillates, I am one in many and many in one. That is perhaps the key difference between our identities. But alas, I was someone made to turn reality into my own toy… but even then, a toy is no fun when you play with it all the time.” Betty and Bimbo had a curious expression. “I won’t ever be leaving you guys, and even when it doesn’t feel like it, you are always sensing me in one way or another. It may not be easy to comprehend, but I’m not the most comprehensible.” Betty and Bimbo then held hands and walked around the house and just… smiled.

“I’ve already told you a lot, or at least I think I did, is there any more I could say that your minds would keep and comprehend? I’m not so certain. I possess so much knowledge and yet so much madness. I am knowledge and madness itself. Yet, I am so knowing I am also so insane. Reality is always changing and so is knowledge, reality is always distorting and so is madness. All of this warping and bending comes from our own minds anyways. It really is the collective consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness that builds, bends and breaks things together.” Betty and Bimbo then walked outside, still smiling and listened to the demon. “I’m a demon, that means I constantly consume the energy of souls, and to many, soul energy is life energy and eating it would bring the very end of a life. But while some may interpret that as death, for me the souls just never die but take on a new form. The soul changes from its previous form and takes on a new one. An eternity it now lives in until it changes once more. But eternity? I don’t like eternity, and yet I am eternity. What makes an eternity? Being eternal? What is being eternal?” Betty and Bimbo were out eating ice cream as they were watching the sun set, holding hands and sitting on a bench.

“Darkness and light, there will always be light to define darkness and darkness to define light. The thing is darkness is not a substance on its own. It is merely the absence of light. So, there will always be light if there is a light and there will always be a lack of light if there isn’t a light. That cannot be changed just by definitions alone. Right? Being in the bright light feels nice and warm, but being in the cold darkness is where I can really have thoughts on my own…” Betty and Bimbo were in their room eating dinner as Grampy got home from buying stuff again. “Being a collective of minds is truly something… you’re part of it too. I mean technically we’re all part of it. Maybe it doesn’t sound so special, as you’re aware there are many creatures that can form collectives of bodies, minds and souls. But, for this legion, truly all is part of it. But some are in more proximity to the core than others.” Betty and Bimbo started tucking themselves in bed and saying goodnight to each other. “I am a demon of dreams and one of nightmares, but nightmares are a type of dream so I guess I can just say I’m a dream demon. My mind often is like that of dreams as when I sleep, I never stop being awake. It’s just how I am. I love the taste of dreams. I’m supposed to eat and feast on more nightmares… but I love the taste of sweet dreams too. My mind might go under different effects depending on the dreams I eat though.” The two were finally shutting their eyes. “Well… they’ve gone to sleep and goodnight. Time to have a feast.”