Sunday, March 10, 2024

Tiring Commands

As the trio of kids were out hunting multiple kinds of “low level threats” to get at least one bit of the same feel they usually would be hunting one “larger level threat”, Grampy was spending time at home as usual. He was deep in his lab, in a very super-secret area, and took out the weird glowy elemental rocks as no one else was around. He was shivering and shaking as the rocks now started floating.

“Please stop messing with the children and don’t do anything insane with those!” Grampy pleaded. “Haha no.” said several voices overlaying each other. “Why? What have they done to deserve such a constant haunting?” “You know what…” “What?” YOU KNOW WHAT!” “What?” “Because of several reasons I will and cannot leave. No matter what you do or say.” “Can you please just-” A blast of energy shot at Grampy causing him to collapse on the floor. “Ow.” “Hahaha… you may own the box you think contains them, but they cannot truly be contained by you.” The rocks then went back in the box and Grampy got up to put it back into his hammerspace. “At least they’re still here.” Grampy said while rubbing his injuries.

The next day Betty, Bimbo and Koko were all knocked out sleeping in the living room as they spent all of yesterday constantly knocking out and beating the shit out of several things only for it all to end up pretty boring or painfully annoying. The trio were all sleeping in a wildly crooked manner on the floor as they were just so tired. For whatever reason Grampy didn’t check up on them that day not even once. They hadn’t woken up, not even once, yet no one checked on them or called them. Well, that was until… “Time to wake up.” The gang all sprung up making a shocked expression. “Ow! Did you poke me?” Bimbo said pointing at Koko. “You little rascal! I could say the same about you!” Koko pointed back. “Boys you shouldn’t fight!” Betty said. “Okay Betty.” Bimbo and Koko both said. “Because you’re both guilty of poking me!” Betty said with her hand in a chopping motion about to strike. “Oh yeah?” The boys said. They all started fighting in a cloud of dust.

“Stop fighting.” The gang stopped fighting. “Wait why’d we sto-” Bimbo was about to ask. “No questions, time to eat.” They all went silent and slid to the kitchen. They all consumed breakfast, lunch and dinner all at once. “I don’t wanna eat all that stuff in one si-” Betty was about to ask. “You guys were practically starving all day and you know it, time to go outside.” All of them slid outside. The sun was burning hot. “I wanna go back inside!” Koko shouted. “Umbrella.” A giant umbrella manifested over them. “Woah.” They all said. The umbrella grew a mouth and an eye and gulped them. The gang was now all being transported somewhere. Now they were on a stage in front of hundreds of people.

“Time to perform.” The gang then took out a bunch of instruments and started jamming. “I don’t even know the lyrics to this song, but I hope we can all sing along!” Betty said in a voice cracking in fear, nervousness and confusion. “I’m not even in the mood to sing why does this feel so wrong?!” Bimbo said also voice cracking a lot. “Something about this place makes me feel like something doesn’t belong!” Koko started screeching. “That was a failure…” The audience started melting and so did the environment and the gang was now in front of a green screen.

“Time to act.” Betty jumped up. “Betty Boop assisted by Bimbo and Koko in” unfathomable changing text filled the screen. The gang turned black and white and a bit of gray too, they started walking down the streets of New York all happily but then… “GOO GLOO GABBA GABBA GOO.” A creature of indescribable form appeared out of nowhere. The creature then kidnapped Betty for the sake of plot development. “AHHHHH! What the hell this wasn’t in the script?! I mean Bimbo, Koko save me!!!” Betty screamed. “Oh no something terrible happened to Betty as usual! Don’t worry we’ll save you!” Bimbo and Koko shouted. The creature then ran faster than Betty ever did when Pudgy was about to take a dump on the furniture. It then tied Betty up to a rocket. “Mwahahahaha *cough* become my permanent damsel in distress for the sake of the plot or else I will blow you up into smithereens!” The monster said taking a match out. “No way you bozo!” Betty stuck out her tongue and the creature became furious. “Okay don’t say I didn’t warn you!” The creature started lighting the match.

“We’re here to rescue you, Betty!” Bimbo and Koko got their weapons out. “Too late.” The creature lit the fuse, and everything exploded. After they exploded, they were now flying in space and screaming. “*sigh* This does get tiresome after a while… whatever…” They were suddenly warped to a dock and started… fishing. “They will now be implanted with the feelings of calmness… and… serenity.” The gang was now calmly and serenely fishing for the most basic fish like nothing previously happened. After fishing the gang would then sell the fish for one billion dollars and went home as the background faded as they teleported. “Now that we have all this money how do we spend it?” Betty asked. “Weapons.” Bimbo said. “Pen and inkwells.” Koko said. “Hmm… I gotta better idea!” Betty said with a lightbulb floating above her head and then falling on it and shattering.

As they were about to do the idea their necks cracked for whatever reason, and they all seemed to be “sleeping” with their eyes open with wide smiles. “This job can be as fun as it is is tiring… none of the other members of the legion in closer proximity to assimilation have cooked up something worthy today. Trying to direct the certain intertwined warps of creatures with more distinction from the core has also been a bit cumbersome for now. Unfortunately, the clown just won’t accept his right as a chosen cosmic entity who can play with reality to his own liking so we cannot see him use his own full potential of his powers on his own. How saddening. He will have to remain a pseudo-normal low-level civilian. As of now I will have to wait and see how the canine’s power flourishes.” The gang was now warped into Betty’s room and playing video games. “We will check up on these guys once again.”