Saturday, March 9, 2024


There was the gang eating pizza and watching TV in Betty’s room. They had just finished a class of weird math shit, using wacky inventions to dissect dead creatures for science and writing essays on the historical event of a bunch of ghosts who ate people and put them in a giant blender. After all that mess, they are now taking their time to relax and chill their brains. Grampy was about to assign them their next hunt in about an hour.

“Betty’s room is always so nice and cozy! Even makes eating pizza feel ten times nicer and cozier!” Bimbo said wrapped up in a gingham yellow blanket. “Yeah, always feels so comforting and sweet.” Koko said with a deep blue blanket with white speckles draped over him. “Just like Betty!” They said while pointing at her. Betty chuckled. “Aw ha! Guys!” Betty waved her hands around giggling while wrapped up in a red blanket with pink hearts across. They all laughed. After they finished eating, they closed the box and Koko corrosively ate it down with his liquid.

“Hey Koko, I have a queeeestiiiiioooon…” Betty said sitting with her hands on her knees moving back and forth. “Do you remember when you were a or maybe even became the moon, and you were talking about how you became the embodiment of knowledge and madness, or something like that, and you started talking spooky to us?” Betty asked. “Er… no…” Koko said raising his eyebrows in confusion. “Did you have a weird dream again?” He asked. “N-” Betty held what she was about to say and thought for a second. “Maybe I did… sorry.” Betty looked down.

Her and Bimbo started talking telepathically through funky sound magic shit. “He doesn’t remember.” Betty said. “Maybe he was really drunk or high, or it could have been something that looked like Koko fucking with us.” Bimbo said. “Your timeline has been merged with several other timelines that disrupted the balance of chaos and order and couldn’t have been dealt with any other way. A side effect of this may be that some may retain certain memories and others may not. Would you like me to give ‘your Koko’ memories of the previous occasion?” The spooky demon voice said in their brains. “Please just… don’t do anything. Perhaps it’s for the better.” Betty asked. “Very well then.” Betty sighed a bit.

The gang would then all snooze for a bit until Grampy busted open their door. “HELLO KIDDOS!” Grampy threw three papers at them. “As you can see, your next task will be hunting this being for $50 each as the total is $150! It’s just a little guy so it won’t be that hard! Bet you’re up for the task, aren’t ya? It sure is easy peasy lemon squeezy!” Grampy said moving his arms in excitement. “Yay.” Bimbo and Betty said in a deadpan tone as Koko just made a blank yet curious stare. “You know, I only go on these hunts to spend time with my friends anyways and it’s all I really care about. Me and my family earn enough at home. I don’t feel like I have to get paid.” Koko said. “You sure?” Grampy asked. “Yeah, I’m cool.” “Alright $75 dollars for Betty and Bimbo it is!” Grampy shouted energetically.

“You know Gramps, given how me and Betty live with each other now, why don’t we just share the whole deal?” Bimbo asked. “Well, what if you wanna buy something separate?” Grampy asked. “We’ll decide on that till then.” Bimbo said. “Teehee! How amazing!” Betty said. “Alright, time to go out and hunt!” Grampy said. The gang would then go outside and fight a small thing that looked like a bean. “This little guy is what we’re after? Seriously? Why even hire hunters for this thing? Just squish it!” Bimbo said as he was getting ready to stomp it. The little bean then spit out a green acid which burned a hole through Bimbo’s foot. “AAAAAAAAHHHH!” Bimbo screamed in so much pain. “Bim-Bim!” Betty rushed to him and so did Koko. Betty went to heal Bimbo and manipulated his cells, using the vibrational powers of her sound, but the bean started shooting acid everywhere and destroying several objects from trees, signs and even mailboxes.

“How dare you hurt my friend! And that precious mail!” Koko said making a fist. The bean was about the shoot at Bimbo again, but Koko put up a large slime barrier and absorbed the acid. “Ugh, tastes yucky.” Koko said. He would then trap the creature inside of the slime. “GOO-DBYE!” Koko said as it was being ripped apart into bits. “Where have I heard a pun like that before?” Bimbo said now healed up. “Thanks so much Koko! You basically did all the work for us! You sure you don’t want anything in return?” Betty said. “Nah I’m good… maybe I’ll just have some food at your place as my reward?” Koko said. “Sure thing!” Betty said.

After getting paid and resting at home, the gang ate some dinner while watching TV. Koko got the most food, not only because he was the biggest and tallest, but also because he was rewarded with such. “Ah, these soups, meats, and vegetables are so good!” Koko said with such glee. “Teehee! You’re welcome!” Betty said. “Ey Koko, do any of those taste like any planets, galaxies even entire space-times you ever had?” Bimbo said. “What the?! The hell are you on about?” Koko said with his eyebrows looking a bit angry. “You know, cosmic stuff…” “You know I’d never do such a thing! What would even make you say that?! Sure, I’m eldritch, I am weird, maybe even a little ghostly, but I’d never do anything sinister! Can’t believe after all these years of knowing each other you would stereotype me like that! Especially after just doing you a favor!” “Okay, just checking…” Betty looked at Bimbo with an angry face. “Whaaaat?” Bimbo said. Betty just flicked at Bimbo’s noggin. “Ow!”

After he finished eating, Koko then crossed his arms and made a pouty angry face. They could tell he was holding in a lot of anger but didn’t wanna say anything. Betty then tried to comfort Koko. “Koko we’re both sorry! Er, we think we saw a doppelgänger of you do crazy things and maybe it tried to make us think it was really you! We were concerned something strange happened to you that’s all!” Betty said. “You guys should know that I’m not like that… that I’d never do that.” Koko started tearing up colorful tears. “Maybe something was controlling or influencing you! We don’t know! At the very least we know you wouldn’t do it if you were just being you! We’re very sorry and we don’t want to upset you again!” There was some quietness for a moment. After a few minutes Koko calmed down his anger and tried to contain himself. “*Sigh* Alright… maybe you did see some weird thing taking my form. But please don’t ever say such things about me like that again.” Koko started wiping his tears. “Sure, thing Koko! You’re an eldritch abomination pookie bear!” Betty went to hug him, and she tapped Bimbo to do the same and so he did. “Aw guys.” Koko started crying again but it was colorful tears of joy.

Koko was happy once more. “Haha, I just wanna say that-” SPLOOSH! “KOOOKOOO!” Betty and Bimbo shouted after witnessing Koko practically turn into blueberry jam. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO ANYTHING!” Betty said angrily pointing at her head talking to you know who. “I am currently just vibing in your head Betty.” The voice said while taking the form of a fucked up a grey Pudgy and Betty reading a book. From the sludge rose a mailman with the appearance of a light-colored dog that looked like one of the many versions of Bimbo that the demon showed him in a dream once. “WAIT A SECOND I’VE SEEN YOU!” Bimbo pointed. “Message for Betty Boop and Bimbo of this continuum.” The mailman handed the envelope to Betty and Bimbo before also exploding into blueberry jam and then flying into Bimbo’s mouth and he started coughing. “UGH! DID A GUY JUST MAKE ME EAT HIM? EW!” He shouted.

The envelope just looked plain and normal and so did the paper inside of it as Betty opened it. “It reads ‘unite’.” Betty said. “Just unite?” Bimbo asked. “Only unite.” Betty said. “Unite…” The letter said very slowly as the single black “unite” started shifting between trippy blue hues and colors. Betty and Bimbo’s eyes started tripping out too with trippy blue colors taking up their entire eyeballs. “Unite…” They copied also saying in a slow manner. They then passed out and Koko would then spring up from his blueberry mush pile. “Haha! Hey guys I just had the funniest dream- wait guys?” Koko said as he saw Betty and Bimbo absolutely knocked out. “Aww looks like they’re dreaming too.” Koko then smiled sweetly and patted their heads. “I’m gonna go now bye.” Koko then summoned a portal out.

After the clown left, several Betty’s and Bimbo’s started teleporting in. “These are the only vessels that will give us a place to permanently be in after our own continuums had been destroyed.” A Bimbo said. “Won’t we lose distinction?” A Betty said. “It’s not about distinction for us, it’s about survival. There can only ever be a finite number of timelines as space-time eaters will always be hungry as nature made it. Some of our continuum’s were just never meant to live that long but at least we can live on in others. You wanna live or die?” The Bimbo said. “That is a tough question with an uncertain answer at this point.” The Betty said. They all started turning into energy and fused with the resting Betty Boop and Bimbo. After they all had merged, the envelope exploded into different types of jam and got consumed by the still knocked out Betty and Bimbo.