Saturday, March 9, 2024

Stargazing In the Past

“Augh… this food is so yucky… I don’t wanna eat it.” A younger Betty, during young elementary school age, said while living with her parents. “It makes me feel so sick but I’m so starved.” After she finished eating, she went to hurl up. “Ugh… that was so bad. I got vomit everywhere!” Betty then went to grab tissues but heard footsteps nearby. “Did you make this mess?” Her father said in a scarily aggressive tone. “Papa wait! I was just about to-” SLAP! Betty started rubbing the area of her face that had gone really red after being slapped. “And don’t even think of leaving this room until you’ve cleaned EVERY spot.” Betty found herself working and working, cleaning and cleaning. “Why do they always have to pick on me?”

After some time, Betty heard something out the window. One pebble, two pebbles no wait three no four. “Ah… what’s that racket?” Betty slowly looked back. Then larger rocks started being hurled at her window. “What the heck? Whoever is doing that please stop!” Betty shouted a bit but tried to not shout too loud. Two goofballs suddenly emerged from a gooey portal. “Yo Betty! Come out and play with us!” Bimbo shouted as he was on top of the shoulders of Koko. “I can’t! I have to clean my own barf again and I don’t wanna get another slap today!” Betty cried. “Vomit shmomit! Come out here and play with us!” Shouted Bimbo. Koko then summoned a portal under Betty, and they all teleported outside far away from Betty’s home.

“Aah! I’m gonna be so dead when I get back home!” Betty screamed. “Don’t worry! Me and Koko will find the coolest prank this time to mess with them!” Bimbo said. “Last time you guys just manifested soggy beans in their pants and my dad forced me to do all the dishes even ones that were already clean and ones that were broken beyond repair.” Betty said tearing up a bit. “We'll find one better! Now come on, time to have fun!” Bimbo and Koko grabbed Betty’s hands and ran. “Aaaaaaah!!!” Betty, Bimbo and Koko would then adventure and teleport to different places as they often did. Playing on playgrounds, having fun rides at amusement parks, gaming at arcades, watching movies and then… sleeping. Per usual they rested at Koko’s home.

“Ah, thank you guys.” Betty said before she was about to fall asleep. “You guys always give me the best days ever. Makes me forget about all the bad stuff at home.” They started resting their heads and bodies on fluffy pillows laid out on the floor. “You’re welcome, we’re always glad to play with you!” Bimbo said in both a sleepy and energetic manner. “We’re glad to play with you too.” Koko said in a soft and almost whispery tone as he finally got some blankets for them all to sleep in. They would all rest quietly in Koko’s room. After some hours of nap, it was nighttime and for some reason Betty grew wide awake. “Uh… um…” She rubbed her eyes. “Hey… guys? Anyone else awake all of a sudden?” Betty asked but Bimbo and Koko were sound asleep hugging her like she was a stuffed toy. “Ah, they’re so sleepy.” Betty giggled. She gently got up and looked outside. “Ah, so sparkly! The stars are so beautiful!” The night was glistening with many shining stars. “So bright and wonderful!” Betty spun around.

After just a small amount of time Betty moved just a few inches away from the two. Bimbo and Koko started moving their arms, furling their eyebrows and started crying. “Betty! Betty!” Bimbo kinda shouted and Koko whispered. Betty looked back. “What’s the matter?” She asked. “Why’d you get up Betty!? You were like a plushie for us!” Bimbo loudly said. “Yeah, like a soft doll…” Koko quietly said. “Hmmph! Well guys! There’s more to me than being just like a silly little doll! Why don’t you come and watch the stars with me!?” Betty said. “Ok!” “Ok.” Bimbo said quickly and loudly, and Koko said quietly and slowly. The three all looked out to see the stars. “Oooooh.” They all said as their eyes shined. “Look, over there!” Bimbo pointed. “Are those comets or shooting stars?” Betty said. “There’s so many of them!” Koko said. Oddly, more and more of these comets or shooting stars started coming in until they started flooding the sky… and then all the stars in the sky started moving fastly and nothing stayed still. “Woah!” “Aah!” “Look out!” Bimbo, Koko and Betty said in that order as Betty put her hands over their heads to have them duck.

The sparkling objects of the sky started shooting down as many people could be heard screaming and so many things were getting destroyed. “Aaaah!!!” A car crash was heard nearby. “Close the window! Close the window!” Betty and Bimbo said. Koko closed the window. “I’m hoping nothing else awful happens.” Koko whispered as he started crying rainbow-y almost iridescent tears. Just then the gang started vomiting something that looked like it showed the universe itself. “Why is our vomit so sparkly and outer space-y looking?” Bimbo asked. “I dunno! But it’s freaking me out!” Betty said. “Aah! Wait mine looks like a nebula how beautiful.” Koko said. They then started hurling up more space vomit until it also came out of their eyes and the ooze skyrocketed them into the night sky. “Waaaaah!” They all cried.

Stars rotating around them, above them and right under them. They all kept screaming and crying confused. Then came a meteor, which is what shooting stars actually are by the way, a comet and the moon itself making scary faces aiming right at the scared children. They tried to move away but couldn’t move and were unable. The astronomical objects came closer and closer but before they finally made impact. “GASP! HHHHH. HHHHHHH.” Betty started breathing heavily and heavily as she woke up in bed. As she looked around, out of shock and of panic, everything seemed fine. Her room had a warm and calm vibe. She was tucked in her bed all snug, Bimbo was sound asleep with a calm expression and Koko was sleeping on many pillows and with a blanket, calmly as well and no longer, or at least not currently a moon. Betty’s often mint green eyes also shined a bright blue… a sky blue… an ethereal blue… perhaps even a royal blue. It kept flashing between different blues actually. “Well, everyone seems to be here safe and sound…” Betty whispered to herself now calming down. She started to close her eyes slowly again but then. “The problem is that you don’t know, but when you know, you will know.” An eerie yet delicate sounding voice said in her head. Betty’s eyes then quickly opened wide again and her eyes darted around. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Betty then closed her eyes finally, only to be met with a spooky Pudgy jumpscare of him looking at her in the void of her closed eyes then instantly vanishing away. “Ruff ruff!” Pudgy was right at her bed just showing his normal pet behavior and licking her face. “Ah… calm down boy. Mama’s gotta sleep.” Betty then pets him. Pudgy then did summersaults outside of the room then closed the door. Betty then took a deep breath and went underneath her sheets to hopefully get more comfort and not focus so much on all the stuff in her room. A nice simplistic view now. Betty then noticed something, she was in a black dress, something she owns plenty of, but as the dress would slowly go down more stars and other things, you’d find in space could be seen on it. “Hey, I don’t own this dress?” Betty thought to herself. “You do now.” The delicate eerie voice whispered in her mind. Betty just sighed and replied with “Yeah, guess I do then huh? Guess I do.” She finally took a deep sleep but after some time Bimbo and Koko were wide awake and poking at Betty’s face. “Plushiiiiiieeeeee.” The boys said over and over. Betty started moving her arms, furling her eyebrows and grunting as she awoke. The boys just smiled and stuck their tongues out playfully. At first Betty made a tired and annoyed face, after her second chance of sleep was ruined, but then she just smiled.