Monday, March 4, 2024

Mad Moon

“Ah… the moon… sweet sweet moon…” Betty was A-posing while floating in front of the moon and in her poodle form in a flowing black dress. “Oh, how they say you taste like cheese, but you look more like you are made out of sugar…” She sung. The moon then turned its spherical body and formed a large scary face. “Betty, you have a spiritual energy that already tastes like sugar and a bunch of other sweet things. You have been consumed over and over again countless times without realizing it.” The moon said. “What the huh?!” Betty started falling and falling into the void and was screaming as she fell then woke up, still in her dog form, and surrounded by lots and lots of blue liquid.

“I feel so… tipsy…” She felt drunk. “BETTY! YOUR HEART IS TIED TO THE UNIVERSE!” A wide-eyed Bimbo said shouting for some reason. “H-Huh?” Betty said. “YOUR HEART BETTY! YOUR HEART IS TIED TO IT. THE HEART OF THE UNIVERSE TAPPED INTO YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS AND YOU ARE A FRAGMENTED SHARD OF THE ELEMENT OF AETHER! YOU’RE VERY LIFE FORCE IS IMBUED WITH BEING THE MINIATURE AVATAR OF QUINTESSENCE.” “How and why did I get so drunk? “BETTY! YOU ARE BEING FED KNOWLEDGE! YOU HAVE A CONNECTION TO THE CORE OF THE VERY CELESTIAL.” “Can I go back to sleep and just have the spooky moon talking about how I get eaten a lot?” Betty tried to shut her eyes. “WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY!” Grampy came barging in with breakfast and the room went back to normal with the liquid flowing down an invisible vortex.

“Augh, morning Grampy. I’m kinda… my brain… feels dizzier than usual today.” Betty said rubbing her eyes turning into her human form. “Yo! I had a dream where you were made of cheese! Now I want cheese!” Bimbo said all energetically awake pointing at Betty then waving his arms around. “Haha, nice to know you had a good night’s sleep, children. Anyways here’s some eggs, pancakes, cereal and toast. Choose which ever you like.” Betty and Bimbo decided to eat all together very quickly like little freaks. “My, you two were hungry! Want any seconds?” Grampy said shocked. “Burp! No.” Betty and Bimbo said but Betty actually covered her mouth and then said, “Excuse me.” “Oh well, I’m gonna go… do inventor things. By the way has anyone seen Pudgy and Koko? Haven’t seen the little pup around and Koko hasn’t answered any of my texts, voice mails or other messages.” The old man scratched his head. “Pudgy is now a sometimes cosmic entity who travels between dimensions and Koko, we saw someone we think was him, but we don’t even know if it WAS him!” Betty said. “Oh my, well I hope he’s doing fine. I tried to call his family, but I haven’t gotten a response either.” “Hmm…” They all said.

After a bit Grampy then walked out the door. “Stay safe you two okay. If you wanna continue any more hunting, I’m gonna assign you very small-scale tasks.” He spoke. “Nuh uh! Not the small stuff! That’s for babies!” Bimbo whined. “Well sorry Bud, er I mean Bimbo, but I want you guys to stay safe as possible. Remember, I let you have this job cause you wanted too so much. But even then, I would always want things to be at your level that you could handle. If I have to make things even more safe to not drag you into further harm, then I will. Especially if your friend is having mysterious whereabouts.” “GAAAH! Fine…” Grampy then shut the door. “Bimbo, I think Grampy is very right. It’s always much better to be safe than sorry you know. And hey, at least we now get to live together, either as a best friend, a boyfriend or both, you’re my soulmate no matter what. And I’d never wanna be separated from you. I’d prefer to live a safe life together than be dangerously ripped apart.” Betty said holding onto Bimbo. “Ah yeah, you’re right. I wanna stay with my soulmate too.” Bimbo held on back. The two started holding onto each other and slowly moved back and forth, akin to a slow dance, and smiled. “HEY BY THE WAY! Someone tell Pudgy to stop coughing up antimatter!” Grampy said slamming the door in.

Later as the little family of a mentoring grandfather and his granddaughter and his apprentice, now full-on ward, are eating together in peaceful silence at the table, unbeknownst to Grampy, Bimbo and Betty were speaking to each other… telepathically, they could be able to hear each other’s sound. “I wish Koko could have spent time with us today.” Betty said. “Yeah, he’s our oldest best friend too.” Bimbo said. The two started having a flashback when they were little. Bimbo was a somewhat poor kid who could never find a stable permanent home, as much as his mother and stepfather tried and tried to work as hard as they could for one, they often just couldn’t due to regular circumstances. Whenever they needed a quick and easy roof to be under, the Kollwitz family of friendly clown monsters let them in as the older son, Koko, was good friends with Bimbo. Betty’s parents abused her in mostly verbal and emotional ways, but her father was not against physical abuse. It’s not like he was ever sadistic about it, but he was still quite ruthless. Betty just represented the child he never wanted, a “deformed”, rebellious, “untraditional little girl. Every now and then he may even hit her over the smallest things. Because of Betty’s quick regeneration these bruises could easily fade away and be hidden quickly, so it was very hard to tell those about the abuse. Aside from Bimbo and his family, the family of Koko and himself did believe her and would even put ice or band-aids wherever she was hurt even if she always regenerates. They would also let her in when she had the chance and would give Betty all kinds of sweet foods, toys, clothes and gifts and shine a ray of light whenever the girl’s day was full of gloom.

Betty and Bimbo were reminiscing on a memory where it was a rainy day, and the trio of friends were playing a board game. They weren’t even at an age where they could properly read or write yet, except perhaps Koko given his psychometry, so they didn’t pay attention to any instructions and just sorta threw the pieces around out of fun. “Wee woo haha!” Bimbo said throwing the big pieces up in the air. “Hehe! This is so silly!” Betty said throwing the little pieces on the ground. Koko was very silent in his younger days but often spoke in a soft manner even when yelling. “Guys! Careful throwing those things! It says here that-” As two pieces interrupted Koko by flying into his squishy little semi-solid face, loud thunder and a bright flash of lightning could be heard. Betty and Bimbo started whimpering and grabbed onto Koko. “Don’t worry guys, your ears are just… sensitive I think… yeah that’s the word. That’s all.” Koko, being the oldest of the three, always watched over Betty and Bimbo when they were around. The air started getting chilly. Another flash of lightning and sound of thunder happened and for a split second two bright red dots were seen outside the window. Koko looked out a bit and Betty and Bimbo looked up at Koko. Koko then just looked down at Betty and Bimbo and wrapped them both in two of his pillowcases to keep them warm.

There was another memory, one where the crew were walking in the forests within the city. This time Bimbo’s mom was watching them. “Ah slow down kids I can’t keep up with you!” Bimbo’s mom said panting. The kids energetically ran and ran and giggled until. “WAAAAH!” Bimbo fell down and hurt his knee on a rock and bled a bit. As the little puppy boy was crying the little clown boy walked up to him. Koko then put his hand on the area where it hurt and used his goo to heal it and remove any potential infection down to the very cells. “Ah thanks Koko! It feels so much better!” Bimbo hugged Koko and Koko hugged back. “Wah! I gotta pain too!” Betty said. “Bimbo that’s why I said not to run so fast! Betty, you didn't even fall, and you have very quick regeneration, so you always heal in no time!” Bimbo’s mother said. “Tell me where it hurts.” Koko said quietly in a soft little voice. “Um… um… I just wanted a huggy!” Betty raised out her arms. Koko then gave her a hug. Bimbo then went in and hugged as well but Betty and Koko noticed some lights in the distance that were very bright and red. They just assumed it was some random creature and shrugged it off and continued hugging.

Finally, there was one time at night where Betty, Bimbo and Koko took a trip to see fireworks along with the rest of Koko’s and Bimbo's family. Everyone was enjoying it. The skies beautifully illuminated with so many sparks and wonders. For a bit, the stars slowly began to get brighter… then brighter… then even brighter. The moon that shined a bright white light then temporarily turned into a blood red moon with big black eyes with red lights coming out of them dripping with black ooze only for it to quickly flash back to normal. “Um, did you see that?” Koko said whispering a bit and shivering. “That was scary!” Betty cried. “Uh yeah! What the fuck!” Bimbo shouted. “Bimbo! Language!” Bimbo’s mother said. After a bit of flashbacking Grampy said something out loud that woke them out of their memory trance. “SO HOW ARE YOU ENJOYING YOUR FOOD, CHILDREN!?” He said with a bright smile. They screamed but would then reply. “It’s good.” “It’s alright.” Betty and Bimbo said respectively.

“You know there’s a nice moon outside children. Feel free to go outside and take a look but don’t go too far away from home! Heehee!” Grampy said. After they finished eating, the duo then went outside to go take a look at the bright full moon. Betty and Bimbo sat down next to each other. “I wish Koko were here with us, he loves looking at the moon.” Bimbo said. “Yeah, and the twinkling stars around them too…” Betty said. After staring for a few minutes, the stars started falling like goo and the moon formed a face. Koko’s face. The mouth, it spoke yet it was like it was whispering right in their ears. It was whispering several things at once, this time in English, but it was too many words and sentences overlaying each other it was still hard to grasp. “KOKO! We can’t understand you!” Betty and Bimbo said telepathically. “I never left. My entire form just isn’t easy for you guys to comprehend. Both my astral and corporeal bodies can sense everything. I can sense all the knowledge, but it brings me madness, madness unto others as it flows out, madness everywhere as it spills. I have united with madness itself.” As he spoke Betty and Bimbo were flying up to the moon without realizing as they were slowly turning into stars.

“I am part of the legion of lunacy and so are you. You two have eaten and constantly been eaten by space-time and so have many others. We are all a part of madness.” Betty and Bimbo then dispersed into stars and were being tucked into bed again. “Good night children.” Grampy said. “Grampy did you see that?!” Betty said. “The moon! Look at the moon!” Bimbo pointed at the moon which still looked like Koko. “Um, er, you know my vision can be fuzzy at times. But hey it’s a beautiful moon as always! Haha, okay good night for real!” Grampy then left and closed the door. As Betty and Bimbo just stayed with their eyes open, the Koko Moon floated in a tinier form in front of them. “You wanna play a board game later or a video game?” He said as he coughed a joystick out. The two just stayed there, staring, with no reply. A blast of antimatter then blew up the home and the matter started restructuring.