Monday, March 4, 2024

Soundwaves of Weirdness and Madness

Betty and Bimbo were sitting on a rock, in the air, set on fire while sunken in the water. For reasons they sat there like they felt nothing and looked like two doofuses with their big fucking eyeballs staring into different directions. Once the two’s eyes started looking more normal again, they started staring at each other and the elements around them faded away and they were sitting in her room.

“Ey, Bimbo.” Betty said. “You ever think about how with sound that it can’t exist in a vaccum and yet we’ve been able to hear and produce sound even when in the void?” She asked. “Don’t you have like quirky sound magic that can distort that shit? Lmao.” Bimbo replied. “Oh yeah! Tee hee!” Betty chuckled. Their eyes then became cross eyed for whatever reason. “What if that isn’t from my own sound powers though but from the spooky void demon using their own powers to hear us?” Betty asked. “Hey, wasn’t Koko in the void screaming garbled shit? His eyes looked fucking weird. Shouldn’t we be wondering if he’s okay? If we even really saw Koko that is. My senses felt very off.” Said Bimbo. “Oh, I guess we can call him right now.” As Betty was about to get her phone, something came crashing down through her ceiling and fell heavily into a splat and then reformed.

“KOKO! We were just talking about you!” Betty and Bimbo said. “Ah, hi guys. Sorry about the roof. I was having such a strange dream, not even sure if I’m capable of describing it to you it wasn’t the most fathomable thing. Anyways, after I woke up from the dream I was in space, I don’t remember how I got there but really not good for my fear of being flung into space by the way, and I started falling down.” Koko brushed off the rubble while getting up then sitting back down. “Anyways, how have you been doing and hey it’s been a while since we’ve gone to school haven’t we? How have you been learning?” “We’ve been learning by going on the web! How about you?” They said perfectly at the same time. “Oh uh, you know. Psychometry and all… my entire body is practically built for learning!” Koko responded.

“Eh, whatever.” Bimbo said. “Hey guys, there’s a cafe that wants us to play some jazz! Wanna go over?” Betty said. Betty and her gang, Bimbo and Koko, are a small group of jazz musicians called “Betty Boop and The Talkartunes.” It was originally just “The Talkartunes” but Betty was the most popular member of the band, so it got a name change. “Yeah sure, why not?” Bimbo said and shrugged. “Oh certainly! Hopefully I could order some super sweet drinks with lots of whipped cream, sprinkles, cinnamon, candies, chocolate syrup, candy canes and lollipops on top at that place.” Koko said. “Damn Koko, you’ve been super obsessed with sweets as of late, what’s been going on with you?” Bimbo said. “Oh, you know… just got me a sweet tooth and all. Heheh.” Koko sweated nervously. They all just blankly stared at each other. “Anyways! Let’s go make some boop-oop-a-doopin noise!” The gang all then went out and went to the cafe.

They would all get set up on stage and perform and have a blast. They got to perform covers of various songs and sing some of their own. The audience would clap and clap but then… “The soundwaves of weirdness, madness and insanity will soon commence. Embrace yourself for the strangeness.” It was Pudgy, who came seemingly out of nowhere, floating in front of the gang and spoke in a deep, low, terrifying voice with dark oily liquid coming out of his eyes and mouth. “Pudgy?! What’s happening to you now baby cutie pie?” Betty then went to reach for Pudgy but then he vanished in dark cosmic dust looking smoke. The audience then started morphing into anthropomorphized Pudgy’s and vanished in the same dust smoke, then got replaced by the people who were at the restaurant Betty Boop and Bimbo were previously at.

“What the hell?” Said Bimbo. Strange sound emitted from the instruments and then they transformed into sound itself. The audience then started clapping while moving their arms in strange mannerisms, vaguely resembling the number eight, until they started floating into the air, ate everything on their tables, and started slowly swarming around each other on their tables as they started barfing out coffee onto the ground. The coffee was so hot it started burning everything it touched and the stage the gang was on was getting destroyed. “Ah! Fellas we gotta leave!” Bimbo shouted. The door disappeared. But then Koko grabbed both Betty and Bimbo and stuck onto the walls then onto the ceiling and then carved a hole out using his pointy hat. “Woah! Thanks Koko!” Betty said. “You the man!” Said Bimbo. “Haha! You’re welcome, guys!” Said the clown.

As the gang was on the roof the cafe was flying and became an orb of coffee. “Umm…” Koko said while still holding onto his friends. The coffee then went to Koko and got absorbed by him. It tasted like all the sweet flavors he desired. “Aah! It tastes just like the flavors I asked for!” Koko’s colors then started changing until he became a coffee-colored clown. Koko then felt lots of energy from the caffeine and as he and the gang fell down to the city again, he gave them a soft landing but would then run around at high speeds like a madman. “AAAAAOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEAAAAAOOOOOEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOO!” Koko started screeching as he ran straight through cars, structures and buildings. “I think we should chase him.” Said Bimbo taking out a gun. “Yeah of course.” Betty replied as she took out her microphone weapon and the two started running. As the two tried to get to Koko they started moving backwards until they hit a wall.

The two then were inside of a rotating brick room where the bricks kept changing colors, Pudgy started floating up again and this time coffee was leaking out of his eyes and mouth, and he was quickly speaking in an eldritch language in a similar way that Koko was when he was dreaming in space. The brick room then shattered and exploded as Pudgy vanished in the cosmic dust again. Betty and Bimbo were now in Koko’s home as he was doing jumping jacks in the living room imitating a brightly colored jack-in-the-box on the TV with a very glittery background. His outfit and clown makeup were now just an ethereal blue for whatever reason. “Oh, hey guys, haven’t seen you in a bit. The rest of my family is out and about so it’s just me here.” Koko said as he kept jumping. “Would you like to join me on my current activity?” He asked. Betty and Bimbo then looked at each other then shrugged, tried to speak to Koko but only let out an eldritch sounding “AAAAAAAAHHHH.”

“Oh wow, I feel AAAAAAAAHHHH too. How about we all just sit down and relax and eat these cosmic cupcakes?” Koko shut off the TV and used a colorful portal to summon a transparent plate with glistening, sparkling cupcakes with a galactic and cosmic theme. “We’re not in the mood for cupcakes.” Bimbo and Betty both said at the same time with an emotionally tired looking expression. “More for me then.” Koko consumed the cupcakes with his mouth forming a rainbow black hole. “Mmm delicious. You can taste, hear and smell all types of planets, meteors, and quasars from all sorts of pasts, presents and futures in these.” The clown said with a questionably adorable smile on his face. “Wait what?” Bimbo said. Just then someone came walking into the room carrying a tray of different sets of coffee, with all the stuff Koko asked for earlier on top, and they looked… oddly familiar.

“Oh hello, it seems the guests have finally arrived?” The familiar face said. “WHAT THE FUCK?! Why is there a melting version of Betty Boop here?!” Bimbo shouted and pointed confused and frustrated. “Hey, wait, I had like a dream where-” Betty tried to speak. “HAHA! I know you may be confused but there is nothing to worry about! She may look like Betty Boop, but she is not exactly her! Well… not in the way I could explain it to you guys. That would be a bit too unfathomable! Just see her as a doppelgänger of sorts, okay?” Koko said. Betty and Bimbo looked at each other with a look of suspicion on their faces. “You guys should really sit down and relax.” Koko summoned two liquid chairs that became solid right under Betty and Bimbo. “Here have some coffee.” The cups of coffee manifested in everyone’s hands. “We’re not in the mood for coffee.” Betty and Bimbo said giving Koko the coffee back. “More for me then!” Koko then splashed the cups of coffee onto himself including the cups and absorbed it. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Koko then started laughing with his eyes bulging out as his head freakishly moved around like jello. He and the Betty look-alike then sat down next to each other and had a large eerie smile.

“Uh…” The two dogs said. Pudgy, with his freaky possessed looking ass, rose up in front of everyone. “You were offered fine drinks and supper, yet you refused.” Pudgy said still in a deep and creepy voice. As Pudgy floated he started getting gruesomely consumed by bees and butterflies as sparkling starry dark substance spilled out of Koko and the doppelgänger Betty’s mouths as their eyes slowly darted towards opposite directions. “Gah! Hrmgggnhh!” Normal Betty started throwing up stardust. “Not my baby! Not my baby!” Bimbo tried to pat Betty’s back to comfort her then he tried to get some sort of weapon out but then. “Looks like you brought out my skull, how nice.” Pudgy said as his body was now a floating headless grotesque mess bleeding honey and nectar with flying insects all over. The room started morphing into a black area surrounded by moving lines of magenta concentric squares, rhombuses or diamond shapes. “The skull contains the brain, and the brain contains the mind, and the mind contains knowledge, but the mind also contains madness.” Pudgy still spoke as his skull was peeling apart and a tiny four-pointed star twinkle of light flew out, glowing white and gold, his body rotted into nothingness. “We as a group mind have successfully spread madness across multiple continuums, timelines engulfed in insanity, alternate versions of our existence that have met absolute pandemonium.” The star started shining different colors and absorbed Koko and the Betty look-alike.

“After all, has gone mad, they have then become one with madness itself. All becoming the raw essence of madness. All knowing madness and madness knowing all. We have then devoured such existences to keep an amount of balance between the worlds of the sane and the insane. It is not to be labeled under the concepts of ‘good’ or ‘evil.’ It is just maintaining the natural chaotic order of the universe.” The star started growing larger and larger as the room became more colorful and brighter. “You will now experience the rest of what you perceive as a ‘day’ without further madness. Use your sound powers with more knowledge if you wish to bring about more desired effects. Sonokinesis is one hell of an ability, no matter if born naturally or granted artificially through interaction of highly synchronized souls. You two have souls that grew and developed together, and thus are very close to each other, before you could even properly form memories. You ended up forming your identities together and so has the power of your sound.” The area then turned completely gray. Betty and Bimbo then woke up in her room.

“Gee whiz! That was a pretty bizarre ass nightmare!” Bimbo said. “I don’t think it was just a nightmare…” Betty said. Their phones started buzzing. “Oh Bimbo, of course you can stay over at Betty and Grampy’s house as much as you want! I won’t mind at all! Our houses keep getting destroyed, often by you, anyways and you are Grampy’s apprentice after all! Better to stay with them than to stay with us haha!” Bimbo’s mother texted. “What the hell?!” Bimbo said. “Oh granddaughter! I’m back from Austria! After hearing Bimbo is staying over with us that was very jolly to hear! He’s gonna have to be staying in your room or on the sofa if he wants somewhere to sleep. Not like he hasn’t already been doing that anyways haha! But uh, just keep an eye on him for me when I’m not around okay? Bye bye!” Grampy texted. “Uhh…” Betty said. “Things have been set up in a way that you two have internally desired. It may also allow such latent sonokinetic abilities much better growth. Enjoy what you have now. …Oh yeah and Pudgy isn’t dead he’s now an interdimensional being who has an on and off switch of becoming an enlightened entity with cosmic awareness and a figuratively smooth brained creature.” The spooky voice said in their minds. Betty and Bimbo then shivered then stopped.

“Well, guess we live with each other now?” Bimbo said. “That’s neat I guess, was hoping we could make that decision on our own though, nice to also know Pudgy isn’t dead he’s just… all cosmic now. Our pal Koko! What’s happened with him?! Yeah, we know he’s an eldritch abomination shapeshifting clown thing! There’s so much of them they’re like a grain! But he’s a NICE eldritch abomination shapeshifting clown thing! That wasn’t really him right!? I also saw that look-alike of me before too! In a dream once! I forgot the details… umm… but I remember I saw her!” Betty said. “I believe ya. Sucks you can’t remember much on that. As for Koko, let’s uh… just hope it’s not our Koko and just a doppelgänger or some alternate timeline version fucking with us.” “Let’s hope.” The two then saw it was late and started getting ready for bed. As they finished getting ready for the night, and setting things up for Bimbo, they then cuddled each other.

“Good night, angel.” Bimbo said. “Goodnight Bim-Bim.” Betty said. The two then shut their eyes and had a warm smile. As they closed their eyes however, they both had a vision of a black and white version of Koko speaking eldritch speak and he kept dividing or multiplying into more and more Koko’s of different colors until it got ear bleedingly louder but then the two fell asleep. Betty slowly started melting as she bled blue blood but still retained a calm and peaceful expression. Bimbo then had a portal, from clearly outer space at this point, open up on his forehead as different varieties of clovers flew out and phased into the sky. The portal then took on the shape of a ladybug, hugged Betty and flew away. Perhaps luck was coming for them after all?