Sunday, February 18, 2024

Betty and Bimbo's Celestial State of Mind

As Grampy was in Austria, spending time in a hotel after going on a boat ride, he claimed to be visiting family but that wasn’t the truth. He needed to tell something convincing to the kiddos so that he can easily go to a faraway way place to keep something hidden from them. Something he felt had to be kept VERY hidden.

Every time Grampy was in his room, and he made sure he would be completely alone and to check a box he held in his hammerspace every now and then. “Let’s see here…” Grampy said to himself in his mind, he enjoys speaking out loud but, in this situation, he always tries to make sure he is as silent as possible. Grampy would take out a key then unlock the box, then he would type in a code he implemented inside of it, that supposedly only he knew, and then open up another compartment of it. As he would open, there were four shining gems each divided into their own sections. Each was a different color associated with a classical element and had each respective elements’ symbol, the ones that look like triangles or triangles with a line through them, marked on top of them. “These elemental jewels keep glowing in odd manners more than usual… after all these years… something must have activated them again.” Each section they were divided in was their own container, as they were all separated by them within the box.

“I have to make sure they stay separate and are never merged together again. It’s my huge responsibility I must carry. I can’t let them know. I can’t let anyone else know.” Grampy was sweating a bit but took out a tissue and wiped it. The glowing of the crystals stopped a bit and he assumed they would stop reacting for today, so he decided to lock up and close the box securely again and put it back where it once was. The man was a bit nervous but then ate his food he got for dinner and ended up calming down. “I hope Betty and the others had good dinner. Oh, Betty my sweet child…” Grampy would then start getting dressed in his pajamas and tuck himself in bed go try and go to sleep. He started shutting his eyes but then he kept hearing some buzzing on his phone.

“Ah… who could it be…” Grampy whispered to himself tiredly. He then picked it up and then “Grampy! Grampy! When are you coming back Grampy? Me and Bimbo have been having a fun time alone, but it’s also been super scary at times! We miss you! How has time been going with family? Our Valentine’s had been so insane you won’t even believe how crazy it was me and Bimbo’s date got SO ruined and blah blah blah…” it was of course the cute squeaky sound of his sweet granddaughter. “Ah, hey kiddo. It’s pretty late where I am so I’m gonna have to chat more tomorrow okay?” He replied sweetly but tiredly. “Oh sorry! I forgot! Hey so recently me and Bimbo have been-” The phone call oddly cut off. “Huh, she must have accidentally pressed the button to stop calling. Heh… no biggy. I’m sure she can… call… tomorrow.” Grampy then fell asleep. He had normal… boring… old man dreams. Whatever those are. However, as he fell asleep peacefully, unbeknownst to him, the rocks in his hammerspace started glowing and vibrating rapidly.

Back in America, there was Betty and Bimbo in her room, and they were also vibrating rapidly. “Oh Bimbo, I feel so dizzy! We’ve been emitting a lot of weird sound waves and frequencies for the past few days ever since we went back home! I feel our own spirits are shaking!” Betty said putting her hands on her head. “You said it! I feel like I’ve been seeing stars more than usual! Sometimes I feel like I AM the stars! It’s weird!” Bimbo said putting his hands also on his head. “I know right?! I feel like I am the ether itself!” Betty shouted. “What does that mean?!” Bimbo asked. “I dunno!” Betty said. After a while they stopped vibrating. Then they lied down on the floor and sighed. Then they started slightly glowing. “Ugh, I feel like our spirit energy is gonna rip out!” They said in unison. Turns out it didn’t rip out. Their minds then started going into a relaxed state and they heard a sound, music playing like it came from a music box. It sounded like a very offbeat version of “Twinke Twinkle Little Star” and super slow.

Betty and Bimbo were now in a void with a simple circle of white light surrounding them below their feet. They were in a nightgown and pajamas that were just as dark as the void they were in and held each other’s hands. They had a calm expression. “Hello Betty.” “Hello Bimbo.” They spoke. “Do you fathom how we are both highly synchronized beings who encapsulate the very quintessence of existence and nonexistence?” Bimbo said. “Yes, I truly do. Our forms are currently that of equally physical and metaphysical states of being as of now. As we are both in such ethereal states of body and soul.” Betty and Bimbo then started floating around and the circle under them followed.

“With our manipulation, warping and distortion of sound, we can be able to manipulate all sorts of material and immaterial things with it and through it. We can determine what is tangible and intangible through our shared magic once we truly tap into our complete element of our souls. With the bending of sound itself we can use the ability of oscillations to bend reality to our whim.” The two said unanimously almost robotically. “The celestial consciousness of the elements' manifests in both corporeal and incorporeal forms. That is us, that is us all.” The two started floating as the circle started forming a pillar. “All have the potential to tap into the Akashic Records and see things crystal clear. They just have to put the effort into it, don’t they?” Bimbo asked. “Affirmative, and even then, once one sees the sum total of the absolute chronicles of reality and unreality, they will realize that paradoxically, everything and nothing is both as bright and clear as day and as dark and murky as night.” Betty replied. The pillar then turned into stars of different shapes and dimensions and surrounded them until a bright light took over everything.

The two then awoke in the room back to normal. They were in shock, gasped and pointed at each other. “Did you have the same dream as me?” Bimbo asked. “Yeah! It was so weird! We both became all nerdy and philosophical!” Betty said. There was some silence for a few seconds. “Well, I kinda prefer not being all that nerdy, wanna go eat some grilled cheese?” Bimbo said. “Okay!” Betty said. The two walked to get some food and as they left a bright white simplistic looking circle appeared on the floor of the room and started emerging crystal pillars representing the four elements that then went back in as the two started going back in. “Wanna play a video game? Bimbo asked. “Yeah, sure thing!” Betty said. As Betty and Bimbo were focused on the game, strange sound waves started coming out of them that summoned water, fire, earth and air swarming around them, but they were too used to weird shit and focused on playing the game to care.