Sunday, February 18, 2024

Vile Valentines

For the most part, ever since their last demonic encounter, Betty Boop and Bimbo had a well-off time. Her grandfather and his mentor, respectively, was still in Austria so they got to do so many things on their own at home. During Valentine’s Day, the couple decided to go out on a date and outside. It was quite chilly, so they dressed extra warmly, but they still wanted to go outside to breathe the fresh air on the day of love.

The two were at a restaurant and just finished eating food and are currently drinking a cherry soda milkshake together. “Oh Bimbo…” Betty said gazing into his large dark goofy eyes. “I’m so glad we’ve had a sweet and relaxing alone time recently the past view days. I know some sort of chaos will start any moment again soon, but I wanna enjoy the sweetness while it lasts.” Betty then held Bimbo’s hand on the table. “I wanna enjoy the sweetness with you too, Betty.” Bimbo responded gazing into her mint green eyes that would occasionally flash blue like the color of the sky. Pink and red hearts started flying above them and popping like bubbles, however the hearts would slowly change into different hues, shades and colors but the two kept looking at each other.

The two then finished their drink and were about to leave. There was a couple, oddly clothed from head to toe with their faces obscured by shadow indoors, in one of the tables giving each other gifts. “Oh, my love, thank you for the ‘be mine’ candies earlier! Here I got you this box of chocolates.” A guy said. “Oh baby, thank you so much! You are just too kind!” Said a lady. “Who the hell gives out a box of chocolates at a restaurant and why are they wearing all that shit when it’s so warm inside?” Bimbo whispered to Betty as they were opening the door. As the lady opened the box of chocolates she and the guy started smirking as the box grew into a large monstrous entity with golden ribbons around it ensnaring several people and consuming it with melted chocolate inside of its mouth acting like digestive fluid. People started running and screaming but the heart shaped horror kept spitting at them and melting them.

“Gah! Bimbo looks like we gotta act now!” Betty took out her microphone. “Crap! Fighting another candy creature on a date outside again!” Bimbo pulled out a shotgun and started blasting and blasting but the box kept devouring the bullets and turned its ribbons into drill shapes and aimed at the couple. Betty and Bimbo jumped on top of the strands from the ribbons and Betty brought out her large werepoodle claws and Bimbo got out two machetes to slash at whatever weaponized ribbons were coming their way. As they got closer to the creature and aimed to cut at it, the creature, which had large eyes with pink heart shaped retinas, multiplied its eyes in an attack against the two and the eyes kept popping into deadly chocolate. The two then dodged and unfortunately more and more people kept getting eaten but luckily some managed to escape.

“Man, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Bimbo then tried to shoot at the other couple. “Heheheh.” The two then got out heart shaped candies and used them as darts and quickly threw them at Bimbo. “Ow! Ow! Ow!” The darts got stuck on the edges of his clothing and he was stuck on a wall. “You leave my sweetie pie alone!” Betty went to bash their skulls in with her mic but the terrible two turned around and laughed. “HA! HA! HA!” As wicked laughter loudly emerged from their mouths so did thousands and thousands of flying love letters that sent Betty and Bimbo flying into the sky. “WOOOOAAAAH!” The two said while holding onto each other. The love letters fused into a giant love letter and a big message came out saying “LOVE CONQUERS ALL.” with color changing hearts around it. The message then transformed into more colorful hearts and started chasing Betty and Bimbo while they were falling. Betty would then screech and constructed a platform of sound to run on and grabbed Bimbo and ran. “Hey! Cool!” Bimbo shouted. “Haha wow! I didn’t even do that intentionally!” As the two ran and ran they reached an invisible sound constructed dead end for whatever reason.

The multicolored hearts then slowly closed in on them. “Hey, didn’t a certain you know what steal our emotionally projected hearts and multiplied them into rainbow shit?” Bimbo asked while holding onto Betty. “*Gasp* You’re right! Must be the work of-” Before Betty could speak a portal opened above them all, that looked like a very sparkly outer space, and sparkly rainbow smoke with tons of glitter emitted from it and went everywhere. Betty and Bimbo coughed loudly and found themselves now on the ground, in the middle of the street, with a bunch of people turned into melted chocolate. The overly clothed couple was standing in front of them menacingly. Betty and Bimbo got in a fighting stance and took out their weapons. “We don’t care what you do! We will bash your brains in along with your hearts!” Betty and Bimbo yelled simultaneously as they were rushing in to fight the other couple. “Haha… you fools…” The other couple started removing their over-dressed winter clothes. “WE ARE YOU!!!!” Identical duplicates of Betty Boop and Bimbo were right in front of them! “NOT THIS SHIT! ENOUGH WITH THE CLONE SHIT!” Bimbo yelled. The other Betty Boop and Bimbo put their hands out and let out a strong sonic boom that sent the normal ones flying back.

“We are not clones, we are alternate versions of you from another continuum that had gotten destroyed, eaten up and digested by reality itself. This existing timeline fills us with envy! We seek to replace you!” The other Betty and Bimbo said as rainbow smoke and ooze was coming out of their mouth and eyes respectively. “Well we’re not gonna sit around and chat about your otherworldly origins while you go be evil versions of us and kill people. So LET’S FIGHT!!!!” Betty shouted out a large sonic attack back, sound taking the form of concentric hearts, and twice as large and impactful as the sonic boom. “Hahaha…” While the powerful wave melted their forms a bit into rainbow mush the other couple just melted back together and started sparkling. They ran at the normal Betty and Bimbo as fast as light and in a puff of glitter they ended up… merging with them? Betty and Bimbo were knocked out for a second and started waking up. They saw the area around them was now covered in chocolate… rainbow chocolate… a melted substance they now were uncontrollably vomiting out.

“H-hey? What gives?!” Betty said in an extremely garbled manner from all the rainbow chocolate vomit. “I don’t know Betty, but ACK AUGGHH GAAAAAAHHH!” Betty and Bimbo started throwing up lots of glitter as all the chocolate melted the entire area and then merged with them. They were now in outer space and their clothing, now in the form of their usual iconic clothing, started flashing a rainbow color. The two saw their best friend in the distance. “KOKO?!” The two shouted out. Koko was sort of posing like a star and his eyes were flashing an array of colors like a lava lamp mixed with a gradient. Koko had a blank and trippy looking stare and as he spoke all that was heard was some kind of unfathomable eldritch language that he spoke at impossibly quick speeds. The entire area became different flavors of chocolate and then popped like a bubble and Betty and Bimbo were now in winter clothes again and in Central Park for whatever reason.

“Oh, my goodness! What do you think happened to our dear friend Koko?!” Betty cried out to Bimbo. “Beats me but look on the bright side! I think we defeated those evil doppelgängers of ours!” Bimbo smiled. “Yeah, but all those people are now melted into chocolate!” Betty cried. “Aw don’t worry Betty, they’re probably in a better place now.” Bimbo patted Betty. “Aww… yeah…” Betty wiped her tears. “Wanna go explore the park and continue our date?” Bimbo said. “Haha yes!” Betty said cheerfully. As the two started walking they gazed at each other with their eyes gaining heart shaped retinas… pink heart shaped retinas… pink heart shaped retinas that kept multiplying and then kept turning into chocolate. Betty and Bimbo screamed as their heads went back as their chocolate eyeballs rapidly flew into the air and transformed into text saying, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” That then transformed into unfathomable eldritch text with constantly morphing and warping letters.