Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Koko’s Vision

Sometime during January, was an artistic little clown doing artistic little things. “*sigh* Ah, drawing. How I love thee. One of my favorite hobbies.” Said Koko the Clown in his room drawing things from simple sketches, doodles and scribbles to downright detailed portraits and paintings. “This cold weather gives me even more of an excuse to be kept inside and do more of such a wonderful activity. Good thing I managed to collect so many pens before it got super chilly… boy do I love collecting pens.” Koko really enjoys collecting pens, he especially loves grabbing ones no longer in use by someone but that still have some ink and gel in them as he feels no good utensil should go to waste. He would often draw and draw until the pen, or other painting tool, ran out of ink and whatever else it had to draw. He now was up to his 100th dried out pen for today.

“Well, all outta ink, guess it’s time to upload my work online.” Koko had several alternate/side accounts, separate from his usual main ones, where he would post sketches, drawings and artwork online. His pen name was “CMYK Clown” and his online handles would have different variations of the name, depending on the site or platform. He mostly did so as a hobby but would also make online money off of it too. After he posted his work online, he put all of his finished work and drawings in several boxes that would lead to his own pocket dimension. “Welp, finished with that. Seems kinda late. Better get to bed.” Koko shut off his computer, organized his room and turned off his lights. He got tucked in bed, all huddled up, and so he could peacefully rest in the cold winter.

He soon fell asleep, dreaming and dreaming. “Ah… I can already tell that I’m lucid dreaming again.” Koko woke up in a void scratching his head with his hat still on. He was sitting down but as he got up, the world shifted around him. The sky looked like a mix between a creamy white, milk and custard in colors and appearance. The ground was a nice lush green meadow abundant with many sweet-smelling flowers. The feeling of the air was soothing. “Ah… I feel so… delighted.” He looked very dazed and happy. He bounced around the place in a way that made it feel like there was no gravity, it felt so… ethereal. It was truly a beautiful environment to be in. “I feel as if I could be here for eternity, the vibe I get is so… elegant and lovely.” He started floating in the air. As he continued moving throughout the world the place kept warping in such a beautiful manner. Sweet pastels with sweet smells all around, and many pleasant things to sense and feel. “Perhaps I could get some inspiration from here. It is quite nice.” Koko said calmly but with such a gleeful look on his face.

Koko got to eat food that only a high and intoxicated mind could manifest, smell things that were so indescribable they could only be described as coming from a sweet dream and see things that were so sublime. His dream was just so graceful and wonderful. But then the skies started to turn a mix between a darker pink, well bright but dark in comparison to the pastels, and orange. Things were also getting cloudy, but the clouds were still bright. The wind started to get cold, and the once sweet smell started to become scentless. The lack of sense would then turn into a mixed confusion of senses. Koko’s senses and mind started to get a little hazy and things felt fuzzier. “Ugh, what happened to this paradisiacal place? Why is everything starting to become… so…” Koko said as he had slowly fallen to the ground, crouching a bit, trying to look around. Koko then saw someone in front of him, a vague and blurry image of a little white dog. “This insubstantial place is no real paradise.” The dog said.

Koko was completely on the ground but was still looking up. He started barfing ice cream for some reason and tried to focus on the dog but his vision, as well as other senses, were blurry. “I’m sending you out of here, for your own good and safety, this place is a fabrication of what a paradise is. Don’t come back here and don’t try to replicate it.” The white dog just stood in the same position as he talked the whole time. As Koko was trying to get closer to the dog the milky colored canine just put his hand out and it was like Koko was instantly launched straight back into the void and then woke up. Koko woke up wide awake and breathing heavily. “Oh man…” He said after he gasped for air. “I’m forgetting so much of that dream already… no…” He put his hand on his head out of frustration. Only thing he now remembers is the vague talk from the dog. “That dog… I dream of him so much. He’s certainly not in every dream of mine but-” Koko was thinking to himself and slowly got up. But as he was looking around, he saw that the computer he shut off was on and had a really bright white screen. “That’s weird.” Koko squinted a bit.

Koko decided to get up and turn it off. As he got closer, he went to press the button but once he pressed it a flash of white light from the computer engulfed the room. “WOAH!!!” All Koko saw was light for a while and a piercing noise one usually may hear if their ears get fucked up. But then the white light faded away and Koko found himself in… Japan? “What the hell, I’m on the other side of the globe!” Many Japanese people were just walking around having a normal day. Koko tried to reach for something helpful in his hammerspace. “Ah c’mon! There’s gotta be something that can help me get back home what gives!?” After that didn’t work Koko tried to manifest a goo portal and put enough thought into it to try and go back to America but then… “Huh, that lotus is quite beautiful.” A very beautiful lotus emerged from muddy waters, perfectly unsoiled, and floated near Koko. The curious clown walked near it and crouched down. “Ah, it’s so lovely. And *sniff* it has such a nice smell too!” After leaning in to smell it, Koko looked up a bit and saw different lotuses of varying colors start coming near him. They started glowing and each glow formed a path of light as if it was asking for Koko to walk on and across.

“Um… I don’t think I wanna follow such mysterious magic stuff since it could lead to potential doom.” Koko said scratching his head. Koko then looked further across and on the other side of the waters he saw… a girl?! “Uhh… uhh…” Koko started blushing but nervously sweating a bit, he’s had quite the history of people he grows to care for, especially girls he easily crushes on, have something awfully tragic and unfortunate happen to them. The girl started waving at him. “Ugh! No! I don’t wanna have to see another innocent looking girl die!” Koko put his hands over his face and started shaking and crying, but then he heard a large BANG sound… like a gunshot. “Gaaah! It’s already happened! It’s too late! Huh?” As Koko looked up, he saw the girl had one hand making a gun motion and the other holding her head. The girl just smiled back and reattached her head. “Oh… is that her way of telling me she isn’t gonna die?” Koko stopped tearing up. “HEY! Did you understand me?!” Koko yelled across to the other side to try and be certain. The girl nodded and kept making polite but very shy looking motions. She started tapping her index fingers together and making a cutesy pouty face.

“Welp… if something tragic happens anyways I’ll know what I have gotten into. But it’s totally worth a shot!” Koko instantly rushed across the water really quickly as his legs appeared to comically turn into rapidly moving circles to indicate speed. Koko was now in front of the girl, and he had a large, slightly anxious, smile. “H-h-hi I-I’m K-Koko th-th-the c-clown and I...” He was speaking very quickly while breathing heavily after running fast. The girl, with pitch black eyes, just like how Koko often looks when he isn’t making a goofy ass wide eyed expression, looked down on Koko but with a shy and curious little smile. “Woah… you are tall. I know I’m tall, but you are tallER! Not that I’m complaining!” Koko said nervously sweating. The lady tilted her head side to side looking at Koko. Koko tipped off his hat to her to be polite, while still smiling anxiously, the tall lady bowed and then did a curtsy in response. “Hey, it’s pretty cold around here. Is that dark yet very sparkly dress enough to keep you warm? It is pretty long but still it is a very cold winter. Now that I think about it, I am pretty cold… and lost… I could use some guidance and warmth around here.” Koko started to get lifted up.

The tall girl gently picked up Koko and gave him a big hug. She had really long, thin and frail arms that wrapped around Koko’s entire body. She had a slightly dazed looking face, staring off into space, as she was hugging Koko and gently swinging him back and forth. “Oh my… you know what? Maybe I can stay here for a while.” Koko said enamored. On the side they were on was a bit of a large forest. After the girl put Koko down, she started walking, while softly holding his hand, and Koko followed. “My, you are such a big girl, but you feel so delicate.” Something Koko noticed was the girl was moving constantly even as she would just stand. It’s like she was unable to stop. The girl still kept walking with Koko and smiled. “Sorry if this is something you don’t wanna talk about, but since you and I are sorta alone now, can I ask you something?” The girl’s eyes started looking at Koko and while she stopped smiling, she wasn’t frowning either. “Are you chilly? Are you sick? How come you are all alone? Do you need someone to take care of you?” Koko said completely innocently and tried to act gentlemanly towards the girl. He can be a total simp. The girl then manifested some sort of invisible object around Koko and then it appeared as a bright red scarf. The girl and Koko then continued walking until they went in front of a rocky surface. 

“Hey? Why did we stop?” The girl then manifested an invisible doorknob and opened up an invisible door from the surface. “Oh wow.” Her and Koko then went inside, and the door automatically closed. The two were now in a cozy looking home with several candles and oil lamps. Koko and the girl sat down at a table and the girl manifested hot cocoa for Koko from an invisible portal and the girl took one of the oil lamps and started drinking from it as her neck elongated. “Oh, are you a yokai girl? That’s so cool. Wait… wait… I know this one! Rokurokubi?” The girl’s elongated neck then split apart, and her head started floating. “Nukekubi?” There was bright red smoke coming from her split neck parts and the smoke manifested into several different yokai. “Some sort of… combination of creatures?” The yokai turned back into smoke and went back into her neck which reattached, and she put a thumbs up and the continued to drink from the oil lamp until she ate it whole. “Oh, that’s cool, I’m like a weird unique mixture of things too! We should totally hang out!” Koko said very enthusiastically.

The girl started putting her hand up as she was reaching out for something telekinetically. Koko noticed the room they were in had a lot of books, scrolls, chips, disks, records and other information and data based stuff. One of them flew into her hand. A scroll yokai, known as a kyorinrin, was in her hand and unraveled. Japanese text on it was changing into English. “All the yokai you see appear are a part of me, this entire room is a part of me. I am quite shy and I’m not the best at opening up to people, so I didn’t want to be all too seen in public. I brought you here because I am a huge fan of you Koko…” The girl held up the scroll up to her face and eyes, where her eyes could still be seen making a timid little expression, down to the table. “I like your work as an artist, I like your work as a clown, I even like your work as an actor and a singer. I’m sorry for sending you across the globe without your permission. I’m not the best at communication. I can send you back home if you wish.” The girl’s eyes started tearing up a bit. “Ah, oh a fan! I’m flattered.” Koko started making a confident look with a puffed-out chest. “Well, it’s ok! You don’t have to send me back now. I would like to get to know you! You kind of remind me of me a bit. I used to be quite silent and sensitive myself! Well, I sort of still am! But you know!” Koko started smiling happily and holding onto both of the girl’s hands as the scrolled rolled up and started floating on the side.

“What’s your name? I’m sure an adorable girl like you would have such an adorable name!” Koko said excitedly. “Um… I go by… many names…” The scroll unrolled itself and stated again. “For now, you can call me Lady or Madame… I am part Japanese and part French. I’m a mime monster and I am good at mimicry and imitation…” “Ooh! That’s so cool! I’m not only a clown monster but specifically a Pierrot monster! That also makes me a pantomime monster haha! I’m quite good at imitating things myself!” Koko started shapeshifting into several creatures, objects and all kinds of things to impress the madame. She started clapping slowly then faster and started laughing. “Oh, you have a voice! Such a cute and sweet voice you have! It sounds quite airy and spacey. I love it!” Koko said with black little hearts flying above his head. “Oh! Uh! Thank you!” The girl finally said just using her mouth and the scroll flew away. She had an accent that was a mix between French and Japanese. “You’re welcome, hey if you don’t mind me asking, how come you are still shaking? It’s pretty warm in here.” Koko tilted his head out of curiosity. “Um… well… my condition… it’s not like I am unable to stop moving… it’s just… when I don’t.” The lady raised up her hand to be completely still and the flesh started shattering like glass and a weird mix between black and red liquid started melting out. “My body will get destroyed in randomized ways and fix itself back together after a while. I really don’t like it! It’s not only painful it’s embarrassing!” Her arm started putting itself back together.

“Oh my! You poor girl! I’m so sorry you have to deal with such a thing. Do you know how long you have had it?” Koko asked concerned but still gently. “I’ve had it ever since I was made…” “Huh? Made?” “Yes! Everyone was made! What’s weird with that?!” “Oh nothing! Are you like…” Koko felt a bit of the girl’s flesh that had fallen off and looked at her oddly porcelain and ceramic-like appearance. “…a doll?” The girl’s once blacker than night eyes started glowing a flash of brighter than the sun itself red. “I am not a doll…” The cute, shy and timid girl who, up till now, was going from happy to sad expressions, now had a look that was really angry, had tight fists and was standing up furiously. “Oh… I am sorry, is that something you don’t like being called?” The red flash in the girl’s eyes started going away and she sat back down. “Yes. I am the one who should be sorry… you didn’t know. I’m supposed to be a polite, classy, elegant and sophisticated lady, yet I acted too impulsively. I do not like being called a doll, puppet or toy. They have been phrases used to insult me. I do like playing with them however… I just don’t like being called one.” “I am so sorry! Did any assholes call you that?! If so, I’ll-” Koko started making an angry face and protective attitude over this girl he just met. “Ah… well, I don’t want to go into that for now but… thank you for caring.” The girl’s outfit then changed into a black substance and turned into a simple sweater and sweat pants get up.

“Uh, to change the topic, do you this outfit is more appropriate for the season? It’s not all that elegant or sophisticated but-” The girl said showing off to try and get Koko’s opinion. “I think you just look lovely, Madame.” Koko said with heart eyes. “Oh… thank you…” Madame said softly blushing the colors red and black. “You’re welcome.” Koko started blushing back with the colors of a rainbow. “Oh, by the way, my computer was glowing very brightly, despite me having turned it off, and when I went to shut it down it warped me over to Japan. Were you messing with it by any chance?” Koko raised an eyebrow. “Eep! Yes.” She replied. “Oh Madame! I also mess with other people’s computers when they aren’t looking!” Koko was smitten. While Koko often tries to act kind, rational and gentlemanly, well when he isn’t clowning, he also has a mischievous side. “Oh Monsieur! I can’t wait to meet you in other parts of the world! I often like to travel! It’s easy cause I can easily teleport!” “Oh, that would be wonderful- wait hold on.” Koko’s phone started beeping, it was from his brother. “Big bro where are you?! We’re supposed to be watching grandpa! He’s currently sick and choking on his pill! I can’t do this on my own and mom and dad are out! Hey, aren’t you supposed to be responsible for taking care of Grandpa today?” After reading the text he looked back at Madame. “Sorry m’lady, but I will have to come back another time. Hopefully we can meet again, and you can meet all of my family and friends!” Koko said happily.

“Oh… I am quite shy… for now maybe occasional meetings can be just between you and me? I’m also telepathic! I can communicate within your mind and dreams no matter the distance!” “Oh, that would be great and wonderful Madame! Hope to see you soon!” Koko said as he and his new lady friend opened a portal up, together, so he could go back home. “See you soon! Sayonara!” Koko went back home and did what he had to do. Ever since that day, he was happy to have found his new dream girl. Whenever he wasn’t spending time with friends and family, he would venture and spend time with Madame. They would clown and mime together, he would draw for her and she would read and write for him, they would even make stories together, watch things together, discuss things out loud or silently within their minds, go to different parts of the world, invite each other into one another’s pocket dimensions and so on and so forth. But even with all the time they spent together, Koko often felt there was still so much mystery with the girl. He still spent very relatively short times with her compared to how much time he spent with much longer time friends and family. He still wishes he could have gotten to know more.

It was finally Valentine’s Day, Koko had brought a book and box of chocolates, strawberry and vanilla candies for his dream lady. “Ah, that lady, she sure does love to eat a lot and she is so cute while doing so. The vibes she gives off are so… ethereal… I’ve known her for a bit now, and yet she is still so mysterious as she is elegant and adorable. I also hope she likes this book I got her. Such a sweet little bookworm!” By this point, Koko does know a few more things about her, such as some of her other names, but he still prefers to call her lady and Madame. He was in his room looking down at his phone to see the time. When the time was right a portal opened up from an invisible door and he went through it in a beautiful room with a pond with multicolored lotuses. There was his dream girl. She was dressed in a long black dress which upper half was as dark as the void and the lower half looked almost like you could see space itself, showing many moving stars, planets, and other objects within the cosmos. Other things she wore were bright red heels, makeup and a bun wrapped in a bright red bow all of which gave off the vibe of a shining red star. She was looking one way, while finishing eating what seemed to be ice cream, then turned around to Koko making a sweet smile at him.

“For you Madame…” Koko gave each of the gifts to her. The girl laughed and giggled. Her mouth enlarged into a wide fanged monstrous mouth with a black hole like portal eating the food, with the box too, and she grabbed the book and thanked him. “Oh monsieur, I brought you gifts too!” She said as the two sat down near the lovely flowers and pond. “Oh, what did you buy?” Koko asked. “Crème brûlée, milkshake and some custard. OH, and lots and lots of pens and some inkwells too! I know how much you love inkwells!” Just then Koko started sweating nervously as something felt oddly familiar. “Hehe… heh heh heh…” His head started turning and body started contorting. “Monsieur?” The girl said concerned. “Something! Something! SOMETHING! This reminds me of SOMETHING!” His gooey body started twisting and contorting more as he was in a nervous frenzy. He tried to contain himself but then… he felt something on his clown nose. It was a sweet little kiss from the girl. Koko went back to being chill and happy. “Aww thank you Madame.” “Haha, thank you!” The two then laughed and Koko ate his food and drank the milkshake with his girl.

After that they would start drawing and writing things together, read the book, have some fun and play around in the room. The two would then rest a bit near the lotus pond after using up all that energy to play around and have fun. The two looked very sleepy but gazed happily at each other. They were about to fall asleep, but the dame started to say something. “Monsieur Koko Sam Kollwitz…” she spoke quietly. “What is it dear?” He whispered back. “I have… something… to tell you…” She looked nervous. “You can tell me anything, sweetie.” Koko held her hand. For whatever reason, black, red and bright hot pink or magenta smoke started filling the room. “Nous sommes tous les deux des abominations surnaturelles qui sont des êtres cosmiques faits pour consommer la réalité et la recracher. Nous avons également le droit de transformer le tissu même de la réalité en notre propre jouet.” As she spoke her eyes slowly had a red glow emerging from them and the mud from the lotus pond started growing and flooding the environment and consuming them both. Lotus blossoms of many colors then emerged everywhere on top of them, glowed brightly and then started to wilt.

As the immortal bodies of Koko and his dream girl started “decaying” the environment started wilting like dead flowers and melting into a vortex and reality was warped, twisted and distorted once again. Koko and his girl were now in a bright red and pitch-black room with red spider lilies surrounding them. Their bodies seemed to have perfectly regenerated, now wearing black pajamas and a night gown, and were sleeping very peacefully with calm looks on their faces. As they were lying down next to each other, a glowing red string was connecting their fingers. Rainbow smoke with glitter and sparkles started coming out of their mouths and were floating up into a wide portal above them that looked like it led to outer space. Very interlinked as they are, they started having the same dream. But what was that dream? Well, it was far too eldritch to be comprehensible even among the average abominations.