Saturday, February 10, 2024

Flipped Betty Boop

As Betty Boop was sleeping, she had quite the dream. At first it was dark, then there was light. She was in a plain room… a very plain room. She was trying to look around for anything and scratched her head. “Hmm… the hell is going on around here?” She spoke. As she looked back every time she moved her head, a copy of her kept emerging. “Oh my.”

Before Betty would keep seeing copies of her with creepy facial expressions, now there would mostly not be much facial expression at all. The majority of them, would just make a constant blank and dull stare. Not even creepy anymore just… plain. “Meh.” Betty just looked tired and uninterested. The copies started stepping in slower and slower, closer and closer. “Uh, UMMM.” Betty’s eyes and eyebrows twitched. “FUCK OFF!” Betty yelled a large shockwave that echoed greatly. The copies then burst and shattered into pieces until there was nothing left.

“Good job, very good job.” A calm, yet mysterious sounding voice said while clapping. “Demon, I KNOW it’s you. Buzz off!” Betty said enraged with her hands in a fist. “Those were numerous copies of you, there are innumerable amounts of copies of you… but they weren’t you… what they lacked was…” As the demon went on Betty felt a ghostly hand touch her head. “THE SOUL.” Betty shaked a bit as the demon’s voice got loud. “What are you talking about?” Betty asked shivering a bit but still with an angry look on her face. “There can be copies who try to look like you, try to talk like you, try and sound like you, try and act like you… but really… are just pale imitations. They lack the mind of Betty, the heart of Betty, the soul of Betty. The very essence of you. The untwisted you.” The demon said while patting her head with its invisible hand. “What is this spooky shit?” Betty put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes up at the demon hand, even though she couldn’t see it she could, of course, feel it. The hand seemed gloved though.

“So many countless twisted versions of you, it is so numerous. It’s almost vomit inducing…” As the demon said it Betty started hurling up dark substance and it would eventually fade into the ground. “I don’t want the careless counterfeits; I want the real deal. The genuine article.” The voice’s voice started changing, sounding more like Betty. “Even I am you, yet I am not you. That’s the crazy hellish nature of the paradox cosmos.” The voice said manifesting in a form of a sort of melting Betty. “The fuck?” Betty tilted her head and the entity emulating her tilted back. “I never realized it before but in another continuum, you said to me, you told me, that I was your mirror… that I was like a reflection of you. I never realized it at the time. That I am the flipped version of you. I wasn’t even thinking about how similar you and I were at all, even if we certainly were not completely the same, but you helped me realize that.” The room started moving.

“That gloop monstrosity of you, trying to become you, you don’t remember but I and the other me do.” The room started bubbling. “You were saved by someone genuinely caring for you. It was stopped because someone genuinely cared for you. The you you. It was so simple.” The room became a dark space filled with glittering and glistening bubbles. “The world we live in, so great and grim, is filled with many bubble dimensions we all live in.” The voice started singing as bubbles taking the forms of instruments started playing. “Each bubble has its own space-time, a four-dimensional continuum that is truly sublime. All of these things make up a universe, you and I are a whole and a part of it both forward and reverse. Many people call this thing ‘reality’, and it is warping constantly, yet if it’s all warping constantly then what is this thing, we call reality?” The normal Betty started subconsciously singing along.

“You and I both can truly come to understand, reality is formed by the mass mind that crafts it with its hand. The collective conscious, subconscious, unconscious all of these things together make us all parts of this whole as we embody the element of AETHER!” All the bubbles popped into bright stars. The music stopped as the vacuum of space is now what they were in. A bright colorful galaxy is what surrounded them. “Woah! What the fuck!” Betty’s eyes shined as she and her so-called “flipped” counterpart looked upon the bright stars. “Look Betty, it is everything and nothingness simultaneously. We are all many and one with the cosmos. We are all shimmering stardust taking our own forms. Astral beings forming our own identities constantly as the space-time continuum always fluctuates.” The two smiled at the sight. “We are all interconnected, all interlinked, all intertwined. It is important we acknowledge that. And you and I truly personify that.” As the other Betty was trying to spit information the normal Betty was too starstruck by the beauty around her. “Oh well… guess we’ll be like this for a while. I’ll wait until you snap out.” The two would stay floating in the cosmos until the normal one would awake.