Saturday, February 10, 2024

Bimbo and The Demon in His Dream

Bimbo went into a very deep sleep. As he would dream he was in a very dark place. Pitch black. “Hello?” Bimbo’s voice echoed. All of a sudden a gust of smoke appeared in front of him and a creepily smiling copy was in front of him. “Oh… you…” Bimbo just crossed his arms in disappointment. “Oh… me…” The copy said as it creepily tilted its head and made a neck cracking sound. “Will you please fuck off, I wanna dream alone.” Bimbo said pissed. “I am alone.” The copy replied.

“Ugh, how long are we gonna do this shit?” Bimbo asked. The copy just kept smiling. Bimbo then sat on the floor angrily. As he was sitting for a while a reddish-mauve couch manifested underneath him and went up until it was on the surface. The copy was sitting next to him, and a movie projector was in front of them. “Ah yes, Bimbo Bud O’Hooligan.” The copy said as the projector turned on. “Born a mischievous little pup, always quite the rascal. The mother, Bean, and the father, Boor… they seemed to be well off… at first… Bean was living quite the life of poverty and her parents, Bimbo’s grandparents, were often too sickly and ill to properly take care of her. She often had to do things on her own and barely survived a lot of the time. Living off of many scraps. As she got older, she met Boor, seemed like an upstanding guy at first and they quickly fell in love. He gave her a stable home life, good healthy food, a sturdy bed… seemed like everything right?” The copy went on and on, but Bimbo just blinked with a tired expression.

“Truth was, he was a criminal. A highly feared individual. He contracted with countless demons to obtain numerous powers to commit several criminal activities. Often sacrificing many others in the process to gain more power. Not only that, but he also never cared for Bean as a person he only cared for her as someone to use, as he does with several people, he simply needed a gullible and naive woman to produce a son so that he could-” “Yeah yeah yeah SHUT UP!” Bimbo interrupted his copy and yelled. “I know my dad’s a criminal! I know my dad makes deals with devils! I don’t give a shit! He was cool as I could remember and never did anything too bad! Only people he sacrificed were irredeemable low lives and would go up against irredeemable people! He often had to do what he just had to do! Why the hell should I trust a literal demon, who’s done nothing but antagonize me, on anything they have to say about him?! Ma and Pa had a little fight and all that got them divorced! So what? Doesn’t mean I’m gonna listen to you who’s very much warping his image! Warping my image even! Fuck off man! If you REALLY were me, you would love and miss dad!” Bimbo was breathing heavily and angrily.

“Oh you-” The demon smirked as it was about to say something. “OH YOU NOTHING! You try and make me out as some sort of villain in front of my girlfriend who I’ve risked my OWN safety to keep HER safe constantly, you possess me, steal my identity, put me through all kinds of shit snd now you’re pulling THIS! I’ve had ENOUGH!” Bimbo tried to choke the demon, but it just continued to smirk. “Ahaha… I see you are so unenlightened, that’s okay. I will be glad to see how things turn out myself.” The demon slightly laughed. “SHUT UP!” Bimbo punched the demon, but Bimbo felt the impact of the punch. “I am able to remove one body’s sense of pain and transfer it to another. Be more cautious now.” The demon said.

Bimbo then made two fists and started making a really angry and twitchy face. But then… “GAH! What the fuck do you want with me anyways?!” Bimbo tried to calm himself down. “I am you, I am eternally you as you are eternally me.” “Shut the fuck up with the bullshit and just answer the question.” Bimbo put out a middle finger. “Bimbo comes in many shapes and forms, many sizes, many angles, many pictures, there are many faces of you across the space-time continuum. Bimbo is paradoxically one but many. Out of Bimbo’s closest childhood friends, his looks are the most multitudinous.” The regular Bimbo just rolled his eyes and faced his body away from the demon while crossing his arms angrily. “Look and see what I mean.” Normal Bimbo then felt invisible gloved hands grab his head and his neck snapped a bit. “GAH! What the fuck! Wait…” The projector shined light across them and showed numerous holograms of many different looking Bimbos of varying shapes, sizes and colors. Only consistency really was that they were all some type of dog.

“The copious canine with countless copies. Some even look almost just like members of Bimbo’s family but really are just Bimbo himself. Like that white one over there, looks a lot like the paternal grandfather. Oh and that cream colored one also looks like him. That one with the straw hat looks just like mother. Hey that brown one looks almost the same as the commonly accepted look of Bimbo save for the colors of course. Just so many.” There were so many versions of Bimbo walking around doing different things. “Wanna know why the so called ‘regular’ Bimbo has a curse that leaves multiple bodies behind each time a previous one dies? Because Bimbo started out as a being with an irregular form until the arguably best form was chosen as the regular one and has since been the most accepted and what many identify with when it comes to the entity known as ‘Bimbo.’ Most space-time continuums have tried to replicate that in the form of a curse. But that is only why, how Bimbo got this curse specifically? Why not just be able to duplicate yourself or freely shape-shift? Wanna know how Bimbo’s curse came to be? Well even if I told you how, not like you would even trust or believe me.” The demon now just had a calm neutral smile.

“How do I not know all of this is just a huge lump of bullshit made to further fuck with my brain?” Bimbo said as he took out a large soda to sip from. “Because I know, and you simply don’t.” The demon said taking the form of a liquid Bimbo from the soda he was drinking. “AAH! Dude!” Bimbo flung the soda out of shock. “Hahahaha.” The demon laughed as the soda faded away. “Just saying you know something isn’t enough for me to trust you. I am a practical guy! I’ll only trust something when I have viable information! And don’t you even DARE go on some tangent about how not all information can really be trusted cause in the end it’s all just ‘the brain making-up-stuff to perceive the concept of existence’ or some other wannabe intellectual gobbledygook. Everyone can just put words together to make up something to sound smarter than they really are. You ain’t special!” Bimbo yelled. “This conversation clearly won’t be able to progress any further. Very well then, enjoy your current dream sequence with the far more intelligent alternate you telling you what things are. Enjoy your alone time in ‘practicality.’ After this you won’t hear or see me in this current dream.” The demonic copy faded away. “Thank fuck, what a looser. Hopefully I can just dream in peace.” And so he did. Bimbo ended up dreaming having fun, being his playful and energetic self, in his lucid dream land. It was bright and colorful and just wondrous fun. He continued to have a sweet dream until he would awaken.