Thursday, February 8, 2024

Please Not Far From Home!

After spooky black inky goo teleported Betty into a void, she got the hunch she was being warped to another location. “Please not far from home! Please not far from home! Please not far from home!” Betty pleaded. Just then, Betty was in her room with a portal of dark liquid shooting her up. Bimbo was sleeping on her bed snoring loudly. “Ah… well I’m glad I’m still at home.” Betty said as the liquid around her faded away.

As she looked at Bimbo, she got closer. “Ugh, he spilled orange soda all over my bed and got crumbs of chips on it! Messy boy! He’s gonna have to clean this up for me.” Betty spoke angrily yet quietly. Betty tried to wake up Bimbo but did so gently and whispered. “Bimbo, Bimbo.” She poked at him. He was still snoring loudly. “Ugh! BIMBO!” Betty got a bit furious and tugged at him. As she tugged him, he flopped over to the other side facing Betty. “*Gasp*! Oh, my stars!” Betty shrieked. Bimbo’s eyes, wide open, showed the vastness of outer space itself. It showed the darkness of the void and shine of the stars. “Uh…” Betty tried to wave her arm in front of Bimbo to get a response. “Whatever happens next please don’t warp me to another-” “Hello Betty Nan Boop Blum.” Bimbo said.

“Oh… hello…” Betty just had a blank face. The literal star eyed Bimbo snapped his fingers and cleaned up the mess. “I apologize that I had made such a mess, please forgive me. I want to make it abundantly clear that it was a mistake, and I spilled my food and drink, I was going to clean it but then I fell asleep.” Bimbo said while floating and putting his hands together. “I’m gonna have to deal with this for a while, aren’t I?” Betty sat down and put her hand on her cheek. “I see that you are in the mood to stay home today…” “Please just…” “Betty, no need for speech, I know what you already have to say.” Betty then flopped back on the floor and looked up at the ceiling.

“Since you aren’t going anywhere, can you at least tell me your name?” Betty said in her mind. “I am Bimbo.” The so-called Bimbo responded telepathically. “You know what I mean.” Betty grunted. “Why did you wanna harm Bimbo so badly yet take his identity? Bimbo is my bestest, greatest friend. My soulmate. My everything. He’s done so much for me, and I’ve done so much for him. I wanna stay with him forever.” Betty started sniffling a bit. “Bimbo is forever, Bimbo is eternity, Bimbo is endless, Bimbo is unlimited.” Bimbo chanted. Betty started tearing up. “You’re probably just gonna continue replying with weird vague shit, but whatever you say or do, just please don’t do anything bad to Bimbo. I care for him so.” Betty pleaded.

The weird Bimbo closed his eyes and fell into Betty’s arms, suddenly Bimbo’s eyes opened back to its normal appearance. “Ay.” Bimbo said while looking at Betty. “Bimbo? Is that really you?” Betty put her hand on Bimbo’s cheek. “Is the world full of foolish facts?” Bimbo pointed at Betty. “I’m sure you will agree! Oh Bimbo!” Betty replied back hugging him. “Ah Betty, not only is the world full of foolish facts but so is the entire universe.” Bimbo got up from Betty. “Space, time, reality, fantasy, all, nothing, is filled with inane information.” Bimbo explained. “Ah. AAAHHH.” Betty started screaming out of anger. “Betty chill! It’s still me! I think parts of my brain got fucked up by that demon. I still don’t even know what he looks like, whenever he takes a form, he often copies me, but I hear him talk in my brain a lot, his voice constantly changes… Dude is a HUGE nerd he puts Grampy to shame.” “Oh… well at least you are alright?” Betty pondered. “Yeah… I guess.”

Betty started rubbing her chin. “Do you remember when you would murder and rob rich people?” Betty asked. “Yeah, well duh, you were with me too.” Bimbo said. “Huh?!” Betty was confused. “Goddamn Betty, you sure are forgetful. We just blew up a dude’s yacht yesterday. Man was selling pufferfish poison to children in the disguised form of nautical candy! We got several spears and harpoon weapons after!” Bimbo said. “Hmm…” Betty started thinking. “Bimbo…” Betty held a deep breath. Betty tried to speak but then… “I know what you are about to say.” Bimbo’s head tilted and made a cracking sound. “UGH!” Betty then slapped Bimbo. “Gah! Hey! Betty! Me and the demon are currently conscious at the same time! We both felt that!” Bimbo said rubbing his cheek. “Ah! I’m so sorry.” Betty then started getting teary eyed. “D’aw, it’s okay.” Bimbo then went to comfort Betty.

As Bimbo was patting Betty to comfort her, Betty then started picking up Bimbo by choking him with her hand. “We should shake him.” The demon said in Betty’s mind, now taking a mental form copying her. “Nooo! Bimbo I’m sorry!” Betty’s other hand formed a fist. “Ah… I know… HURGH… you are… URK… just try and give your softest punch, okay?” Bimbo said while fully understanding Betty was being controlled by the demon. Betty then was about to punch Bimbo and let out a loud yell of sorrow and regret. Before she could land a hit Bimbo started vibrating, screaming then phased out of reality. “*Gasp* Bimbo!” Betty shouted. Just then the room started waving and phasing out too. Reality had been warped once again.

Betty was now in her room with Bimbo, and they were watching TV. “Haha! See this part? Look what happens!” Bimbo laughed and pointed. A movie was playing and one of the characters in it got flung into the sky and a large colorful explosion happened. “Haha! This shit is fucking insane.” Bimbo laughed while slapping his knee. “H… yeah…” Betty just responded nervously, just trying to seem like she understood anything. “Damn Betty. If you don’t like the movie, just tell me!” Bimbo paused the movie. “*Sigh* Oh Bimbo, I’ve just been going a bit crazy lately. I don’t really know what to say.” Betty started holding herself wrapping her arms around her body looking nervous. “Aww, it’s ok. I’ve been feeling a bit crazy too! You know I got this demon in my head, keeps making me bleed and all. I sometimes feel so lightheaded!” Bimbo patted Betty’s back to comfort her. “Oh Bimbo…” Betty held Bimbo’s other hand.

“What’s Grampy doing now, er, again?” Betty asked. “Grampy is currently visiting some family in Austria. I mean your family… our family? I’m technically part of your family too, aren’t I Betty?” Bimbo asked with a cute look in his eyes. “Ah, sure you are. You’ve always been my first real family at least!” Betty said rubbing Bimbo’s head. “Haha, aw yeah. That’s precious.” Bimbo smiled. The atmosphere of the room was warm and cozy. “Oh please, oh please great spooky demon…” Betty said in her mind. “Please don’t warp things again, not just yet. Please!” Betty sensed the area around her was gonna warp again and heard a low, faint yet audible wavering noise but then it stopped. Betty looked around and waited for a while. “Phew! Thank you!” Betty thought with relief.

“Ugh Betty…” Bimbo reached to Betty and Betty heard lots of dripping noise. “I can sorta… kinda… maybe just a little… hear your thoughts. I’m also bleeding again… like a lot.” Bimbo was dripping out so much blood, this time it was dark blue. “The strange color of my blood switches between green, black, blue. Heard that’s what sulfur can do to the blood. Grampy told me that… Fire and brimstone huh… I think… I think the demonic shit is really getting to me.” Bimbo was twitching a bit. “Oh no! Bimbo!” Betty hugged Bimbo gently and he hugged back. Betty started singing a calm and relaxing song which slowly healed Bimbo. “Guh, thank you.” Bimbo rested his large head on Betty’s little shoulder. “You’re very welcome.” After some further hugging the two then went to rest for the night. After they finally fell asleep and started snoring, dark blue and black essence was coming from the floor then shooting out into the sky.