Saturday, February 3, 2024

Strange Bimbo

As Grampy was staying in a hotel for a while, saying he had to go for unknown yet important reasons, he left Bimbo responsible for taking care of Betty Boop. As his loyal apprentice Grampy had lots of trust in Bimbo. He knows the dog boy is very loyal to and cares very much for his granddaughter and knows he will do anything to take care of her. The girl was quite sickly and seems to have been infected by some maple syrup monster thing. Luckily the sickness wasn’t too severe although she had to stay in bed a lot.

Bimbo would check on Betty every now and then, currently she was resting sound asleep. “Sleep well sweet angel.” Bimbo looked at her warmly. He checked all around her room to make sure everything was a-okay. Once he was done, he left the room and locked it tightly. Bimbo started to get dressed to go outside. Not only did he get covered head to toe, but strangely, he also put on a mask that obscured most of his face. “Now time to get to some real business.” He pulled out some type of device from his clothing that opened a portal or gate. Bimbo took out some sort of machete and went through it, after he went through the portal closed without a trace.

Bimbo was in some type of… mansion? “Ayo? What the fuck? Not you again! After him!” A voice shouted. Hundreds and hundreds of people, weapons and all, started charging at Bimbo. Bimbo started slashing and cutting several of them in just a few minutes but more kept coming. “I’m getting bored of this.” Bimbo said in a deeper tone than usual. He threw his machete in the head of a guy who was carrying a large machine gun. After picking up and collecting all the weapons, another hoard of people went at Bimbo, currently carrying the large machine gun, and he just went blasting. “Ah… just more things to collect…” Black inky substances started dripping out of his mask where his eyes and mouth are. After basically killing everyone, he ended up wiping it and just grabbed all of the weapons. Bimbo then went to a hallway.

Bimbo looked at his phone as if he was checking for something. He then put it back. Bimbo then went into a room where the voice came from. There was a classy and wealthy looking man who owned the place. He took out a large gun. “You better not come any closer… you accursed one.” Said the man as he aimed right at Bimbo. Bimbo just silently and slowly got closer. “I’m warning you!” The man started sweating. Bimbo then dashed quickly out of the man’s sight. The room was large with many objects in it. The man started becoming very nervous and tried to aim his gun wherever he heard noise. “C-come out you little freak!” Right as the man wasn’t looking Bimbo stabbed him in the neck with a simple and small knife. “Don’t be stupid, you and I both saw this coming… and many of the others…” Bimbo said as he kept digging the knife slowly and painfully into the man. The man then died from severe injury and blood loss. Bimbo then took the gun from the man and started taking many, many other things from him.

“So much loot to put into my hammerspace. Thievery sure ain’t easy and it can take a bit, but hey I’m fine with the results.” It took a long while to steal everything in the mansion, but he eventually did it. Once he was done, he walked far away from the mansion but not so far it wasn’t out of sight. “Time to blow it up.” Bimbo pressed a button and a large explosion happened. The mansion was gone without a trace. He took out a cigarette and left the area via a portal. Once he came back on the other end, he was in his clothing he previously was before he left home but still had a cigarette in his hand. When he finally stepped in and the portal was closed, Pudgy was there yapping at him. “Hey, I left you tons of food earlier do you really want more?” Pudgy then started trying to bite and pull at Bimbo as if he wanted him to see something. “Huh? What is it boy?” Pudgy then started running and Bimbo followed.

They went to the door of Betty’s room. Disturbingly, red liquid was seen leaking out from under. Bimbo, who previously had a calmer expression, then had his eyes widened open and started sweating. “No… nothing better had happened to her, or I swear!” Bimbo then started unlocking the door really fast and slammed the door open. He came in with the large gun he got from the man. “ALL RIGHT! WHOEVER MESSED WITH HER MESSES WITH ME!” Bimbo shouted out loud. But then Betty was there all fine and well. “Ah… Hello Bimbo.” Betty slowly and faintly said, still a little sick but she had enough energy to be up. “Hey where did you get that gun? It looks pretty fancy and has some gold on it.” Betty simply said out of innocent curiosity. Bimbo wiped his sweat and was relieved. “Oh Betty, I thought something horrid happened to you! There was red liquid everywhere under your door and-” “What red liquid?” Betty still asked innocently. “What you didn’t see all that? It was coming right out from- wait what?” As Bimbo looked back the floors were squeaky clean. “But Pudgy brought me over here because of it!” “Oh Bimbo, maybe that’s the maple syrup stuff leaving my body?” “Why would it be such a blood-colored red? Maple syrup is a sweet looking brown!” Betty just looked at him in silence.

“Where did you get that gun? You haven’t answered me.” Betty started raising an eyebrow. “I made it myself…” Bimbo’s eyes started moving around a bit. “Mmm-hmm…” Betty said in a sassy and unconvinced tone. “Doesn’t look like something you would usually make. Now be truthful with me, where did you get it?” Bimbo tried to think of what to say. “Well, uh, well I. You, see?” Bimbo then quickly got out another gun that contained a tranquilizer dart and aimed it at Betty, but Betty quickly dashed to Bimbo with her super werepoodle speed. She grabbed both of Bimbo’s hands as both of his guns dropped. “Hmmph. To think you would do that to your own girl, your most trusted and oldest friend even…” Betty started looking at Bimbo with a piercing gaze. “Now tell me…” Betty slowly opened her mouth that revealed sharpened werebeast fangs. “Ummghh… hrrgnhhh… Okay, okay! I stole it from a rich guy. He wasn’t pleasant you know! Yeah, I know, coming from a literal sinner like me, but he’s one of many depraved, awful people who I just HAD to steal from and kill. I took everything from his mansion, then blew it up and it’s gone for good! Is that enough for you!” Bimbo was shaking.

“Hmm…” Betty tilted her head and lowered her eyelids. “Mwah!” She then gave Bimbo a kiss on the nose, dropped him and reverted back to her human form. Betty then twirled around with her hands together and had her eyes closed with a gleeful look on her face. “Oh, thank you for being honest with me! I would like it if you could at least tell me more. You know I am willing to hear you out!” Just then Betty felt something in her back when she wasn’t looking. A large tranquilizer dart was in her back. She looked back at Bimbo with very large eyes of shock but then her vision started blurring and her eyes started to close. She tried to stay awake as much as she could. “Bimbo… why… did you…” Betty collapsed on the floor. “I’m glad you seem to be getting real better but… a sweet girl like you should really stay out of this. Trust me when I say, I just wanna keep you safe.” The large dart should keep her knocked out for approximately 2-3 hours.

As Betty awoke, she found herself in the lab. She was on some type of wide platform but was at least in a sleeping bag and didn’t feel how cold, hard and uncomfortable sleeping on the metal would have been. As Betty looked up, she saw Bimbo doing something on a computer. “Bimbo…” She spoke and got up slowly. Bimbo turned around and looked back at Betty with a wide-eyed stare, green substance was oozing out from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. “Before you ask you aren’t in the lab. You have been transported into a dimension of the mind, both your body and soul.” Betty tried to rush to Bimbo but was blocked by an invisible force field. It didn’t hurt her, but she fell back hard from the impact. “Where are we? What are you doing with Bimbo?!” Betty said noticing the way he was speaking was a bit off even though he had the same voice. “I am Bimbo. I am fully conscious as Bimbo.” “Well, you don’t seem to be acting all too much like Bimbo! Sorta!” There was a small gap of silence. “Please stay seated as I finish my task.” “What task?!” “That is not a question that I am allowed to answer.”

Betty sat down and crossed her arms and looked grumpy. “Hmmph! I should be scared but now I’m just angry! What’s your deal and who the hell are you working with or for anyway?” Betty growled. The strange Bimbo just remained silent. “The line between body and soul, corporeal and incorporeal, tangible and intangible, material and immaterial, physical and metaphysical, and so on, is a large spectrum. For some the divide is clear for others it is quite blurry.” Bimbo spoke, and Betty just remained in annoyed silence. “This place, this dimension, this location… it is just like that. A mix between all such things. Just like many other places in existence.” The weird Bimbo finally shut off the computer. “Reality is always bending, twisting and warping. Its distortion is just the natural chaos and order of the universe. But what even defines reality in the first place? Isn’t all of reality just subjective, a perception, a fantasy since all those who experience reality have subjective minds that interpret it all in different ways?” The environment they were in was slowly twisting, contorting, twirling and changing into calm, muted yet trippy colors. “The truth about reality, is that it is made up and experienced by subjective minds with their own different beliefs, opinions, feelings, thoughts, views on where to draw the line of what they consider ‘real’ and just a ‘fantasy’ as no one is truly a 100% objective being.”

The green liquid started pouring everywhere, then consuming the place, as it changed into different colors and the environment changed into a relaxing, yet slightly bland, normal looking room. “I am Bimbo, I am a sinner, I am a Hellion. It was only natural that I either get devoured or become possessed by a demonic force or entity at some point. Of course, my cycles through life and death cannot allow me to really die. So, what else did I have? Becoming a demonic being myself, and now I collect souls like a demon would. As that is what I am. A devilish little hound. And all those souls become consumed by me. I am an abundance, I am a mass, I am a legion.” Bimbo said as he sat in a wine-red colored chair with a calm and relaxed expression. “The area we are in now is a memory of a house that I have had destroyed in the past. Unfortunately, you never got to see it for yourself since it was so short-lived. It is at least relaxing is it not?” 

Betty, who was sitting in a brown chair, just looked tired. “Please give me my Bimbo back. I don’t want him gone forever.” She blinked slowly. “Bimbo never left. Bimbo was and is always here. Bimbo is budding everywhere.” Just then there were many plants sprouting around them. They started growing, budding and mutating into several warped heads of Bimbo. They started engulfing the area. “Bimbo never left… Bimbo will never die… even if Bimbo temporarily leaves Bimbo will never truly be gone.” The voice whispered as it too was getting engulfed. Betty started screaming out loud, being covered by the many budding Bimbos, and found herself in the living room all of a sudden. “Hey Betty? Can you keep it down? I get you stubbed your toe earlier but it’s not that severe gosh darn-it!” Bimbo said in his more usual tone as he was playing a video game.

“Oh Bimbo!” Betty said gleefully and lovingly as she hugged Bimbo. “Gah! Hey, you made me lose! What has gotten into you?” Betty took a deep breath and tried to explain all of what happened but then… “Why are you speaking in Polish? You know I can’t understand you.” Bimbo just looked annoyed. Betty started sweating nervously with question marks above her head. “Whatever, this game wasn’t that fun anyways.” Bimbo shut it off and started getting up. “I’m gonna go sleep in your room, go do whatever as long as it’s not dumb or stupid. Grampy is currently on a boat ride visiting some people. He said he might give you a gift once he comes back.” Bimbo then left the room.

Betty was now just super confused. “Oh man… I know reality warps as usual, but I feel like I’m going crazy! Why do I feel like I’m intentionally being driven insane?” Betty then tried to calm down and so she did. “I’ll just, listen to some of my own music that’s all…” But as Betty listened to her own music all she could hear was distorted noises. “Uhhhhh.” Betty was frightened. Just then a strange copy of Betty was looking right down at her, normal Betty looked back shivering a little. The copy started melting inky black liquid yet just stood there with a blank expression. “Blood as black as ink, it may come out even when you wink.” Betty then tried to shout but she then started vomiting the dark substance. The copy started melting as the original continued to vomit and the more the copy melted the more Betty's eyes, nose and ears started being covered by the dark substance until all Betty sensed was void. Betty would soon feel like she was about to be transported to another place.