Sunday, January 28, 2024

Distress of The Demonic Distortion

In Grampy’s house, you would find many electrical and mechanical appliances from more crazy things, like nano-machines that can alter the environment, to more mundane things like an electrical typewriter. When it comes to this electrical typewriter, it was just a normal old device that Grampy added many adjustments onto. Originally was just part of a test among several other old objects he took the time of improving and repairing of it became a stay at the household. Its main quirk is that it can produce its own paper, although of course one can put paper outside of it in it too.

Grampy would often use this to write down things like letters and notes on his research on several subjects, but from time-to-time Betty would use it too. Since Grampy is still in the hospital, Betty had been using it more. She would write letters down to be sent to Grampy and would use it for her own journaling and diary-ing, as her previous diary got destroyed. She would sometimes use it just to write down shit… for fun… because she can. Today however, she is writing or typing, whatever, a nice and wholesome message to her Grampy.

“Dear Grampy, someday, maybe someday, me and Bimbo were thinking of potentially becoming great inventors like you! I know we both have the intelligence of a brick, but that doesn’t mean we are incapable of trying our best! I’m sure me and him can come up with wonderful things as great as you! Love, Betty. <3” She took out a pen with pink colored ink to color in the little heart. She then put the message in an envelope and gave it to a little robot that would deliver mail. “You know what to do little fella, teehee!” She patted the robot, and it opened out its jetpack and flew off.

Betty was typing in her room, on a desk, Bimbo was in the back playing paddleball with a bored expression on his face. Betty looked back to him. “Hey Bimbo, wanna try typing on the typewriter! It’s pretty fun and you look bored!” She said with a bright excited smile. “Nah… I’m fine. Plus, I’m not sure if I wanna have fun with Grampy’s tech for a while, at least not until he comes out of the hospital.” He replied. “Oh okay, well hey! I guess at the very least… you are more expressive than you were when you first left the void! Guess you’re just a bit bored and all heheh.” Betty chuckled. Bimbo just looked up, with his eyelid's half closed, at Betty, still with his half-bored face, and then looked down to continue paddling. “Oh, I’m sorry Bim-Bim if I said anything to upset you! Sorry for making it look like I was chuckling at your misfortune, I didn’t mean to!” “It’s fine Betty, I know you didn’t.”

After some time, the robot came back with a message from Grampy. As Grampy couldn’t really write himself, due to his arms still being fucked up and getting repaired, he had a hospital assistant write out for him in red pen. The robot handed the message to Betty. “Dear Betty, I’m sure you and Bimbo can become great inventors someday if you put not only your minds into it but your own hearts. <3 By the way, I had my chip removed as the doctors recommended not to put any of my tech in my body for a while until I am certain it can be safe. But I still wanted you to have it as a little token. You’re allowed to have it as long as you don’t implement it into you too haha! Have fun kiddo! Love, Grampy.” There was the removed chip, cleaned and everything, inside of a little bag. “Woah… guess I gotta watch out for this thing huh?” Betty grabbed the bag and looked around at it out of curiosity.

“I wouldn’t play around with that thing if I were you.” Said a slightly deadpan and soured sounding Bimbo. “Oh okay, I should just leave it down then. Guess if I keep it in the bag everything will be alright?” Said Betty. Bimbo just slowly blinked. “Ah…” Betty put her finger to her cheek. “In the meantime, lemme test something out.” Betty dashed to Bimbo. “Hugs!” She picked up Bimbo and only one heart flew above him and then it popped away, his expression barely changed. “Well at least I can tell you’re getting a little better on the inside! I’m so sorry, that mean ol’ void demon must have taken so much of the life energy outta you!” Betty started caressing Bimbo’s head with a sad and pitiful expression. Bimbo’s head moved a bit to look behind Betty. “Hey what’s going on over there.” He pointed.

Betty also looked back while still holding onto Bimbo. The chip ate the bag it was in, became bigger and started floating on its own to the electric typewriter and merged into it. The electrical device started floating and crazy electrical sparks were flying all over around it and it started morphing into something… demonic. “Uh oh… WHY DID GRAMPY HAVE TO GIVE ME THAT THING?!” Betty started crying into Bimbo’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t cry, we’ll probably figure something out. Unfortunately, you know I can’t use any of his weapons he made for me right now and I still wouldn’t recommend using any he made for you either. But perhaps we can- MMMFFH!” Crumpled pieces of paper shot into Bimbo’s mouth. “Bimbo!!!” Betty said with a scared face but started taking the papers out of his mouth. “Why you! I’ll… I’ll… AAAAAAAHHHH!!!” Betty let out a loud sonic scream at the now demonic typewriter. The typewriter just started growing and looking larger and scarier.

“Aah! Bimbo! What do we do! What do we do! I don’t want the technology in our home to be haunted anymore!” Betty cried again while holding onto Bimbo. Poor girl, she was really sad and scared. “Gah, wish I had enough energy, and better weapons, to beat the shit out of that thing.” Bimbo finally had some more expression, looking a mix between being quite angry and being very drained and tired. Just then the typewriter flew out of the window. “Okay Betty, I think we gotta chase that thing.” Bimbo said as he took out a metal bat. “Oh yeah, let’s get ready!” Betty went werepoodle mode.

The two got their stuff on and went outside. “Betty, uh, one thing you’re probably gonna have to carry me cause I feel drained as shit. It’s probably gonna take a while for me to catch up.” Bimbo said. Betty then carried Bimbo and ran with him at the speed of sound. “Hehe! You’re so fun to hold and carry!” “Ah, haha…” Bimbo blushed a bit with two hearts emerging above his head then popping. “…g-guess I am.” Bimbo had a little smile, a tired smile but a still very visible and clear one. “Aww sweetie! I’m so glad you’re starting to get better!” Betty started squeezing Bimbo tightly but then they crashed and fell down not looking where they were going. “Aaaah! I can’t believe we almost got hit by a car! Oh, Bimbo I feel so dumb! Wait… Bimbo? Bimbo honey bunches? Where are you?” Betty saw her horrifically crushed lover in the distance. “OH NO!” Betty ran towards him quick.

“B-Betty.” Bimbo slowly raised up a crunched arm towards her. “Please put me out of my misery and take some of my weapons. You’re gonna have to do this one on your own.” He said in a very weak and slow voice, even worse than before. Betty just let out a high-pitched teary scream while holding the hands of Bimbo. Just then, Bimbo started healing a bit, then a bit more from Betty screaming for a long time, then after… “Ay, uh, Betty? You can stop screaming now.” Bimbo looked good as new and way better than before. “Oh Bimbo!” Betty helped Bimbo get up and they walked away from traffic. “Looks like your screams were quite the remedy! I feel like six hundred and sixty-six bucks!” Bimbo twirled around his metal bat then moved his hand on it, engulfing it in hellish flame with a mischievous smile. “Now let’s go bust up that tacky typewriter!” He started swinging around energetically. “Wait a second Bimbo!” Betty put her hand on him, and he stopped moving and looked up at her. “The spooky void demon thing said something about how I have a sound energy that can amplify the energy and powers of others! When I screamed at that typewriter it just became more bigger and scarier! We have to be careful how I use my sound!”

Bimbo started thinking. “Hmm…” Cogs were slowly moving in his thought bubble then fell on his head as the thought bubble poofed away. “You wanna just beat the shit out of it with weapons then?” “Sure okay!” Betty, once really concerned, now replied cheerfully and carefree. The two then went to further search for it. While it was nowhere to be seen, a bunch of papers started darting at Bimbo. “Ah! Ah! Hiya!” He started swinging for his life as the papers got set on fire, only to now become papers on fire. “Crap…” Bimbo started sweating. “Maybe fighting things from a demon with hellfire wasn’t the best idea?” Betty said. “Ugh…” Bimbo growled a bit then started spitting on his bat to put out the flames. “Eeeewwww! That’s so gross! Use the snow around us next time!” Betty said with her tongue out in disgust. “Hey, it did the job didn’t it?” Bimbo said, just then his metal bat started floating out of his hand and started bashing his head. “Ow! Ow! Oof!” He started seeing pentagrams above his head.

“Aah! Stop it you stupid bat! Go away!” Betty tried to grab the bat to keep it away from Bimbo but it just flew off. “Ah great, looks like even non-mechanical stuff is off limits too! Is nothing safe to use! Ugh, oh and thanks for the support, Betty…” Bimbo got up rubbing his head. “Oh, I’m so sorry sugar, it seems like whatever force is behind this it’s really out for you! I mean that typewriter could have easily given me several paper cuts, and that bat could have easily swung at me, but it seems to just be aiming for you.” Betty patted Bimbo’s head gently. “Great just great! Now I have even more of a curse to deal with! How am I gonna be a cool and badass hunter of the supernatural now! I wanted to beat the shit out of things and get paid for it not get beat up all the time myself!” Bimbo started tearing up a bit. “Aaw! Come here! It’s ok! Maybe with my amplifying sound powers I can make you into a real invincible tough guy!” Betty started cuddling Bimbo to comfort him. “*sniff* Really?” Bimbo looked up at Betty with shiny puppy dog eyes. “Hmm maybe, only one way to find out! Now stay put.” Bimbo decided to stay put as Betty told him to.

“Boop BOOP BE DOOOOOOOOOOP!” She yelled out a really large and loud shock wave. Betty closed her eyes tightly while yelling and as she slowly opened them… “Hehehe, did it work? Wait WHAT THE FUCK?!” Right in front of her was what seemed to be Bimbo floating and demonically possessed with lots of objects and tech shit, including the typewriter and bat that tried to beat the shit out of him. His eyes were pretty black with some black stuff leaking out under them. “- .... .. ... / -- ..- - - / .. ... / -. --- / -... .- -.. .- ... ... --..-- / .... . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -. . ...- . .-. / -... . .-.-.-” The voice coming out of the possessed dog sounded like a bunch of garbled and distorted noises being mashed and bashed together to form what seemed to be in the pattern of morse code. Betty just had her phone out with her hand on her hip and her eyebrow raised. The text translated to “This mutt is no badass, he will never be.” “Just so you know, my Grampy installed a morse code detector and translator on our phones! You’re not as smart as you think you are! So just communicate to me in basic English if you’re gonna try to say anything to me at all!” The entity just froze for a moment as more black liquid oozed out. “Bimbo is a LOOSER, and he stole your leftovers in the fridge.” The voice said in a now weird G-Major version of his voice that had his normal pitch, a higher pitch and lower pitch overlaying each other. “I don’t care! Well, I am a bit angry now that you mention it, but still, I don’t care! Bimbo can have as many snacks as he wants as long as he asks for permission! And even then, it’s fine if he steals leftovers… sometimes. The boy can be very hungry you know!”

The demon darted its dark eyes around with only small shreds of light on them indicating such movement. “Bimbo has recently put a bomb under the hospital where Grampy is. This is not a joke.” The demon said calmly. “*GASP* Well even if there being a bomb at the hospital is true, it doesn’t make any sense that Bimbo would do it! Not only does he care for Grampy, but he’s been with me most of the time, ever since that little incident, and there is NO WAY he could have planted a bomb in such a faraway hospital.” Betty replied. Just then a loud large explosion could be heard and seen so vastly that it started overtaking the sky. “HUH?! WHAT?!” Betty shrieked. As she was about to cry and rush to Grampy she froze mid run. “The current space-time continuum will be distorted per usual. You will now be sent back to your room along with Grampy and Bimbo standing right in front of you.” The demon said. “Wait, what?! What the heck do you mean! Wait a second!” As Betty blinked, she was sitting right on her bed with Grampy and Bimbo standing next to each other while in front of Betty and waving at her. “Hello Betty, what a wonderful day we are having? Aren’t we?” They kept waving almost in a robotic manner and black ooze came leaking out of their eyes. “H-huh?” Betty looked scared and confused. Just then she realized Pudgy was on her lap and looked at her, with black ooze leaking out of his eyes and mouth. “Little guy?” Betty’s face started twitching. The two guys and the pet now started oozing out more black stuff everywhere as it started to fill the room like a pool. Betty let out such a high pitched scream.

She then was in her bed again, but this time tucked in. Bimbo opened the door and was acting like his normal usual self, no spooky dark substances to be seen, he had something in his hand. “Hey Betty and good morning, brought you some pancakes. You know how Grampy went to go to a hotel yesterday so he left me to take care of you, you seemed awfully sick. I hope you get better.” Bimbo put down the food for Betty and started patting her head. “Huh, what happened?” Betty said very faintly. “Shh, don’t speak just yet. You need to eat first or else you’ll stay super weak.” Bimbo said in a soft tone. Just then Betty started looking at her nose and she felt like she was bleeding, she went to slowly touch her nose and she saw she was indeed bleeding… maple syrup? “Aaah-AAAAH!” Betty freaked out. “Shhhhhhh! Eat the pancakes so the maple syrup monster can go away!” Bimbo said in a slightly louder but still soft voice. The pancakes then turned into liquid, and she ended up drinking it. “Ah… the fuck…” Betty’s eyes started squinting. “Atta girl, feel better soon.” Bimbo said while wiping her face with a napkin.

Bimbo then left the room and locked the door. After he left, Betty decided to look outside, slowly reaching for the window and its curtains. As she moved them, what she saw was a horrific sight of several copies of herself oozing out black goo and having a complete blank stare. Expressions ranged from very large warped to smaller neutral smiles just creepily staring at her. “-... --- --- .--. / -... --- --- .--. / .- / -.. --- --- .--.” The voices said in a distorted tone, as if several instruments, tools, equipment and objects were being slammed, destroyed and bashed together. “GAAAAAAHHH!” Betty screamed out loud and all the copies fused into one giant Betty Boop replica, appearing how she looks like when human but with her black lipstick, nails, dress and shoes and flew into the air with a creepy blank stare. Normal Betty started breathing heavily and very quickly but as her breathing got slower, she started getting sleepier. She slowly closed her eyes and finally went to bed. As she fell asleep, a giant void-like portal emerged on her great big forehead. Despite the loud sound it made she was snoring fast asleep. Several black flowers and petals kept emerging out from it and phasing out into the sky, as the flowers stopped blooming out, it was like the very view of outer space could be seen from the portal with beautiful stars, planets and other celestial objects floating about.