Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Home Is Where The Hearts Are

As Grampy was in the hospital for a few days now, this left Betty to have to take care of the house mostly by herself. While sure, there was the assistance of many machines he had made to make the process of maintaining things easier, she still was handling it by herself as Grampy usually controls the machines. Recently, Bimbo is staying over again and has been helping Betty Boop around with stuff at home.

Bimbo and his family’s house have been destroyed again, not by his own reckless actions, but because unfortunately the current neighborhood they were living in got destroyed by ghosts and demons. Bimbo’s stepfather is an ice cream man who owns a thankfully, but only hypothetically, indestructible ice cream truck that is large enough for his family to have some basic needs in. There’s a fridge, a bed, a bathroom and heck even a mini-TV. The truck was once a normal ice cream truck but has been turned into an ice cream truck on crack thanks to Grampy, whose body recently was pretty cracked.

Because of the cold season, less people are looking forward to getting ice cream. So at least this leaves more free ice cream for the family and friends. As for Bimbo’s mom, she works as a waitress at a diner. While Bimbo’s stepdad tends to be the one who works more in the Spring, Summer and Fall, his mother works more in the Winter. So Bimbo’s mother has been keeping less of an eye on him, not because she doesn’t want to, but because she is more focused on maintaining her job at this time of year. His stepfather has been currently assisting his wife with her job as she is very stressed and he wants to be there and support his wife. Funny how now, their own son is currently spending time with his girlfriend to assist her more.

“Aah, trying to maintain and deal with keeping, not only the house, but all these gadgets and machines in check is tough! Unfortunately I’m just not used to all of it as Grampy is!” Betty said exhausted. “Thank you Bimbo darling, for helping me around.” She said as she hugged him while he wagged his tail with hearts floating above his head. “Heh heh, no problem.” The little floating hearts started dancing around and helped cleaned up whatever mess was left. “Ah, I want little heart assistants too! Hug me! Hug me!” Bimbo hugged Betty and had her own little hearts that flew above her head but instead they didn’t have it in them to assist with anything and fell down. “You know, maybe that’s a sign from your tired soul that you should just rest…” Bimbo stated. “Ugh yeah. But who’s gonna take care of cyborg Pudgy?”

Pudgy, who was previously easily possessed by a rampaging demon robot with currently unknown whereabouts, likely still rampaging, due to a supernatural computer chip implanted in his brain, is now technically a cyborg dog. Pudgy kept munching on the scrap metal around with freakishly demonic metallic tendrils coming out of his mouth. “You know I will, you know I will.” Bimbo patted Betty with a confident look on his face. “Ah… okay… well good thing he coughed us out after realizing we weren’t his acquired taste. He also seems trained enough to not eat any of the complex machines and appliances. He sure does seem to love that scrap metal though.” Betty analyzed. “Hey, knowing Grampy’s kookiness, do you think the old man implanted chips in us too?” Bimbo asked with a slightly blank expression that had his eyelids partly lowered. “That is a good question, but I don’t think so… otherwise we should have gotten hacked and turn into cyborg things ourselves.” “Hmm, good point.”

The two just stood there looking in the distance for a few minutes with blank expressions and eyelids lowered. Then after a bit... “Hugs!” Betty hugged Bimbo really tightly. Just then he wagged his ears and tail and over a million hearts flew out, and decided to look after and tend to the place. “Welp, guess that should be enough to take care of the place. C’mon! Let’s go do something else!” Bimbo grabbed Betty and dashed to put on their winter clothes and their stuff to go outside. “Bimbo what are we planning on doing?” She said while buttoning her coat. “We’re gonna have a nice little trip around the city on my electric scooter!” “Oh okie dokie!” As they went outdoors Bimbo popped out his scooter. “Ladies first!” Bimbo let Betty hop on first. “Oh teehee! Bimbo! You can be such a little gentleman… at times!” More little hearts sprung out from Betty, but they still fell to the floor, this time shivering. “Aww… guess I’m still a bit out of energy…” Betty said while picking up the hearts. “Well don’t worry cause I’m gonna be the one driving anyways so.” Bimbo said.

Just then Bimbo’s electric scooter started morphing and shifting. “Ah! Bimbo get off!” Betty grabbed Bimbo quickly and they both jumped back. The little hearts ran back to the house out of fear and being cold. “AAAH! MY SHIT!” Bimbo horrified and angrily yelled. The scooter then transformed into a floating metal orb and flew away. “Dammit! Well that’s one plan ruined.” Bimbo shook his hand and formed a fist. “What other plans do you have in mind Bim-Bim?” “I dunno, I was just gonna… go with the flow… on my ride… that’s now destroyed… or transformed… into something that’s no longer my ride… I don’t give a shit anymore.” Bimbo crossed his arms and looked angry. “Aw Bimbo, don’t be upset! Wanna go back inside? We can stroll around the city another day.” Betty patted him to comfort him. “Yeah… I guess so. Let’s relax and watch a movie or something. I put some of the food from my parents’ jobs in the fridge.” The two walked back in.

As the two went home, they took off their outside stuff and looked around the home. “Huh, strange… shouldn’t there be a bunch of representations for our feelings for one another walking around?” Bimbo scratched his head. “Ah! I hear something! It’s coming closer!” Betty said and she and Bimbo hid behind the umbrella container and coat rack. They peaked their heads out just a little bit to see but remained quiet. A little heart was running really fast but then got tired. “Aww poor little empathic icon.” Betty whispered. “Shh!” Bimbo put a finger over Betty’s mouth. Just then one of Grampy’s weird vacuum cleaner machine things slowly got up to the heart, the heart tried to crawl away and was making a motion pleading to not get sucked in but got sucked in anyways. The vacuum then moved around as if it was looking around then left the room. “Well, that explains it… sheesh… guess the tech is still fucked. Maybe from getting his ass pummeled by that mechanical demon the chip in Grampy’s brain also got a bit fucked.” Bimbo said. “But most of the tech has been fine! I mean look at cyborg Pudgy right now, he’s still well behaved!” Cyborg Pudgy was sleeping on his freakishly long metal mouth tendrils forming a bed. “Something else must be happening!” Said Betty. “Well, guess that means we’re gonna have to find out then, aren’t we?” Bimbo twirled out his gun.

The two slowly went to investigate what was going on. They listened to the sound of the vacuum and followed it. As they were walking between rooms, just then, a bunch of mechanical kitchen appliances started moving around and started shooting things, from silverware to hot food, at Bimbo. “YOW!” Bimbo jumped up so high his head crashed into the sealing. The loud noise caught some attention of the vacuum. “Ah! Bimbo we gotta run!” Betty was trying to yank out Bimbo. “MMMMFFF!” He yelled muffled. His gun dropped out of his hand, after he crashed into the sealing, and started blasting upwards. “EEEEK!” Betty screamed and eventually finally got Bimbo out and the two ran. As they ran however, the interior of the house kept warping and changing.

The environment became vastly… dreamlike. Like it was easily recognizable as the home, but also so distorted it clearly wasn’t. Cyborg Pudgy started floating in the distance like there was no gravity, while still asleep. “Augh! Not me and my Grampy’s beautiful home! Sure his wacky technology could fix this but those might be screwed up too!” Betty put her hands on her head in dismay. “Welp,” Bimbo started dropping all his mechanized weapons. “guess it’s gonna be knives out for me.” “Ah! Good idea! I don’t think I could ever drop my special microphone but I’ll try not to use it…” Betty went werepoodle mode and got her claws out. As the two formed a thumbs up sign something was shifting behind them. The weapons Bimbo had dropped turned into a tank. “Uh, run.” Said Bimbo with a shocked face. “Yeah good idea!” Betty grabbed Bimbo and they dashed but so did the tank.

The tank started blasting and blasting. The two were fleeing for their lives. But then cyborg Pudgy floated near the tank and ate it whole, easily crushing it with the metal tendrils. “Wow thanks Pudgy, mama loves you!” “Yeah good boy, papa appreciates ya!” Said Betty and Bimbo respectively. Pudgy went to hug Betty and Bimbo. “Daaaaaawwwwww!” Betty and Bimbo said in unison while they hugged Pudgy back. Over billions of hearts flew over their heads and the sound of the vacuum came near. Pudgy flew away out of fear. “No wait, Pudgy! Come back! Our baby!” Betty tried to reach out to Pudgy. “You know he’s not literally our baby right?” Bimbo said all snarky. “Yes his is! You just called yourself his papa!” “I- whatever.” 

They looked back and saw many of their heart symbols get sucked by the vacuum. “Why does it want our hearts so badly?” Betty asked. “Beats me, I know the symbols of our emotions we generate come from aspects of our soul or… something like that… maybe it’s possessed by a demon that feeds on symbols?” Bimbo replied. “Hmm, well whatever. I’m not just gonna let it feed on aspects of our anything!” Betty dashed to the vacuum. “Hey wait!” Bimbo tried to reach out to Betty but she already ran. As Betty tried to aim to scratch and slash it, it simply dodged. “Huh?!” Betty fell on the ground. The vacuum then went to chase Bimbo. “Why me?! WHY ME?!” The vacuum tried to take in Bimbo. Betty grabbed onto him and attempted to dash with him, but the vacuum was trying to pull him in even more now.

He flew back and the vacuum was already on his tail. “GAAAH! Betty!” Bimbo put one hand gripping on the floor and the other reaching out to Betty. “Bim-BOOOO!” Betty was simply flown back but didn’t get hurt, she slowly reverted to her human form. “Ugh… no…” One last attempt, Betty got up and went to save her boyfriend. Bimbo tried stabbing the vacuum, but it started growing more meaner and more vicious. “Your scary looks don’t scare me!” Bimbo started sweating. Betty then jumped on the vacuum and tried to grab onto Bimbo as much as she can, but as the vacuum was trying to reel him in it got them both. “UUUUUGGGHH! Oooof!” They fell down into a void, a vacuum if you will. “Thank goodness it’s not so yucky and dusty in here!” Betty said. “Betty, I think we’re trapped.” Bimbo said sourly. “Oh… yeah…” They looked up ahead. “Bimbo look! So many hearts!” Betty pointed. The two walked slowly near the clump of hearts.

The two got close up. “Wooooaaaaaahhhh…” They said simultaneously. “They seem to be continuously replicating!” Betty said. “They’re even spawning in different colors! Ours’ were redder and pinker!” A mass array of colors could be seen of different hues and different shades. Bimbo tried using his supernatural sniff from his connection to Hell. “It’s ours alright and seems like it’s indeed the work of a demon is behind this. I gotta ask why though? What’s it wants with not only our love symbols but only me and not you? It couldn’t be the previous robot demon with its acquired tastes and all, for obvious reasons, this could be a new one.”  Bimbo said while putting his hand to his chin thinking. “You shouldn’t be here as a pair…” An ominous voice was heard. Betty and Bimbo shivered but then got angry.

“Yes, we should be here as a pair! You’re the one taking hearts from both of us! Why are you doing that? Why don’t you go and get your own and leave me and my lover alone!” Betty said angrily wagging her finger. “Betty… I’m sorry… but you wouldn’t understand…” The voice sounded solemn. “Don’t ‘Betty’ me! Who the HELL are YOU? Those little hearts are sorta parts of our own subconscious you know… in a way! At least that’s what I heard! Both of us are very involved in this! And what do you mean I wouldn’t understand! I understand me and Bimbo better than you!” Betty held onto Bimbo tight. “I am sorry, but I cannot say as I am incapable of telling you-” “AH FUCK THIS SHIT. You either tell us what your goddamned deal is or leave us THE FUCK alone! We already know you’re some type of demon and all! So, if you aren’t even planning on eating our entire souls, how about you just go away and revert things back to normal! I’m not even sure what you want with me, but my curse makes it incapable of fully killing off my soul anyways so- Bimbo went on and on but then it was like a force of darkness shoved him back. “Bimbo!” Betty went to him.

“Betty, I tried to keep you out of this. This guy is a Hellion. You may think of him as your hero, but he is not. He is no knight in shining armor like in some fairytale, and you know it. I’m a demon but one who must still follow the regulations of certain things, and thus, I have to take care of this little sinner.” The voice still ominously said. Betty just got more frustrated. “He’s a hellion AND my hero! I don’t care what anyone says about Bimbo! He’s not only my boyfriend but my oldest and bestest friend! I don’t care what any ‘regulations’ have to say! Maybe you feel the need to cheaply make copies of our hearts because YOU lack one and have no love or friends!” The voice just grunted. Just then the floating orb that looked to be the one that was formerly Bimbo’s scooter came in, then out came several metallic tendrils. “A fusion of both the electric scooter of the sinful little hound and the tendrils of your temporarily cybernetic ‘son’ who’s now just a normal pet again as anything synthetic and mechanized has been removed from him. Such an unintelligent little creature should not remain with such unstable power. Have fun.” The mechanism started rushing towards Bimbo. 

“No!” Betty tried to transform but couldn’t. Her microphone then floated in front of her. “Here, try and sing, as you love doing to pass the time. You’re quite the natural. Ignore what’s going on in the back it will all be over soon.” Betty just got even more furious… absolutely mad. She started singing, but not out of love but out of fury. “WHY YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I’M HOPING YOU GET HIT! YOU BETTER STOP THIS CAUSE I’VE HAD IT!” Betty sung and rushed to help Bimbo. “Hurting my boy like this, why? All it makes wants to do is make me cry! I can’t just ignore it and let this happen to him, I’d want to die! I hope this thing’s circuits FRY!” Betty started bashing the robot with her microphone. “I don’t care if my boy is a sinner, because to me he’s a winner! And everyday the line between those two things grows thinner!” Bimbo started holding hands with Betty and sung along. “Come on now, scream and shout! We’re in this together let it all out! No matter what you do to us we won’t pout! Cause in the end our love for each other is our only route!” A shockwave of energy blasted the robot to bits.

Distant clapping could be heard. “Well done… well done… Well then do not pout at this.” Suddenly a dark force grabbed Bimbo and took him deeper into the void. Betty gasped. “No! NO! BimbOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” An even more intense shockwave came out from Betty. It was so vast it was like it spread across the entire void and the environment around her started cracking like shards of broken glass when someone hits the really high note. Betty found herself back inside of her living room, all things reverted back to normal, but Bimbo was now of course… likely burning in Hell. “Betty, your soundwaves have the potent abilities of amplifying powers. It is such a strong energy and truly has tremendously impactful waves. One simply cannot wait for them to further bloom.” The ominous voice said echoing in Betty’s brain. “SHUT UP!” Betty yelled while putting her hands on her head. After a while of heavy breathing, she sat down on the couch. A normal, now non-cyborg and chip-less, Pudgy came up to Betty and comforted her. “Aw… my sweet baby. I’m sorry papa isn’t here with us now but at least mama can spend time with you.” Little hearts started flying over Betty’s head and the noise of a vacuum started sucking them up. “What the fuck dammit!” But when she looked back, nothing was seen to be there. “Oh geez…”

After a few minutes, in an infernal array of pitch-black flame, Bimbo emerged right in front of Betty. “Bimbo! That was quick, what did that big bad demon do to you?” Bimbo was just standing there with a neutral, yet wide eyed, face and his eyes slowly moved to look at Betty. “I dunno, all I remember was… void.” He remained with his mouth open after he spoke. “Hmm, well at least you are here with me.” Betty went to hug Bimbo. “Yeah…” No sign of hearts. Bimbo still remained with the same expression, only movement his face made was very slow blinking. “So, eh...” Betty's eye's started rapidly darting around anxiously. “You wanna go and watch a movie with me? I'll make us some nice white hot chocolate and get some nice chocolate covered popcorn!” Betty said all sweetly and started squishing Bimbo's cheeks. “Sure... thing...” Bimbo's responses sure were freakishly sluggish, but Betty still wanted to have a nice time with him. “Well then, let's go! I'll set things up in my room all comfy cozy for the both of us! We're gonna have such a nice time!” Betty and Bimbo started walking with Pudgy following them... but as the pair wasn't looking, it was like black liquid, similar to oil, was coming out of Pudgy's eyes.