Sunday, March 24, 2024

Let Bimbo Sleep, Betty

“Augh… I’m so fucking hungry…” Bimbo’s vision was blurring out for a moment as he felt like he was passing out, outside in the city somewhere. For a while, civilians heard feral noises of munching and crunching and the nasty smell of corpses and ran and screamed to call for help on what they had witnessed. After some got to escape, several police officers with the assistance of some other hunters of the supernatural went to go after this force that’s supposedly been going around town. They kept shooting and shooting but they all kept losing and loosing and were either written off as being killed or gone missing the next few days.

At some point, Bimbo woke up at an alleyway near an area that seemed like it was around the diner his mother worked at. He found himself covered in blood and, while he was very used to that at this point, seeing the familiar and specific area he was in, he panicked. “Oh god… oh god… fuck!” He screamed seeing the entire area was very disheveled and destroyed. He saw and detected the souls of about a thousand different demons flowing out in the area. His only thought now was, to try and flee the current location he was in and make sure he got home as fast as possible.

On the next day, Bimbo and Betty were watching television in the living room while eating some burgers and fries that were left in the fridge for a few days, sent as a gift from his mother. Their phones had buzzed and it was a message from Bimbo’s mother saying that the place she worked at ran out of business due to an incident of an insane supernatural attack destroying a lot of the nearby areas and the diner and rather than rebuild the place, everyone in the area wanted to just move to other places and find new jobs rather than risk another severely dangerous attack because of how insane the incident was. Reports say that many supernatural hunters, even those who professionally hunt powerful entities, had to go there but it ended up even worse. A large group of monsters were detected but there is conflicting evidence if it was an organized attack, or an unfortunate large fight broke out which led to the chaos. All that matters is, while many had died in the process, most people ended up safe.

“Wow gee whiz Bimbo! Good thing your mama and some others are safe! I am glad you’re safe too cause I heard you were walking outside close by there… right?” Betty said. “Yeah… haha… yeah… I didn’t see anything! I don’t know what happened! Don’t look at me!” Bimbo had extreme nervous laughter and sweat and started tearing up. “It’s okay baby, please don’t be upset. Not everything insane is caused by you or even that demon, there were reports of thousands of unrelated creatures, looking at some of these articles and news reports. The attacks seem to not line up with each other so it could have been some weird unfortunate fight that broke out, rather than an organized attack, but dog-damn it, take that shit elsewhere and don’t get innocents involved!” Betty said while scrolling. “Betty, I think I got involved and hurt people somehow… I was covered in blood and…” Bimbo was really worried. “Hmm, how do you not know you got caught up in the fiasco and were acting out of self-defense?” Betty asked. “Well, I’m scared cause I don’t know.” Bimbo said. Betty just rubbed his back to comfort him.

After they finished eating, he got up from the couch and went to throw out the trash they left and take out some garbage as it was getting full. Betty went to go clean some stuff while Bimbo was taking out the dirty. After Bimbo had calmed down a bit and went to throw out some garbage bags and breathe some fresh air, he saw a pinned note in his mind saying “Wanna know what actually happened?” with the words “YES” and “NO” written underneath. Bimbo’s own mental image of himself just went near the paper and slowly ripped it to shreds as probably his own response of saying he doesn’t even want to think of it now. After he got a nice breeze of fresh air, he went back inside. Betty was still busy cleaning and seemed focused on that and Grampy was currently working on several commissioned works and was likely super busy.

Bimbo then went up to his and Betty’s room, got into pajamas for relaxation and texted his mother. “Hey mom.” He texted as he sat in bed. “Hello, Bimbo. How are you.” She replied. “Good you?” “I’m… fine. I’ll probably find a new job soon. For now, your father has been quite the gentleman and has been selling more and more ice cream while we get to spend more time together in his probably indestructible truck as our home. It’s nice to have a home not only be not destroyed but also be the very place we work.” “K.” “How have work things been going with you?” “Well, ya know we haven’t really done any good real acting in some time, and our music career has been a mixed bag… due to certain reasons, we’ve had to fight lower-level threats for our ‘safety’ and they’ve either been boring or predictable. Heck, sometimes it’s hard to predict the ‘level’ a threat is because of how much creatures can change or even mask themselves. In the end… I kinda just wanted this job so I can beat the shit out of things and get paid for it, maybe to even be known for being awesome and cool. But at times, it’s made me feel even more like a looser and…” “Honey wait, keep typing but I’m gonna have to check later. I have to do something right now.” His mother went to do something.

“Oh yeah, I forget…” Bimbo said to himself. “Does mom even know about me being occasionally possessed and all? I forgot if I even told her… she’d probably freak out even more than she did than when she found out about my own cycle curse. Maybe, it’s best not to bring it up for now.” Bimbo tucked himself in his blanket and closed his eyes for a while, although he wasn’t really asleep. “Sometimes I don’t wanna ask questions, sometimes I don’t even wanna know…” He said whispering. He then fell asleep for a bit with no dream only the darkness of his shut eyes. Then he would feel a little tap and a bright smile looming over him. “Heya, sweetie!” Of course it was Betty. “Save that sleep for later, will ya? I want to play with you!” Betty wrapped her arms around Bimbo cuddling him. “Betty, I’m tired. I want to rest. I can play with you later.” He said in a low tone. “Aaah! I wanna play with you noooow!” Betty just shrieked jokingly but then something happened…

All of a sudden, it was like Betty had looked into Bimbo’s own soul. She saw a very tired looking Bimbo at the center but the rest surrounding him was… complete and utter madness. It was like his entire body around his main one was an entire clump of organs, faces making all kinds of expressions, body parts budding out everywhere while spiraling in impossible directions, limbs and proportions of different sizes, blood, vomit and tears oozing out in different openings and it was hard to tell if they were normal orifices like mouths and nostrils or ripped apart flesh. The very massive body kept reeling in so many different things to eat and spit back out. So many noises were being made and the chaotic symphony of Bimbo’s suffering sound made Betty suffer from absolute madness. “Betty you sweet flower, I am so sorry you had to see this side of me. It seems your sound has enhanced enough to look into other’s souls with just a single screech. Your desire to spend time with me was so strong, you metaphorically just wanted to ‘rip’ me out of my resting place and take me with you, but my state of mind really isn’t in the best place right now. I need to take my mind off things before I can reawaken once more. The demon inside me… it’s not even just one demon, it’s over thousands, maybe over millions. I can sense so many souls screaming in constant agony and madness, it’s like they all wanna fade away out of existence and just keep merging into each other to stop the pain and suffering but how helpful that has been is debatable. I know how the incident happened and could inform you on it but at this point, your mind must be too close to almost loosing that individuality to madness and I don’t want to lose you, my rose. I’m sorry a little sinner like me keeps causing you, and anyone else, so much trouble.”

After such an insane sight, Betty almost felt she had lost herself to the madness but then found herself back in the room, breathing heavily gasping for air, with everything back to normal. Betty was looking down for a bit then slowly looked at Bimbo again, he was sleeping with an anguished face and what was once a sunny afternoon was now nighttime. She looked at her clock on her phone and saw it was exactly midnight. Betty then would get into her nightgown, eat something, brush her teeth and then get ready for bed. She then hugged Bimbo, trying to make him feel better even in his sleep, and wished to forget what she had saw and once she finally felt relaxed enough to rest, she slept getting exactly what she wished for.