Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Thug and His Sweet Angel

Sometime in the past, definitely before their hunting jobs, was Bimbo and Betty out in the streets. There he was, Bimbo the aggressive n’ hotheaded thug and his sweet and innocent lover Betty Boop, holding on tight to his girl as he had a gun out. BANG! BANG! Loud gunshots fired as he aimed at several men running towards them. Betty was holding onto Bimbo very scared yet remained comforted and protected by him. Why was sweet little Betty going out with such a violent thug who clearly just shot at people?

Bimbo just stole from other thugs, who were from a small gang of thieves the rest he also shot at, in order to get what he needed for him and Betty. Bimbo was a boy who often had any home he and his family lived in get destroyed and Betty was a girl constantly running from abusive parents at home. They would take on the occupations of jazz singers and actors but either Bimbo’s money would get destroyed or Betty would be forced to use it to provide for her parents. They would also get both of their money, and other stuff stolen by other people or things. Betty would receive more money than Bimbo would, as she was far more popular and many people would only hire Betty and leave out Bimbo, something Bimbo never exactly liked, but he still loves his girl, and she would often try to share as much as she could with him.

Down in the city, Betty and Bimbo, when they couldn’t go to visit friend’s and other family’s homes, would often create makeshift homes and temporary places to be for themselves. As of now they “live” in a shack. Betty and Bimbo don’t see it as “truly living together” as they see it more as a temporary hideout, but it’s the best they got. Betty and Bimbo would now go to their shack, made of lots of wood, cardboard and whatever hard stuff like rocks, metal and bricks they could glue or paste together. Outdoors and indoors the shack contained any unused or no longer used stuff they could buy or find. They would mostly prefer to use stuff that was once in use, rather than freshly bought stuff, just because they don’t want to become attached to stuff that is “too good.”

After closing the door and sitting inside, Betty would turn on a few scented candles she stored in her hammerspace to freshen up the place and provide some light and Bimbo turned on a desk lamp he recently found, as a previous larger lamp died out, to provide more light. They were sitting at a small table and Bimbo reached for something. “Ah here, our food for today. A tuna sandwich, a burger, some onion rings and some chips.” He put them all on the table. “Aw sweet let’s eat!” Betty said. They went to dig in and luckily, they got in just in time as it started raining… heavily. “Good thing we got more of those bricks and scrap metal lying around, as well as some umbrellas although they got some holes, rips and tears in ‘em.” Bimbo said with his face stuffed. “Mmm hmm, yeah.” Betty said with her face being the same. As it started getting chillier, Betty and Bimbo then huddled up together and brought out their “blanket” which was a bunch of sweaters Bimbo had that Betty managed to stitch together.

It was really windy, and Betty and Bimbo then went under the blanket, lying on the carpet floor. “Tomorrow with these hundreds of dollars of cash, hopefully you and I can buy something grand, baby!” Bimbo said confidently. “Oh Bimbo, I- AAAAAHHHH!” They both screamed and everything from the shack flew into the sky. Betty and Bimbo then hugged each other as Bimbo got out one of the umbrellas. “C’mon now, let’s find a place to stay at for the night. It’s almost getting late anyways.” Betty and Bimbo then started walking and held onto one another very tight making sure each other was super safe. A spirit of one of the enemy thieves Bimbo shot out took their umbrella. “Haha! Later sucker!” He shouted putting up an L on his head and then a middle finger. “You bitch!” Bimbo was about to get angry and feisty. “Sweetie calm down! Let’s not get distracted now!” Betty shouted. “*sigh* You’re right, sorry baby. Let’s keep going.” And so, they did.

Betty and Bimbo then went to a pizza parlor, that was closing soon, and asked the guy running the place a question. “Hi, sorry to bother you but is it okay if we can stay over for tonight? We really need a place to go and-” Betty and Bimbo said making a cute face. “Where the hell are your parents? This ain’t a hotel. Get lost!” He shouted and they fled. Now lots of rainwater was pouring on them, Bimbo was wearing a hooded sweater and lifted it up on him and he got a few newspapers, that were stored in his pockets, and put them over Betty’s head. They ran and ran fast while holding each other’s hands. “Ah, this is the worst timing for Koko and his family to be out of the state right now!” Betty whimpered. “I know, I know. I would like it if we could crash at somewhere near the diner my mom works at but it’s so far away! Why oh why did the worthy material we find have to be so far away!” Bimbo cried.

The two eventually ran into an alleyway and Betty and Bimbo used some broken and ripped clothes, sheets and other similar stuff they had gathered to form a tent-like place to sleep in. “Goodnight Betty.” Bimbo said closing it up and hugging onto Betty. “Goodnight Bimbo.” She said sleeping in his arms also holding him. The two would have a good rest and wake up in the morning peacefully. “Yawn!” Betty brought out the napkins to wipe out their eyes and breath mints for their well… breath. “Where are we going today, Bim-Bim?” Betty said still rubbing her eyes. “Wherever the day takes us baby, wherever the day takes us.” The two would then put their little tent thing away and walk outside and try and find a place to eat. Once they ate at a fast-food restaurant the two started having a conversation at a table farther away from most people so they could talk kinda alone-ish.

“Oh Bimbo…” Betty said holding onto one of his hands as he was messily eating. “I know I say this a lot but thank you so much for letting me go on these adventures with you, I love spending time with you and staying away from my parents. I would much prefer staying under as many wobbly shacks and makeshift houses as possible with you than stay under a sturdy and stable roof with them. The food you buy for us, for me, is just do delicious and doesn’t make me constantly hurl! I wanna journey with you forever!” Her eyes sparkled as they glistened with love and joy. “Heh, no problem baby. I make sure to do as much as I can for my sweet, sweet angel! I’ll always try my best to keep you safe from those lame excuses for parents and any other harm that comes your way!” Bimbo said with his mouth filled up with chewed up food, something Betty would usually be disgusted by, but for this current convo it wasn’t something she paid attention to. “Oh, my darling devil!” Betty then went to hug Bimbo but then the two felt they were being stretched across somewhere.

“YAAAAAH!” The two shouted. They were now somewhere in the streets with another storm, it got really dark and gray and so much of the city looked very dark despite it still being gray. “Ugh? Another storm again? News said it would be hella sunny today!” Bimbo said angrily looking around. “Bimbo! Look!” Betty tapped Bimbo and pointed in front of them. There was a silhouette of a dog that appeared similar to Bimbo standing in front of them as the lightning kept striking and loud noises of thunder echoed. Bimbo and Betty held onto each other and shivered but got their gun and claws out, respectively, as they got closer. Once they finally got close it came in near them with a scowl that would then slowly curl up into a wide smile. “Would the fairy and the flower please stand up?” They said revealing themselves to be identical to Bimbo with a big toothy grin. The couple were about to act using their weapons out of fear but then the two would transform into soul energy and the entire environment got consumed into a circling storm.

Then there was a present-day Bimbo sleeping on his bed as a little thought cloud was looming over his head then poofed away as he awoke. “Gah… I’m tired of dreaming of all these memories gimme something original!” He said trying to conjure up another cloud and puffing it like a pillow. He then put the cloud behind his head and another one emerged again.