Sunday, September 24, 2023

Betty Boop's Werepoodle Diaries No. 1

Jan 2024 Edit: There may be a weird glitch where not all of the Werepoodle Diaries may pop up normally through the usual way of looking through older posts. There has been a post made to correct that so they can all be viewed in order easier. Also, please check out the weebly version for these as I had issues setting them up on blogger but the weebly counterpart makes them look in the more preferable and less “messy” manner. The DA links also do not work anymore, reasons explained later on the blog, and only stick around simply because I do not feel like editing it.

(Copied from Deviantart literature)

This is a fictitious diary/journal written in the perspective of Betty Boop taken place in an continuity, “alternate universe” or “AU” where she is a werepoodle. Unlike the stagnant idea of keeping her depicted in the 1930s, this is a depiction of her as a modern teenager. However, while the world is more “grounded” in some areas and may have more continuity, it still is super cartoony, surreal and functions on something similar to a “floating timeline” and is more in line with the way “time” is treated for other Golden Aged Cartoons that have actually gotten to be depicted in more than one time period. Betty is brought back to her spooky roots so monsters and the supernatural play a large role in this universe.

Betty Boop's Werepoodle Diaries: Strange Moon Strange Forest

Dear Diary, it’s me Betty Boop! : D I’m writing here today because a lot has happened, even more so than usual. I am currently absolutely pooped!!! >< So I’m resting at my Grampy’s house… cause I’ve been living there for awhile now… yeah I finally left my abusive mean ol’ parents who weren’t sweet to me. > : ( Luckily, living with my good ol’ Grampy is SO SUPER COOL because he’s an absolutely cool inventor! Did you know he has an entire lab and secret hideout under his house? :0 Ikr? It’s so cool! I also got to play with my cute dog Pudgy (my baby ^u^) in it! It’s so fun! Okay, okay, getting off track here now why did I say I was absolutely pooped because a lot happened today and more than usual? Well… It was just a normal day. As usual, ghosts were flying and haunting people, demons were ripping out folk’s souls and tombstones were coming to life and crushing any poor peeps who’d sleep under them for whatever reason. Perfectly normal stuff. The thing is, I have a secret… and this secret I usually can keep under control… but not today. I was out walking my dear little dog Pudgy and the sun was setting. It waved to us all saying “goodnight!” and I waved saying “goodnight” back! But then the moon came up and it was a full moon. I stared at it a bit and was like “oooh” then “eh” cause it was a very pretty but normal full moon. BUT THEN, it wasn’t a normal full moon! It was a super full blue red blood moon! I think that’s what it’s called? I dunno… it looked kinda… hard to describe maybe like a swirly mix of red, blue and purplish? At first my head started hurting, then I felt a little dizzy and crazy and then I blacked out… then I woke up and Pudgy was gone. “Pudgy? Pudgy?!” I shouted for my little baby. But then I looked around and saw lots of property and area destroyed and many people on the ground. “Oh no…” I said putting my hands up to my face in concern. Then I noticed the form I took, the furry furry form. I had sharp claws out and I felt sharp teeth. “Oh no! No!” I shouted. I had to make sure I didn’t hurt anyone and so I looked around. Luckily no one seemed to be around- wait what? I just blinked and there were people just there! so I guess I didn’t hurt anyone and was just hallucinating or did they run away? I cried and cried a bit, not knowing what I had done in the time after I blacked out and before I woke up. I certainly wasn’t in the same area I once was and I felt so lost. Luckily I heard a small yip and a yap coming closer to me, it was Pudgy! “Aw Pudgy my sweet baby! I don’t wanna lose you again!” I said as I held him after he jumped in my arms. “Now, let’s see what just happened around here.” I started walking, and walking now with my puppy in my hands. So much of the area around us was destroyed, it was a nice park but sadly now it’s in so much wreckage. I kept walking and walking but nobody was around. I was so worried. What insane damage had I done? My mind started going dizzy again after a while. I was under the shade of some trees when I woke up but after all this walking I would gain more and more exposure from the cursed moonlight. So me and Pudgy decided to go into the forest and fast. “I’m not gonna let myself black out again!” I said rushing and rushing. Luckily, I felt less dizzy but unfortunately now I was even more lost. I started sniffling, almost crying again. But I didn’t because I remained brave… a little. :’) I heard some noises in the woods and got a little (a lot) scared again and brought out my sharp claws as I tried to walk a bit slowly to not catch much attention. But after hearing some twigs snap and ruffling in the leaves a creature jumped out at me. It looked to be… some sort of forest demon? I dunno it was kinda leafy and forest-y looking. Whatever it was it lunged straight at me and Pudgy and it seemed to try and eat my little guy. But not on my watch! > : ( I scratched it with my sharp claws on one hand as I refused to drop Pudgy as I was holding him with the other. “Back off you freak!” I said as I kept slashing at it until I slashed its eye. It started whimpering and running away. At first I felt a little bad because it seemed to be more like a wild animal than an evil person and I think I injured it badly. But then it soon came back, healing up and with some friends. “Oh crap.” I said. There were far too many, too many for me just to claw my way through. So I huffed, and I puffed and I shouted a big supersonic howl that blasted them away. “Wow, don’t think I made a shout that powerful before! It seemed to even knock down some trees!” I saw my little Pudgy shivering from the loud noise. “Sorry Pudgy.” I said as I petted him for comfort. “Hmm, must be this moon that amplified my powers. I never saw forest demons that looked like that either, and the one I badly hurt was rapidly healing up. Must have something to do with this strange moon?” Me and Pudgy started going further into the forest and it just kept getting darker and darker. I’d be scared if it wasn’t for my night vision. So tired of walking so much I was lucky to find a super convenient cabin nearby with seemingly no one in it. I decided to rush in with Pudgy, hoping we could at least avoid danger outdoors, but was still cautious. I still was very concerned about how lost we were though but luckily I saw I had my phone with me and as me and Pudgy sat down I decided to take it out. “Please let there be wi-fi, please let there be wi-fi.” I pleaded. I was sweating nervously, and thank dog after attempting to call I got an answer. “Betty!” Grampy shouted. “Where have ya been? You’ve been gone for a while!” he said with concern. “Oh Grampy! I’m so glad to hear you again me and Pudgy are lost and we’re scare- wait how long for a while?” “Haven’t you checked the time dear? You’ve been gone for approximately er… as of now 2 hours, 26 minutes and 48 seconds since you’ve left!” “HUH? WHAT?!” I gasped but then again that would explain why it looks darker than before I blacked out. “You say you’re lost, you say? Well don’t worry, as you know I’ve updated your phone with fine advanced tech! Good ol’ new super-technology! So now it’s a super phone with super advanced tech and apps you youngin’s like-” “Grampy I already know!” I shouted. ><’ “Sorry, sorry, basically you have a very good highly advanced super accurate tracker that I installed in your phone. So that means I can already track down your location! Hmm… let’s see now! My you’ve gotten yourself into a bit of a pickle here. Gotten yourself in the Forest of Deadly Demons and Death filled with Forest Demons who Like Causing Deadly Amounts of Death!” “WhaaaAAAAAAATTTT! How is something so wordy even a thing! ><” “Well, it just is, sorry Betty. You’ve gotten yourself in quite a deadly situation. Hopefully, you can use your werepoodle transformation to fend off some of these freaks right? And as long as you’re in that strangely convenient cabin located in the Forest of Deadly Demons and Death filled with Forest Demons who Like Causing Deadly Amounts of Death, then you should be fine from any outside forces!” At first I felt relieved from the statement from my genius grandpa that I can just use my hidden werepoodle powers to fend off foes, especially since this crazy moon seems to have enhanced them, but then I felt some concern as what if it enhanced other creatures too?

“Grampy, thank you for telling me where I am and that with my powers and where I am hiding, me and Pudgy are currently safe, but I do have a question. A crazy strange moon, that was what I think was a super full blue red blood moon appeared, cause it looked kind of red-blue-purple, and it caused me to black out, only for me to wake up in a park that looked destroyed. There were some people on the ground just lying there too! But after I blinked they were gone so maybe I was hallucinating. At first I was scared the moon caused me to go all feral and crazy and I didn’t remember it and was under a tree, so once Pudgy went up to me we decided to walk around but the moonlight was making me feel dizzy and I didn’t wanna black out again so we went into the forest! I fought a forest demon who was trying to eat Pudgy and at first it seemed normal, cause I hurt it badly and it ran away but then it just came back, healing better than usual after I injured it badly, with a large amount of demons to fight once again so I used my super howl against it but the shockwave it caused was more powerful than how it usually is and it not only blasted them back but destroyed some trees and other parts of the forest! I think my claws were sharper than usual too? Or they just slashed more? I dunno! Anyways, Grampy, you're the expert here. Can you please tell me anything about this moon stuff?!” There was silence for a bit. “Woah! Slow down there!” Apparently I was speaking too fast for Grampy but I was so nervous I wanted him to get all the details and I wanted him to know and come up with an answer. “First things first Betty, the moon doesn’t naturally affect werewolves or weredogs. That’s a common misconception and stereotype.” “Oh.” I just said sort of silently. “...unless IT’S A MAGIC OR CURSED MOON!” He said spookily and very ominously. “Gaaah!” I shouted all spooked. “Now, this ‘super full blue red blood moon’ with its mix of colors you speak of? That just isn’t a thing for a name for a moon and it's too wordy.” “But the name of the forest is-” “I know what I said about the name of the forest, please don’t interrupt!” “Sorry, Grampy.” “Anyways, about how it looked like a mix between red, blue and purple, can you describe what shades?” I was a bit confused why the exact shades were so important but still answered. “Well, they were very bright like all of them were a weird mix between being neon and very shadowy and constantly swirling into each other like a weird vortex.” Grampy sounded like he was thinking there for a second. “Hmmm… hmmm… I’m gonna have to research that a bit. But certainly not a natural phenomenon, probably something supernatural… no definitely. Or maybe it’s the work of some sort of enhanced technology hidden away from the public. I’m gonna have to look into this more Betty, in the meantime I’m gonna be sending help okay? Call me back-” Just then the sound of my call started glitching. “Grampy? Grampy!” Just then my phone entirely glitched out, with spooky static and all. The nice warm lights in the cabin went out too. Pudgy was asleep on my lap for a while but then was awake because we heard a loud noise. “Uh-oh.” A large crack or snapping sound got even louder and just right after the floor right under us broke and we fell down screaming “AAAAAAHHHH!!” It was a long bumpy fall down and I made sure to hang onto Pudgy and my phone tight. Finally we fell down. I expected to be in some weird dirt-filled or cave-like underground area. But as I got up and brushed the dirt off of me and Pudgy, it looked like a weird semi-upside down sort of sideways version of the forest we were in. With some specks of light around that seemed like fireflies or maybe some sort of tiny spirit creatures that gave the dark place a nice source of light but also an air of mystery. “Oooh.” I said with curiosity. But then I realized this means I was probably even more lost than before. “Oh crap! Oh crap!” I panted a bit. I made sure to grip Pudgy’s leash tight as we started walking and decided to check my phone again. “No signal, fuck.” As I looked back, the hole we fell from was completely gone and there was only a very warped forest. “Oh geez, well Pudgy looks like we have no other choice than to tread carefully and hopefully find another way out.” I have been through several other tricky pickles before so I was still determined I could get myself out of this one. As I was walking there was no moon in sight. Yet, I felt strange, similar to how I felt the moon was affecting me. My senses felt even more heightened than usual and my claws and fangs grew even sharper. I heard noise in the forest like my first encounter with the demons but I was prepared this time. Although, it was not mere demons I saw but… people? However they were not normal people. They looked like the people I saw scattered about, lying on the ground. But their faces, oh their faces, shined a ghastly glow filled with such light yet they looked so hollow inside. “Gah!” I shouted a bit. But then I took into consideration they were possessed by demons. “Oh man, possessing innocent people now? I don’t wanna hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve any harm even if you take control of them!” But the possessed folks lunged at me. I tried my best to hold back, especially since my powers were more amplified, but because of my super strength I kept knocking them back hard. “Oops! Sorry.” After being all knocked down, me and Pudgy went and ran but then a possessed civilian, who was a bird, grabbed us and flew with us. “Hey let us go!” This time I tried punching him to knock us down but the glow in his eyes grew brighter and he kept pecking at me. “Ow! Ow! Ow!” It was stronger than what a normal bird man could do so it really hurt. After flying for a while and having to look at the very warped area, I threw up and after being so hurt and mad I decided to bite him with a big werepoodle chomp so he would drop us. Falling again, I held onto Pudgy and my phone tight again. As we plummeted into the ground, now all of the trees became animate and took on the form of warped creatures and started chasing us. “Oh dear dog.” We started running. This time, my claws were absolutely razor sharp so I kept slashing and kicking at each of the tree creatures until they all got chopped into wood. However they just became tinier and tinier evil little wood creatures who kept chasing us and I didn’t want to get any splinters. “There’s gotta be a way out of here somehow!” Eventually I found a door. “That’s gotta be the way out!” I said with such relief. I opened the door and went inside. Strangely enough, despite the door looking like it had many stony and leafy surroundings around it I could still look outside but the creatures couldn’t get in after I shut in. “Haha! Take that you woody weirdos! Have fun being stuck out there while we’re safe in here! Isn’t that right Pudgy! Pudgy?” I looked out and saw one of the monsters gulping up Pudgy. I screamed. “Pudgy! No, let me out, I wanna help my little baby! Pudgy no!” Luckily Pudgy didn’t seem to be devoured but one of the creatures' mouths took the form of some kind of cage or tree-like prison bars and kept my little baby in there. After they started walking away, some of them laughing (those jerks), the outdoors were no longer visible and the room’s interior just became stony, leafy, grassy and mossy. I sighed and felt sad again. I went to look at my phone to see if anything changed. “*sigh* Still no signal.” My tummy was grumbling and I was starting to feel hungry. “Oh, I hope Pudgy isn’t starving too.” As I tried to think of what to do next I saw a hole open up in the room I was in. I heard screaming coming down, and even though I was really tired and hungry, I got up in a stance with my claws out ready to fight if I needed to fight. But as the screaming came down it sounded more… familiar. “Aaaaaaah! Fuck! Dammit! Shit! Fuck! Damn!” I heard the familiar voice as whoever was speaking was bumping into things, very painfully. “Augh, god fucking dammit. That hurt like hell.” Finally seeing who it was, it was a certain tubby dog boy sitting down bruised with his eyes rolling around and stars above his head. Upon seeing who it was I quickly rushed toward him.

“Bimbo! I’m so glad you’re here! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!” I said in excitement while hugging him. “Hey ow- nice to see you too, Betty OW! Usually I wouldn’t say this but can you stop kissing me? Cause right now it hurts like hell and I’m already in lots of pain.” Accidentally my sharp fangs were poking into him. “Oh, I’m really sorry Bimbo. I was just really happy to see you. A bunch of crazy stuff has happened and me and Pudgy got lost and-” “Don’t worry, I already know the whole story. Grampy sent me to find and get you while he does his whole research thing. And because I’m his apprentice and all, I get to use a tracker doohickey thing he installed on my phone to look for you. First thing I walk into a forest, having to shoot up all of these demons who keep beating the shit out of me, next thing I try to look for you in a large hole, while limping, and as I fall in I get bruises on the bruises I already have. Now as you can see I am in all sorts of pain and even bleeding a bit but hey, at least it seems like you’ve been safe and sound here… Wait a second, where's Pudgy?”

I looked a bit sorrowful for a moment until I shouted “PUDGY IS GONE! I don’t know how you instantly got sent here, but when me and him went down here we were in a super warped forest with possessed civilians who were the same people I saw lying on the ground, got attacked by them, then after escaping them the trees themselves turned into weird moving creatures and while I did fight them, me and Pudgy found a door to escape through. I felt relieved knowing I was in and they were out but the wall was see-through and I saw they took Pudgy when I wasn’t looking! He was alive when I last saw ‘em but now they have him and then the wall became not see-through and then…”

I started crying as I’ve been doing a lot today, but then Bimbo started wiping my tears and trying to comfort me. “There, there. We’ll get Pudgy back.” Before Bimbo was speaking in a very snarky, sarcastic and tired tone but now he sounded a bit more soft and was hugging me and patting my back to give me comfort. “I’m so hungry, I wonder if Pudgy is hungry too.” I said exhaustedly. “Well, I brought some snacks with me, do you want some-” “SNACKS!” This time I just grabbed all the food he brought with him and ate all of it and went absolutely feral. I was starving and couldn’t help myself and I guess the feral side of my werepoodle form was taking over. “Oh… sorry Bimbo.” At first Bimbo made a face that looked like a mix between being shocked, pissed and scared at the same time. “Jesus fuck Betty, I never seen you eat like that. Usually you tell me not to eat like that! Are you alright? Did this whole moon thing fuck you up?” All I did was say sorry again in a very quiet tone while making a sad puppy face. “Aww, well, I can’t get mad at you. C’mon, let’s go find Pudgy and hopefully some new food to eat.” Bimbo grabbed my arm, it seemed like he wanted to hold my hand but wanted to avoid my sharp claws. “This door better not be locked or anything.” He said right before he just kicked it down. Finally we walked out. Only for us to now be outside of any kind of forest area? “Um Bimbo, where are we?” I said with concern. “How am I supposed to know? You were here before me!” We both shuddered. The environment looked very plain with the colors of the forest but what seemed to be an endless nothingness. “How are we supposed to find Pudgy now?” Bimbo then looked at me nervously while trying to hide it. “Relax Betty, I’m pretty sure we’ll find him some way.” “Your nervous smile isn’t helping.” Bimbo then stopped smiling and I looked down, but then I saw my phone. “HEY LOOK! The signal is back up!” We both got excited. “Yaaay! Now we can call my Grampy!” We both looked at my screen as I started dialing Grampy. “Please pick up, please pick up.” We both crossed our fingers and luckily we got a call. “Hello?” We heard Grampy say in a sort of static-y voice. “GRAMPY!” Me and Bimbo said at the same time. “Are you kids doing alright, by the way I finally looked into this and found a possible answer.” The sound started to sound a little bit more static-y but still hearable. “Yes we’re both sort of alright, but we’re also a bit stuck in a weird area and even more lost and trying to find Pudgy. Nothing seems to be around us now so in the meantime can you tell us the answer?” I asked. “Well, I did say a POSSIBLE answer but here goes nothing. Here’s the thing, while there seems to be several other known cases of supernatural, strange and weird happenings to and with the moon, it seems that the strange coloring of this one was pure coincidence and any odd occurrences that have happened are completely unrelated to it!” Me and Bimbo both looked at each other in shock and yelled at the same time. “WHAAAAAAAT!?” “You see here, there was a weird lights and dark show going on around town. People using crazy firework tech to make bright and dark fireworks. Just by mere coincidence, it started when the moon came up and the fireworks just made the colors of the moon look a bit strange.” He said completely calmly. “But that doesn’t make any sense!” I shouted in confusion. “Sorry, tech can just be that crazy and impressive these days. Either way, it’s completely unrelated to your current situation. Betty as you know, sometimes your transformations can be triggered by things such as emotion or things you may sense. In between the time you blacked out and woke up, there could have been something that your senses caught that made you transform and either that thing you sensed or something you experienced after transforming sent you off the edge and presumably the more emotion you felt the more amplified power you got.”

Bimbo budged in. “So she just got super duper stronger by the power of her feelings? That’s lame. I’ve seen Betty feel all sorts of crazy emotions in her werepoodle form and her powers usually remained the same. What makes today so different and how does that explain why she blacked out and why the other monsters seemed to get stronger too?” “An adrenaline rush makes you stronger, my boy. It’s not just a supernatural ‘power of feelings’ causing it this can also affect the non-supernatural too, although it may manifest differently depending on the creature or person. Betty’s situation, with how troublesome today has been, could have made her emotions stir up more than usual causing her powers to boost up as well. I thought I taught you these things. You’re my apprentice and all, you should keep them in mind!” Grampy replied. “Oh, well, I only became your apprentice so I can have fun playing with cool gadgets and being able to use all sorts of cool weapons.” Bimbo said while picking at his ear.

“Now you better pay attention to this, okay so according to where the forest was located and where Betty was originally walking with Pudgy-” “*sniff* AHHHH PUDGY!” “Hey don’t interrupt!” “Sorry grandpa.” I couldn’t help myself. :’( “There often tends to be demons roaming around in the Forest of Deadly Demons and Death filled with Forest Demons who Like Causing Deadly Amounts of Death, all the time, and the direction Betty and Pudgy were going was near a park near the forest. It could have been that the demons were already attacking several people at the time and the bloody smell of people getting attacked by demons mixed with the amount of demons attacking them could have triggered the supernatural side of Betty. Perhaps it was so potent that she passed out. Maybe she even got in a fight with the demons beforehand and tried to save people, but was so feral and enraged she couldn’t remember it. The demons could have gotten stronger from the souls they were sucking from people or the many other ways demons can make themselves stronger.”

I started to feel a bit of relief with the new possible information. “Oh so I went feral but could have been helping people?” “Pretty much but again this is all just possible information.” “Aw do you hear that Bimbo? We finally got a decent possible explanation!” “Yeah, that’s great and all but now how the hell do we find Pudgy and get ourselves out of here.” My once happily wagging tail and ears then went down. “Oh.” Just then, on the oddly clear ground were some puddles and as we looked around and then down we saw a reflection of the monsters holding Pudgy. “Pudgy!” We both shouted. As we shouted and stepped near the puddles a big splash of water engulfed us and it was like we got warped into another location.

“I’m surprised our phones didn’t get damaged by being wet but dammit we lost our signal again!” I said a bit pouty. But then Bimbo pointed to the direction the monsters were marching. The area now looked like a warped village with the monsters marching as if they were gonna make a sacrifice. One monster got up on a tall ledge and the monsters all gathered around in a circle. “And now, after sacrificing the several bodies of the possessed civilians to the demonic flames of the demonic forest village,” he announced “we finally require to sacrifice this puny innocent little pet pup so we can finally take over all other possible forests and then maybe even the world! Mwahahaha!” me and Bimbo were hiding behind a rock-like area but one where we could see and hear all this from.

“Oh, a take over the world plot? How lame, overused and dumb. Why couldn’t they just stick to taking over all forests, ain’t that enough? And at least it’s a bit more original-” Bimbo stated, ignoring how my baby was about to get murdered. “Pudgy! Noooo! My baby!” After seeing how they were gonna harm my little sweet baby I sped up and ran at superspeed, jumped super high and lunged right at the monster who was gonna drop my baby into the flames and ripped him into shreds. After getting up, my fangs and claws were even sharper and my fur and hair more puffed out. I was breathing very angrily. “No one, and I mean NO ONE. HARMS. MY. BABY!!!!” I grabbed Pudgy and let out a super scream more powerful than before. It pushed back a lot of the demons and destroyed parts of the village but many of them came rushing back.

Bimbo finally ran towards me. “Woah.” He said as he got up, blushing with shock. “Here, hold Pudgy and keep him safe. I’ve got some trees to chop.” After he grabbed Pudgy we kissed and he wished me luck in battle. “How dare you ruin our almost perfect sacrifice! We’ll tear you to pieces!” I then smiled with confidence. “You want a piece of me? Come get it!” I blitzed through and slashed at several of these demons and made sure to chop up their tiny pieces too. Another horde was lunging at me but I kept blasting howls at them that broke the sound barrier. Once they saw my howls put out their flames they were really mad.

All of them, and I mean all of them, finally merged together into one giant monster. Talk about a boss fight. After huffing and puffing, I let out one big ol’ howl that had sound waves that took the shape of a giant heart and blasted the monster into so many bits it couldn’t pull itself back together. The force was so strong that it shattered the area around us and we finally broke free out of the forest and into the park, being warped there as the shattered pieces fell. The park was no longer destroyed and even looked good as new. Unfortunately, we couldn’t save the other people but the souls that seemed to have remained flew into the air as ghosts and waved at us and we waved back.

After the events, I shouted with joy this time. “We did it Bimbo, we’re out of that stupid ol’ demon monster forest with a name too long I’m not gonna repeat and we saved Pudgy!” I jumped up and hugged Bimbo and Pudgy. “Welp, thank god we’re all out of that mess and hey look! The moons going down and the suns going up too. Seems like the moon's colors are back to normal so I guess that light and dark show is over.” “I guess so.” “Yip-yap!” Pudgy said while wagging his tail. The moon waved at us and we waved back. As we were walking home the sun finally came up.

Me, Pudgy and Bimbo finally got back. After we sat down we all ate and we told Grampy everything that happened. “My, my. Thank goodness you kids got yourself out of this pickle and saved yourselves too. Nice to see you using your powers that were boosted and hey, even if you couldn’t save everyone at least those remaining souls are free now!” Grampy patted my head and Bimbo’s shoulder. He appreciated both of us. “Bimbo even if you only decided to become one because of the cool tools, weapons and gadgets you are still a great apprentice and I still appreciate you for looking out for my granddaughter and her pet. And Betty? I’m so proud of you granddaughter for being such a good little monster girl and I’m glad you’re all safe.” “Aw shucks!” We both responded bashfully and happily.

After finishing discussing what we discussed and eating our food, Bimbo got ready to go home. “Welp, I’m gonna head out. My mom’s gonna be pissed that I’m going home late cause I didn’t tell her I’d be out for that long. Plus I’ve clearly gotten all beaten up. I expect to see her angry face when I get home. See you tomorrow babe and take care babe’s pet and grandpa!” “Oh Bimbo, see you tomorrow too sweetie!” He walked off all bandaged up but with a smile on his face. Some moments later, Grampy let me and Pudgy in the lab for a bit and we got to play around in it. He kept a watchful eye on us to make sure we didn’t bump into anything. Then… after that I started writing all of this. Wow.

Both Grampy and Pudgy are sleeping and I’m pretty sure Bimbo is asleep too. I’m surprised I’m still awake. So then, I guess to finish this off… I’ll just write about how I’m gonna look out the window right now. Hmm, looks nice and bright… HUH?! The suns got a strange pattern across it like zig-zags and polka dots! Must be another light show. Wait, now it looks like the patterns are coming straight down and shooting at people… huh? Okay, so this seems to actually be more serious! What if supernatural forces are actually a foot here with the sun? I’m gonna go check it out now! Bye!

Yours truly, Betty Boop (DA Description below)

Well, here’s some literature about my depiction of Betty Boop as a werepoodle. As of the time this was written it’s August and thus the birth month of Betty Boop so I wanted to do something with her before the month ends. This took me two days in total to think up and write as I couldn’t decide where to begin. I thought of multiple ways to start but they just didn’t stick. For one, I was originally planning to write in third person but I feared some of the ways I started trying out to write came off as a bit messy. So I went with the idea of writing in first person in the perspective of Betty Boop herself, not only that but writing in a diary cause that’s a very stereotypical teen girl thing to do. While I do hope to make more werepoodle continuity literature in the future I am not sure if I want it all to be in the “diary” format. Like it can work for me, but not for everything but of course I will specify which and what isn’t a diary.

I fear that my hand in writing, just like my hand in art, has been pretty rusty over some time and I am afraid that may show here. But hey, I have to start somewhere and if I don’t start even with something “rusty” then I won’t be able to move forward and improve in the future. I at least hope this story can be some sort of entertaining. I am also open to some suggestions and ideas of what to do next. I do have some things planned, but not every single little thing planned out of course. So please, feel free to recommend any ideas or suggestions as long as they are appropriate.

At the very least, I am glad I got to create some sort of story telling media with the werepoodle finally as I had the idea for a while now, ever since the first year of the decade I believe. I know dog Betty gets a very mixed reaction in the fandom and it’s a bit of a debate among fans what species she should be even if human is the most popular choice. So at the very least, I hope my werepoodle idea makes things feel balanced for all as she can both be a human and a dog and transform between the two forms. (Originally posted to DeviantArt on August 31 2023)