Sunday, September 24, 2023

Betty Boop's Werepoodle Diaries No. 2

Jan 2024 Edit: There may be a weird glitch where not all of the Werepoodle Diaries may pop up normally through the usual way of looking through older posts. There has been a post made to correct that so they can all be viewed in order easier. Also, please check out the weebly version for these as I had issues setting them up on blogger but the weebly counterpart makes them look in the more preferable and less “messy” manner. The DA links also do not work anymore, reasons explained later on the blog, and only stick around simply because I do not feel like editing it.

(Copied from Deviantart literature)

Betty Boop’s Werepoodle Diaries: Black Storm Black Out Dear Diary, it’s Betty Boop again. Recently, there’s been a surge of huge crazy storms! But this time, they’ve gotten so harsh that it caused a black out today. It all started when it was raining like SUPER rainy. Lightning was flashing and the skies were pretty dark. Me and Pudgy were mostly relaxing and watching stuff on my phone while my Grampy was doing his experiments and inventions as usual. Then all of a sudden… “BAM!” It was like a giant bolt of lightning crashed near our home and it was so strong that the power went out. I lost my internet connection and sighed. “Aww man, we were just almost done with that video!” I then petted Pudgy a bit who was shivering from the loud sound. “Hmm, I wonder what else to do then.” Just then, I heard Grampy come up to my door and started knocking and I allowed him to open. “Aww geez Betty, as you can see our power went out. Such a shame as I was just busy inventing something. I’m gonna try and see if I can start up the back-up power generator but I also need batteries. Good enough batteries for what I am working on and to keep the power going as long as we need it. Can you help me go and search for some?” He handed me a list of what to do. “No problem Grampy!” I said confidently. “I’ll make sure to bring you the best batteries ever when I come back. In the meantime, maybe watch Pudgy for me as I think the loud sounds of the storm and thunder would scare him.” Grampy then picked up Pudgy. “Alright then! Good luck Betty, and make sure to not get sick! This storm seems like a real intense one!” I then got all dressed to be weather ready and got my umbrella and needed stuff to go outside. Me and Grampy, who was still holding Pudgy, waved bye to each other and then I walked off. “Boop-be-boop-a-doo gonna get some batteries in a few.” I started singing while walking. The sky was pretty gray and dark blue for a while. But then, as I looked up for a bit it started getting very dark and very black very suddenly. “Huh, that’s quite abrupt. Oh well.” I just shrugged it off and continued singing and skipping. Then a very loud and I mean LOUD crack of thunder with very bright lightning that flashed between white and red started and then continued. “Oh crap, that might not mean anything good, guess I gotta get to the store fast.” So I ran and I ran until I got to the store that I thought I was supposed to go to but I was very out of breath. “*panting* This must be it… Hmm… Murky Mart. Wow, maybe it’s cause of the storm but this place looks a bit dark and depressing. But hey, I can handle it.” I walked right in, humming along. The mart was kinda big, pretty dark, but filled with luminescent ghosts and some dingy monsters and demons. But I wasn’t afraid, cause I’m a cute little monster girl. : D It was something, at first all these monsters were staring at me. One big one who looked like some sort of employee shouted “HEY! No humans allowed!” I simply giggled and transformed. “Oh silly, looks like you couldn’t tell the difference between a mere normal human and a were-one if she literally walked right in front of ya!” After seeing I was a weredog he accepted me going further but laughed “Heh, alright, but I don’t think a puny little werepoodle can handle a place like this.” I looked a bit upset at him and went “Hmph! I can handle whatever, you just have poor judgment, that's all!” So I kept walking forward. Werepoodles are quite rare, even among weredogs who tend to be rarer than your average werewolves. We are seen as interesting creatures for how rare we are, but outside of that we are also seen as pathetic and not having much value. My Grampy says I am stronger than the average werepoodle though. Not to get off track, as I looked around it was hard to find what aisle or area the batteries could have been in. “Gosh darn it Grampy, you could have at least specified where it could be in this large ass place. Too bad I can’t really call you cause poor storm wi-fi.” I made a very unamused face looking at my phone and stuck out my tongue. Suddenly two tall cloaked monsters bumped into me causing me to fall. “Hey, can you please watch where you’re going?!” I shouted. They both just looked at each other and laughed. “Maybe you should watch where you are going, poodle girl.” One of them said knocking me back down as they took something from me. Worried, I went to see if they took my phone as that was what I was looking at. But it seems they instead took my umbrella. “Gah! My umbrella! Those jerks… aww it was so pretty too. At least I have plenty of others at home. My raincoat and hat should be enough for me in this weather… I think.” I then started trying to rush down the halls of this mart. “Gotta look for batteries… gotta look for batteries.” Then not looking where I was going, I fell down an escalator… a REALLY long escalator. “AAAAAH!” I said as I fell. It was looping and zig-zagging into the lower part of the store. Now the looks of the store felt more trippy, with aisles going in all sorts of curved and zig-zagged directions and many objects and shopkeepers floating or levitating. “Ah shit, this better lead me to some batteries.” I got onto a flying table that had a cloth over it as if it was like a ghost. “Guess, I’ll ride this thing across the store hopefully that would make things easier. Onward!” I moved the table around into the directions I wanted to go. “Teehee, this is sorta fun!” I said with glee. Eventually, the cloth of the table moved right off of it. “Hey! Get off of me!” It really was a ghost! And the ghost looked pretty mad at me. “Oh, sorry… I didn’t reaLIZE-” After the ghost completely flew away from the table I started falling onto the ground of the store. “Yowch!” I was really hurt and bruised and got back up. A purple monster mother and her kids started laughing at me and tried to hide it and I got a bit upset but immediately ignored them. As I looked forward I saw the two monster guys who stole my umbrella! “Hey you! Don’t think I forgot about you! I may have several more umbrellas at home but I’m not just gonna let you get away with bullying me like that!” I lunged at them, claws sharp. Right then, one of them took out their long gangly arms and smacked me right in the face. “O-ow..” I said hearing the sounds of birds chirping. But I immediately got up. “Hmm, maybe let’s not fight then. How about we just talk this out, and I get my umbrella back and no one gets hurt-” Immediately the two monsters took off their cloaks and revealed a shadowy mist coming out ready to attack me. I jumped back. “Woah! I just wanted my umbrella back… and some batteries!” They both snickered which then turned into cold laughter. The shadowy mist then consumed my umbrella. “Hey!” I shouted. Then the shadowy mist quickly chased right after me and I started running. “HEY!” Seems I pissed off some shadow people, or they just seemed amused to mess with me. Either way, their black mass started engulfing a lot of the area of the store surrounding them. Many of the other monsters just looked in amusement, excitement or annoyance as they were just walking by, only to get trapped by creepy shadows. “Excuse me! Er, sorry! Coming through!” I said rushing down the halls as the darkness came closer. I bumped into many people and accidentally crashed, dropped into and broke many things. You wouldn't stop hearing "clean up on aisle" whatever for a while because of it. I eventually picked up superspeed as I was super anxious. Luckily, after some time I eventually lost them and found another employee. This time this sort of small gremlin looking creature. “Do you know where these batteries are?” I said while panting and a bit frustrated. The little guy read the list I was given for a bit then replied. “Sorry, but it seems you’re at the wrong store and there seems to be some sort of typo.” I became more frustrated. “Huh, what?!” Then after I stopped panting I looked down and waited for their next reply. “You see, this is Murky Mart, a store for monsters and only monsters that only comes around in specific harsh cursed storms with lightning strikes of dark magic. The place you wanna go with is Mucky Mart, which should be right down the corner although it is surrounded by lots of muck and is a much smaller shop. Also the only batteries we have that aren’t magic or supernatural are double C and this seems to require quadruple C batteries.” My face turned red with anger and I felt like it started steaming up. “Ugh… thank you.” I said gritting my teeth as the little guy handed me my list back. “Want me show you the quick exit?” The tiny guy said. I nodded and then he snapped his fingers to summon a quick door that I ended up walking out on. “Oh btw, here’s a new umbrella. I’m sorry your’s got destroyed.” It wasn’t as cute or stylish as the previous one but it was okay. I took it and said thanks and walked out of the store. Finally walking out of there. As I went to this Mucky Mart I just stomped angrily in the muck and waited for the automatic doors to open. I walked and ran straight to the cashier guy who was there. “Hello, do you have quadruple C batteries?” He saw I looked a bit tense and tapping my fingers on the desk angrily, but replied calmly. “Why yes, we have them right here. How much do you want?” Glaring at him but not trying to come across as too angry I just replied “several.” He then gave me an entire box filled with them, I payed and then I walked out and back home. I then calmed down a bit. “Huh, well, that was easy. I guess I feel better now. At the very least I can bring these things to Grampy and all should be alright.” As I got home I noticed the power was on. “Hey Grampy, got the backup source on, I see? I lost one of my umbrellas, sorry long story but hey I got these batteries finally!” I was pretty relieved when I got home, removed my raincoat, put down my new other umbrella and then he walked up to me and so did Pudgy. “Hey Betty! Sorry to hear that but nice to see you’ve got a new one even though we got plenty o’ others.” “Oh btw Grampy, you said you were inventing something and needed these things for it? What were you working on?” I said in a very tired but calmed voice. “Oh, as you see, I invented a robot that can make… toast on top of toast! I found out that all this time, I actually had loads of the batteries I needed! Just had to look for them I guess. But hey, I thank you for getting some more for me I really do- Hey, why do you have that look on your face, Betty? Betty?!” I then became infuriated again realizing he made me go through all that just to “invent” a machine that can make some more toast and he even already had the right batteries for it all along. “Pudgy dearie, please don’t look at what’s about to happen next.” I then started snarling angrily again. “Betty! Please! No! No! AAAAH!” Then it was like a gust of dust and stars came about as I was beating the daylights out of Grampy. Pudgy was whimpering a bit while watching, even though I told him not to. After a while the storm went away, I went into my human form again and Grampy, after being beaten up, used his new machine to serve me all the sweet toast I ever wanted while he didn't get any first bites as punishment. “I’m sorry granddaughter, I won’t do anything like that again. Now can I have some toast please?” As he tried to grab one I moved it. “Sorry you cooky old man! But you have to learn your lesson before you put me through that totally unnecessary journey!” “Aww man.”

After all of that, it was raining again but not so bad, just very nice and calming. Grampy fell asleep and I decided to give him one piece of toast right next to his bed when he wakes up. Just one. “Night night Grampy.” I said with a smile. While I’m still a bit mad at him, I still know he’s a crazy ol’ man with his brains being a bit scrambled and he didn’t mean to make such a dumb decision. Even if he can be a bit insane at times, he’s my good ol’ Grampy and I care for him. Your’s truly, Betty Boop (DA Description below)

Here is my second installment of the Betty Boop's Werepoodle Diaries. For this one, I wanted it to be a bit shorter than the first/previous one as it's reading time apparently takes half an hour long and so I wanted this one to have less. I do feel like, I could have done more with this story just a bit more in some areas but I don't know exactly what. But as I have stated I am quite rusty and I am trying to work things out. Maybe I can learn on what I want to expand from here and see what I can do in the future. For this one, I specifically chose a story relating to a blackout or power outage, along with storms, as recently I had an issue where the wi-fi/internet connection wasn't working right as well as some storms here and there over the past few days. So I just felt inspired to make a story surrounding it. I would actually love to do stories with a similar premise in the future but I'd need to think about that more.

While I would like to get to focusing on more pre-code characters soon, I wanted to make a simple, silly and arguably cute or not cute story about Betty having to deal with the cooky decisions of her grandpa. Grampy is one of the few liked post-code characters among fans so I see no issue with making a simple story where he has a bigger role in it even if a bit short and silly. Pudgy has a smaller role here as I felt the previous story was more focused on him by comparison so he ends up staying with Grampy. Hopefully by the next story, I can get to something more adventurous and even more surreal next. Even if not, I don't mind starting out calmer and simple as long as people find the stories somewhat entertaining and currently these two do have some surrealism in them.

I'm open to some suggestions of what else to do or what to expand upon but remember please be sane. (Originally posted to DeviantArt on September 8 2023)