Monday, April 22, 2024

Soft Rebooting In…

So, was thinking of a little soft rebooting things a bit up! Given how I did say the continuity fluctuates and thus it can already be rather flexible, I of course just mean I wanna “refresh” some things a little. As said early on my writing was quite “rusty” after a whole but I had gotten more used to it as I continuously wrote more uploads here. I don’t want things to get too lengthy when writing this (as I did on my first attempt when writing this lol) but I do want to put a bit of a “divider” so to speak for the “pre-soft reboot” section and the “post-soft reboot” section.

To simplify things more, I wanna try and do things a little bit more on the “visual” side. That means make more art and comics. Won’t be dropping literature entirely but this “pre-soft reboot section” I will kinda call the “primarily literature” era. For literature you often are gonna have to be super wordy with things and explain things a lot, well not all the time and it depends on what and how you write, but I think my literature stuff does enough “exposition” and “info-dumping” on the basic mechanics and functions of the world that it’s enough for now. If one is into all that kind of stuff and doesn’t mind it going on into everything else, then starting with that section is for you.

However, some may want to start a story with way more questions than answers, being more oblivious to what’s going on and how things function until much later as well as a bunch of mystery. So, I hope for the main difference between the more visual era and the primarily literature is that, after the soft reboot, it can start out way more “mysterious” or with way more questions than answers until any sense of clarity is given out later. If you want to start with the more soft-rebooted side of things, then view the pre-soft reboot era as more of a “prequel” in a sense.

I have written over 20 to nearly 30 stories that are like, how do I say… chapters, episodes, issues? Whatever the case, when it comes to things like a show this can make up something like an entire season, and heck, can even be the amount for entire shows themselves. So maybe calling it a bit of a semi-prequel isn’t that much of a stretch after all? And hey, at least not everything has been entirely after before so there is a bit of that right? Either way, either if you want to view things through the lens of sequels and prequels or different seasons, arcs, sagas and other story segmenting concepts, just know there is some sort of division at least, ha ha.

Alright, well I hope this provides a decent divider between the two sections then. So, remember, anything before this post is before the soft reboot and anything after is, well, after. Okay then, take care!

Monday, April 1, 2024

A Special Day and Celebration for Betty

Betty Boop was laying on a sun lounger, with a red and white polka dot dress, red flower sunglasses, rose earrings, red bracelets, a large red bow headband and some bows on her shoes that otherwise look very similar to her usual style to match. Some moving flowers, moving around in pots, were serving and tending to her and Bimbo and Koko, both dressed in blue and white outfits, were setting things up around the place.

Bimbo was moving and lifting certain stuff while Koko was painting several objects and layouts. Meanwhile Betty was relaxing out in the sun, on a penthouse her Grampy bought her, while she lets the boys do the work. Why though? Well, because it’s gonna be a special day of… something… for Betty. Everyone remembers it’s Betty’s special occasion but doesn’t remember what. So anyways today is a special day for Betty and that’s all that’s important.

“Huff… huff… gee Betty, there’s a lot of fucking shit here. But I won’t complain because it’s your special day and it’s okay because it’s you!” Bimbo said first making a grumpy face then smiling to the point you could see his gums. “Yeah… huff… wait why am I huffing my work’s less strenuous than his. Anyways Betty, we’re glad to work our butts off for you while we get nothing in return!” Koko said smiling as his little dot eyes went from small to big spooky eyes with a wide ass grin.

“Oh, teehee boys! You are just so kind! You know, you can take your break now!” Betty giggled. The boys then quickly sat down near Betty while wiping off their sweat and sorta kinda sweat. “Aww, you must be so tired, here for you and for you!” Betty gave them both flower shaped cookies. “NOM! NOM!” They both said. After falling back from exhaustion, a horde of animal people just busted in out of nowhere to celebrate whatever the fuck was being celebrated.

“Happy special day Betty!” They all shouted while throwing gifts at her which piled up. Betty stuck her head out of all of them as she rose up. “Aw, thank you guys!” She smiled. As the party went on everyone was doing usual party shit. Dancing, singing, eating, playing pin the tail on the… wait what? Is that a donkey? It looks so fucked up what the fuck haha?! Pin the tail on whatever poorly drawn stuff was on the wall. “Hey! I was super exhausted.” Koko angrily tapped his foot. After all that was done was basically done, the animal people all formed a line and became a giant flying worm creature and flew into the sky to get consumed by a giant bird that was just waiting for its meal.

“Ah, so glad that’s over I don’t even know or remember most of those guys names… why are they our friends again?” Bimbo said. “Because…” Koko just smiled. “Hey, wait, I opened all my presents, but I didn’t open that one just lying over there can you guys get it for me please?” Betty pointed. Bimbo and Koko ran to it, picked it up and brought it to Betty. “Thankies! Haha!” She had a delighted laugh. As she ripped it open ferally with her sharp nails it was inside some sort of box. “Hmm, what the… oh!” It had a little crank on the side that Betty went to wind up. Out came a little jester shouting “April Fools!” and chuckling till it started sounding like it was coughing. “D’awwww! Haha! Little jack-in-the-box! So colorful! So cute! It has little diamond sparkly star shaped looking eyes!” Betty’s eyes glimmered with glee.

“April Fool’s Betty…” Bimbo and Koko said simultaneously with a monotone voice as their eyes shined, albeit with an empty expression, and the flowers that were once lively had wilted to bits. Betty frowned out of confusion and tried to wave her hands in front of them but got no response. The jack-in-the-box then grabbed Betty and abducted her. “Bimbo! Koko! Please help me! Save me!” Betty cried out but the two were clearly unresponsive. However, it seemed that her sound managed to make it to them slowly and woke them up from their odd trance. But it appeared too late as Betty was already gone and as Bimbo and Koko’s eyes tried to focus and they looked around, Betty couldn’t be seen. “Ah fuck!” Bimbo squinted his eyes out of rage and shouted. “Hmm…” Koko was analyzing the place with his sludgy psychometry. “I think it’s safe to say that Betty is in trouble as usual.” Koko said. “Yeah.” Bimbo said. “Let’s go.” Koko said.

The boys took out their weapons. Bimbo pulling out a gun and knives and Koko shaping up and whipping out a large clown mallet. They ran down the building and onto the streets to go and find Betty but then “What are you doing? Don’t you fools realize the illusive path you will take?” Pudgy in his smarter mode manifested and floated in front of them. “Get out of the way Pudgy! We don’t have time for this!” Bimbo said. “Yeah, we gotta save Betty!” Koko said. “You may seem obstinate, but you aren’t as strong-willed as you think you are.” Pudgy crossed his arms and floated away.

Bimbo and Koko shrugged it off and were super prepared to get into whatever trouble as long as they could save Betty. As the boys ran, Bimbo felt his phone buzzing and picked it up. “Hey fellas! How’s yer party going? Unfortunately, I couldn’t come with you, still working on these commissions but then again making these doohickeys is pretty fun! Can you believe I made over four quadrillion dollars just by-” It was of course from Grampy. “Grampy we can’t talk now! We're trying to save your granddaughter!” The boys shouted. “Eh? What?” “WE’RE TRYING TO SAVE YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER!” Haha! You youngsters and yer silly games! Alright have fun, time to get back to work!” Grampy ended the call. “That kooky old man.” Bimbo grunted. “Yeah but at least, he won’t further interrupt us today! We gotta focus!” Koko said.

The boys ran and ran very fast until they both hit an oversized stop sign and passed out. As they woke up, they felt like they were swimming in rose syrup. They groaned a bit trying to move around but saw something up above them. “Hello boys…” A large, floating, disembodied Betty head, with long flowing hair, was staring up above them in the pink sky with a piercing gaze. The syrup started solidifying into cubes and was floating upwards. The two just started screaming. “Yes, I agree.” She said and put fool’s caps and silly clothing on the both of them and the cubes formed together to become a stage. Without saying anything, Bimbo and Koko started to dance around and make fools out of themselves for the Betty head’s entertainment. Koko tried to see if he could get a chance to analyze anything, but his senses were too messed up.

The boys then started doing jumping jacks and the Betty head grew arms and legs and joined in and the boys started screeching and the Betty head just smiled. The platform grew larger, and the environment became that of a usual stage and theater. The audience was comprised of many girls… who had looks that were similar to Betty but were clearly… not Betty. “Ah yes… the prototypes…” The final words the Betty head said as it popped into confetti and the girls started running after Bimbo and Koko as they were being chased down a street and they kept throwing objects like spikes, needles and thorns at them while giggling and smiling. The boys were being pricked and poked but still ran.

As they got to the top of a building the girls the flew up into the sky and combined into some horrific creature like a body made of bodies that was further made of bodies. The boys started twisting and screaming as their fear flung them across the sky and the creature followed and took out one abnormal arm to grab them and the boys started shivering in the darkness.

As they woke up one last time, they were on two sun lounges at the penthouse as Betty, wearing a white and red polka dot dress, a red rose headband and bracelets, some white shoes with red socks and a white apron with a bow on her back, brought out pancakes with rose syrup on them. “Dinner’s ready!” Betty said as she gleefully put the food on both of their laps and smiled. “But this is breakfast and it’s still daytime.” Bimbo said. “If I say it’s dinner then it’s dinner!” Betty pouted. The boys just looked at each other and started eating. “Mmm this is really good!” Koko said. “Yeah, nice of you to use all these neat different types of syrups, Betty.” Bimbo said. Betty then twirled around with sparkles around her like some sort of magical girl. “Thank you!” She said with sparkles from her eyes and holding up a peace sign. “You’re welcome” they both said.

They just ate silently as Betty gazed in the sky for a while. “By the way, I tried some new drugs recently. Was gonna try and prank you for April fool’s but guess I was tripping out too much to even think of anything. Hahaha!” Betty did a cute little giggle and spun away, back inside to do whatever. Bimbo and Koko then looked at each other with concern. Slowly, the Betty head, with a spooky Pudgy on her head, rose up and grabbed the two boys and they went flying into the sky. “Help Betty!” They shouted. Unfortunately for them Betty was too busy jamming out with her headphones to her music playing backwards. She was in the middle of baking a cake that would seem to be one flavor but would turn out to be another and giggled. The text that would be inside once you ate the top? April Fools!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Let Bimbo Sleep, Betty

“Augh… I’m so fucking hungry…” Bimbo’s vision was blurring out for a moment as he felt like he was passing out, outside in the city somewhere. For a while, civilians heard feral noises of munching and crunching and the nasty smell of corpses and ran and screamed to call for help on what they had witnessed. After some got to escape, several police officers with the assistance of some other hunters of the supernatural went to go after this force that’s supposedly been going around town. They kept shooting and shooting but they all kept losing and loosing and were either written off as being killed or gone missing the next few days.

At some point, Bimbo woke up at an alleyway near an area that seemed like it was around the diner his mother worked at. He found himself covered in blood and, while he was very used to that at this point, seeing the familiar and specific area he was in, he panicked. “Oh god… oh god… fuck!” He screamed seeing the entire area was very disheveled and destroyed. He saw and detected the souls of about a thousand different demons flowing out in the area. His only thought now was, to try and flee the current location he was in and make sure he got home as fast as possible.

On the next day, Bimbo and Betty were watching television in the living room while eating some burgers and fries that were left in the fridge for a few days, sent as a gift from his mother. Their phones had buzzed and it was a message from Bimbo’s mother saying that the place she worked at ran out of business due to an incident of an insane supernatural attack destroying a lot of the nearby areas and the diner and rather than rebuild the place, everyone in the area wanted to just move to other places and find new jobs rather than risk another severely dangerous attack because of how insane the incident was. Reports say that many supernatural hunters, even those who professionally hunt powerful entities, had to go there but it ended up even worse. A large group of monsters were detected but there is conflicting evidence if it was an organized attack, or an unfortunate large fight broke out which led to the chaos. All that matters is, while many had died in the process, most people ended up safe.

“Wow gee whiz Bimbo! Good thing your mama and some others are safe! I am glad you’re safe too cause I heard you were walking outside close by there… right?” Betty said. “Yeah… haha… yeah… I didn’t see anything! I don’t know what happened! Don’t look at me!” Bimbo had extreme nervous laughter and sweat and started tearing up. “It’s okay baby, please don’t be upset. Not everything insane is caused by you or even that demon, there were reports of thousands of unrelated creatures, looking at some of these articles and news reports. The attacks seem to not line up with each other so it could have been some weird unfortunate fight that broke out, rather than an organized attack, but dog-damn it, take that shit elsewhere and don’t get innocents involved!” Betty said while scrolling. “Betty, I think I got involved and hurt people somehow… I was covered in blood and…” Bimbo was really worried. “Hmm, how do you not know you got caught up in the fiasco and were acting out of self-defense?” Betty asked. “Well, I’m scared cause I don’t know.” Bimbo said. Betty just rubbed his back to comfort him.

After they finished eating, he got up from the couch and went to throw out the trash they left and take out some garbage as it was getting full. Betty went to go clean some stuff while Bimbo was taking out the dirty. After Bimbo had calmed down a bit and went to throw out some garbage bags and breathe some fresh air, he saw a pinned note in his mind saying “Wanna know what actually happened?” with the words “YES” and “NO” written underneath. Bimbo’s own mental image of himself just went near the paper and slowly ripped it to shreds as probably his own response of saying he doesn’t even want to think of it now. After he got a nice breeze of fresh air, he went back inside. Betty was still busy cleaning and seemed focused on that and Grampy was currently working on several commissioned works and was likely super busy.

Bimbo then went up to his and Betty’s room, got into pajamas for relaxation and texted his mother. “Hey mom.” He texted as he sat in bed. “Hello, Bimbo. How are you.” She replied. “Good you?” “I’m… fine. I’ll probably find a new job soon. For now, your father has been quite the gentleman and has been selling more and more ice cream while we get to spend more time together in his probably indestructible truck as our home. It’s nice to have a home not only be not destroyed but also be the very place we work.” “K.” “How have work things been going with you?” “Well, ya know we haven’t really done any good real acting in some time, and our music career has been a mixed bag… due to certain reasons, we’ve had to fight lower-level threats for our ‘safety’ and they’ve either been boring or predictable. Heck, sometimes it’s hard to predict the ‘level’ a threat is because of how much creatures can change or even mask themselves. In the end… I kinda just wanted this job so I can beat the shit out of things and get paid for it, maybe to even be known for being awesome and cool. But at times, it’s made me feel even more like a looser and…” “Honey wait, keep typing but I’m gonna have to check later. I have to do something right now.” His mother went to do something.

“Oh yeah, I forget…” Bimbo said to himself. “Does mom even know about me being occasionally possessed and all? I forgot if I even told her… she’d probably freak out even more than she did than when she found out about my own cycle curse. Maybe, it’s best not to bring it up for now.” Bimbo tucked himself in his blanket and closed his eyes for a while, although he wasn’t really asleep. “Sometimes I don’t wanna ask questions, sometimes I don’t even wanna know…” He said whispering. He then fell asleep for a bit with no dream only the darkness of his shut eyes. Then he would feel a little tap and a bright smile looming over him. “Heya, sweetie!” Of course it was Betty. “Save that sleep for later, will ya? I want to play with you!” Betty wrapped her arms around Bimbo cuddling him. “Betty, I’m tired. I want to rest. I can play with you later.” He said in a low tone. “Aaah! I wanna play with you noooow!” Betty just shrieked jokingly but then something happened…

All of a sudden, it was like Betty had looked into Bimbo’s own soul. She saw a very tired looking Bimbo at the center but the rest surrounding him was… complete and utter madness. It was like his entire body around his main one was an entire clump of organs, faces making all kinds of expressions, body parts budding out everywhere while spiraling in impossible directions, limbs and proportions of different sizes, blood, vomit and tears oozing out in different openings and it was hard to tell if they were normal orifices like mouths and nostrils or ripped apart flesh. The very massive body kept reeling in so many different things to eat and spit back out. So many noises were being made and the chaotic symphony of Bimbo’s suffering sound made Betty suffer from absolute madness. “Betty you sweet flower, I am so sorry you had to see this side of me. It seems your sound has enhanced enough to look into other’s souls with just a single screech. Your desire to spend time with me was so strong, you metaphorically just wanted to ‘rip’ me out of my resting place and take me with you, but my state of mind really isn’t in the best place right now. I need to take my mind off things before I can reawaken once more. The demon inside me… it’s not even just one demon, it’s over thousands, maybe over millions. I can sense so many souls screaming in constant agony and madness, it’s like they all wanna fade away out of existence and just keep merging into each other to stop the pain and suffering but how helpful that has been is debatable. I know how the incident happened and could inform you on it but at this point, your mind must be too close to almost loosing that individuality to madness and I don’t want to lose you, my rose. I’m sorry a little sinner like me keeps causing you, and anyone else, so much trouble.”

After such an insane sight, Betty almost felt she had lost herself to the madness but then found herself back in the room, breathing heavily gasping for air, with everything back to normal. Betty was looking down for a bit then slowly looked at Bimbo again, he was sleeping with an anguished face and what was once a sunny afternoon was now nighttime. She looked at her clock on her phone and saw it was exactly midnight. Betty then would get into her nightgown, eat something, brush her teeth and then get ready for bed. She then hugged Bimbo, trying to make him feel better even in his sleep, and wished to forget what she had saw and once she finally felt relaxed enough to rest, she slept getting exactly what she wished for.

The Thug and His Sweet Angel

Sometime in the past, definitely before their hunting jobs, was Bimbo and Betty out in the streets. There he was, Bimbo the aggressive n’ hotheaded thug and his sweet and innocent lover Betty Boop, holding on tight to his girl as he had a gun out. BANG! BANG! Loud gunshots fired as he aimed at several men running towards them. Betty was holding onto Bimbo very scared yet remained comforted and protected by him. Why was sweet little Betty going out with such a violent thug who clearly just shot at people?

Bimbo just stole from other thugs, who were from a small gang of thieves the rest he also shot at, in order to get what he needed for him and Betty. Bimbo was a boy who often had any home he and his family lived in get destroyed and Betty was a girl constantly running from abusive parents at home. They would take on the occupations of jazz singers and actors but either Bimbo’s money would get destroyed or Betty would be forced to use it to provide for her parents. They would also get both of their money, and other stuff stolen by other people or things. Betty would receive more money than Bimbo would, as she was far more popular and many people would only hire Betty and leave out Bimbo, something Bimbo never exactly liked, but he still loves his girl, and she would often try to share as much as she could with him.

Down in the city, Betty and Bimbo, when they couldn’t go to visit friend’s and other family’s homes, would often create makeshift homes and temporary places to be for themselves. As of now they “live” in a shack. Betty and Bimbo don’t see it as “truly living together” as they see it more as a temporary hideout, but it’s the best they got. Betty and Bimbo would now go to their shack, made of lots of wood, cardboard and whatever hard stuff like rocks, metal and bricks they could glue or paste together. Outdoors and indoors the shack contained any unused or no longer used stuff they could buy or find. They would mostly prefer to use stuff that was once in use, rather than freshly bought stuff, just because they don’t want to become attached to stuff that is “too good.”

After closing the door and sitting inside, Betty would turn on a few scented candles she stored in her hammerspace to freshen up the place and provide some light and Bimbo turned on a desk lamp he recently found, as a previous larger lamp died out, to provide more light. They were sitting at a small table and Bimbo reached for something. “Ah here, our food for today. A tuna sandwich, a burger, some onion rings and some chips.” He put them all on the table. “Aw sweet let’s eat!” Betty said. They went to dig in and luckily, they got in just in time as it started raining… heavily. “Good thing we got more of those bricks and scrap metal lying around, as well as some umbrellas although they got some holes, rips and tears in ‘em.” Bimbo said with his face stuffed. “Mmm hmm, yeah.” Betty said with her face being the same. As it started getting chillier, Betty and Bimbo then huddled up together and brought out their “blanket” which was a bunch of sweaters Bimbo had that Betty managed to stitch together.

It was really windy, and Betty and Bimbo then went under the blanket, lying on the carpet floor. “Tomorrow with these hundreds of dollars of cash, hopefully you and I can buy something grand, baby!” Bimbo said confidently. “Oh Bimbo, I- AAAAAHHHH!” They both screamed and everything from the shack flew into the sky. Betty and Bimbo then hugged each other as Bimbo got out one of the umbrellas. “C’mon now, let’s find a place to stay at for the night. It’s almost getting late anyways.” Betty and Bimbo then started walking and held onto one another very tight making sure each other was super safe. A spirit of one of the enemy thieves Bimbo shot out took their umbrella. “Haha! Later sucker!” He shouted putting up an L on his head and then a middle finger. “You bitch!” Bimbo was about to get angry and feisty. “Sweetie calm down! Let’s not get distracted now!” Betty shouted. “*sigh* You’re right, sorry baby. Let’s keep going.” And so, they did.

Betty and Bimbo then went to a pizza parlor, that was closing soon, and asked the guy running the place a question. “Hi, sorry to bother you but is it okay if we can stay over for tonight? We really need a place to go and-” Betty and Bimbo said making a cute face. “Where the hell are your parents? This ain’t a hotel. Get lost!” He shouted and they fled. Now lots of rainwater was pouring on them, Bimbo was wearing a hooded sweater and lifted it up on him and he got a few newspapers, that were stored in his pockets, and put them over Betty’s head. They ran and ran fast while holding each other’s hands. “Ah, this is the worst timing for Koko and his family to be out of the state right now!” Betty whimpered. “I know, I know. I would like it if we could crash at somewhere near the diner my mom works at but it’s so far away! Why oh why did the worthy material we find have to be so far away!” Bimbo cried.

The two eventually ran into an alleyway and Betty and Bimbo used some broken and ripped clothes, sheets and other similar stuff they had gathered to form a tent-like place to sleep in. “Goodnight Betty.” Bimbo said closing it up and hugging onto Betty. “Goodnight Bimbo.” She said sleeping in his arms also holding him. The two would have a good rest and wake up in the morning peacefully. “Yawn!” Betty brought out the napkins to wipe out their eyes and breath mints for their well… breath. “Where are we going today, Bim-Bim?” Betty said still rubbing her eyes. “Wherever the day takes us baby, wherever the day takes us.” The two would then put their little tent thing away and walk outside and try and find a place to eat. Once they ate at a fast-food restaurant the two started having a conversation at a table farther away from most people so they could talk kinda alone-ish.

“Oh Bimbo…” Betty said holding onto one of his hands as he was messily eating. “I know I say this a lot but thank you so much for letting me go on these adventures with you, I love spending time with you and staying away from my parents. I would much prefer staying under as many wobbly shacks and makeshift houses as possible with you than stay under a sturdy and stable roof with them. The food you buy for us, for me, is just do delicious and doesn’t make me constantly hurl! I wanna journey with you forever!” Her eyes sparkled as they glistened with love and joy. “Heh, no problem baby. I make sure to do as much as I can for my sweet, sweet angel! I’ll always try my best to keep you safe from those lame excuses for parents and any other harm that comes your way!” Bimbo said with his mouth filled up with chewed up food, something Betty would usually be disgusted by, but for this current convo it wasn’t something she paid attention to. “Oh, my darling devil!” Betty then went to hug Bimbo but then the two felt they were being stretched across somewhere.

“YAAAAAH!” The two shouted. They were now somewhere in the streets with another storm, it got really dark and gray and so much of the city looked very dark despite it still being gray. “Ugh? Another storm again? News said it would be hella sunny today!” Bimbo said angrily looking around. “Bimbo! Look!” Betty tapped Bimbo and pointed in front of them. There was a silhouette of a dog that appeared similar to Bimbo standing in front of them as the lightning kept striking and loud noises of thunder echoed. Bimbo and Betty held onto each other and shivered but got their gun and claws out, respectively, as they got closer. Once they finally got close it came in near them with a scowl that would then slowly curl up into a wide smile. “Would the fairy and the flower please stand up?” They said revealing themselves to be identical to Bimbo with a big toothy grin. The couple were about to act using their weapons out of fear but then the two would transform into soul energy and the entire environment got consumed into a circling storm.

Then there was a present-day Bimbo sleeping on his bed as a little thought cloud was looming over his head then poofed away as he awoke. “Gah… I’m tired of dreaming of all these memories gimme something original!” He said trying to conjure up another cloud and puffing it like a pillow. He then put the cloud behind his head and another one emerged again.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Bimbo The Leprechaun

Bimbo the all-Irish-American boy was doing his regular activity as a time traveling leprechaun… wait what? “Grrr… I gotta knock ‘em out for stealing me pot o’ gold… that I also stole fair and square!” Bimbo was flying on a cloud that was leaving a trail of a bright rainbow and glittery gold. When he found the culprits, he started jumping on the cloud, furiously, and struck them all with different colored lightning bolts. He then flew down and hugged his pot. “Woohoo, it’s mine! It’s all mine!” Green and golden hearts flew out from his head. As he went to check if any were damaged, he saw it was… pyrite? “Fool’s gold? GRRRRR… HNNNNNGGGHHH!” Seeing this clearly wasn’t his stuff and something must have happened to his precious gold, shit got serious.

“Hmm, since these fools are dead now, I can’t threaten them to tell me where the real stuff is… guess I’ll have to go to another timeline and get it.” He smirked with angry eyebrows and got out a golden gun. Bimbo then kicked the cloud to make it to fly. “C’mon now! We gotta go!” “Ow! I can feel ya know!” The cloud temporarily became sapient and was rubbing where it got kicked. “Yeah yeah… let’s go.” Bimbo hopped on with a crazed smile. As Bimbo flew and dashed through time, he saw a fabric ripping apart. “Er. Uh, oh… where did we put those needles?” Bimbo was looking all over his clothes. “Too late!” The cloud shouted. There was a colorful explosion with gold sparkles. Bimbo’s corpse was now lying lifelessly, as corpses do, and green blood was oozing out all over the place.

“Yuck! Good thing there’s always a backup!” The cloud unzipped itself from a zipper that appeared out of nowhere and turned into another leprechaun Bimbo. It then summoned a thought bubble to hop on it, but not before stealing from the other leprechaun Bimbo’s corpse and then stuffing his body into a pot to then transform it into gold. “Now let’s get our gold!” Bimbo said now with two golden guns. Bimbo then shot up into the sky and the sky formed an eye that cried and formed a rainbow that teleported him. He was now up in the sky and was rushing down on his cloud.

He saw a fountain in the city where a bunch of people were at and he was aiming down at it and a bunch of people started screaming, and their wallets, and all of their money flew out and went into the fountain. Once they all left, Bimbo then crashed into the fountain causing another explosion of a colorful kaboom. The water then sprang into the air which caused tons of rain and so many rainbows that ended up being a large rainbow. “Ahaha! Look at all this cash! It’s mine, mine, mine!” Bimbo kept hoarding it and hoarding it.

Distracted by greed, the rainbow was doing weird magic shit above him and a bunch of the guys he technically murdered in one timeline came from a different one to beat the shit out of him. “We came from a different timeline to beat the shit out of you!” One of them said. After Bimbo stashed all that cash in his pocket he turned back. “Oh yeah?” Both he and his cloud got golden guns out and started blasting like maniacs. After turning the guys into Swiss cheese, or perhaps Irish cheese, they started morphing into gold and teleported into Bimbo’s pockets. Bimbo kept laughing and laughing at his victory.

Out of nowhere came another leprechaun, Bimbo. “I am you from the past, present and future.” He walked towards the Bimbo in the fountain. “Huh?” He replied. Then the Bimbo in the fountain got shot in the head and oodles and oodles of clover colored blood flew up into the sky and he transformed into the new fountain. The not dead Bimbo then blew at the smoke of his golden gun, and it became whiter and fluffier and became his new cloud. He then flew into the rainbow formed from blood and warped himself into another timeline. In front of him were a multitude of leprechaun Bimbo’s in a green void, playing tic tac toe with leprechaun cereal and he shot at all of them all before they could even act or react. They then all became green sludge and merged into Bimbo, and he became a giant leprechaun Bimbo.

He then left the void and became one with his cloud. As he was in the cloud zone, he could detect a certain someone who often has her head in the clouds across different timelines. He had to be careful not to get his mind clouded too and looked carefully making a crunched up, focused and dedicated face. “Aha!” Finally found his target he busted into a timeline with a storm of budding clovers as he was coming down. “Help! Help!” It was Betty Boop, being held hostage by the guys he had killed twice yet also once technically. 

“Save me Bimbo! I dunno what these guys want with me, as they keep bringing up your name, but save me!” Bimbo landed on the ground and was determined to save his shamrock-eyed sweetheart. “Shamrock Punch! Clover Clobber! Rainbow Rip! Harp-burn!” After shouting out weird cheesy anime type sounding moves, the guys would start having clovers grow out of them and scream in agony. He would then bring out golden brass knuckles and finally beat them all to a bloody pulp and they all started bleeding green blood and turned into a giant tree with clover shaped leaves.

“Oh Bimbo!” Betty jumped in Bimbo’s arms and gave him several, perhaps seven cause that's a lucky number, smooches. “Ah… a kiss from you is even luckier than kissing the blarney stone!” Bimbo’s eyes then became concentric green and gold hearts. “Oh Bimbo! Teehee! Hey why were those guys angry enough at you to hold me hostage anyways?” Betty asked. “Well, you see Betty those guys were fae demons that wanted all of me pot o’ gold!” “Oh my!” “That I stole rightfully!” “You what?!” Betty jumped out of Bimbo’s arms and got her purse out and started looking angry at Bimbo. “Gulp.” He nervously smiled as Betty started swinging it around. “Forget that I said that.” She then ran after him.

“Aaaaaahhhh!” He flew on his cloud, but it left a rainbow trail that Betty managed to follow on to. “Now listen here mister! How many times have I told you to not steal things! I don’t care how tempting it may be for you! You do not do that and blah blah blah blah boop oop a blah!” After the two left and presumably went to another timeline, a group of several leprechaun Bimbos went all around the tree, they drew a Celtic knot around it, did a little jig while eating corned beef and cabbage and performed some kind of ritual. They all became one with the tree and it started growing and growing until it reached the skies and green beer was raining down all over everywhere and several magical, wonderful, glorious beer-rainbows could be seen spreading luck, joy and drunkenness everywhere.

Well that sure was a lot for this holiday. What was it again? Oh right, happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Friday, March 15, 2024

Direct Ignorance

Curling up in bed, hearing so many thoughts and voices saying so many things at once. Questions such as “Where am I?” “Who am I?” “What am I?” “What can I do?” “What should I do?” “Where should I go?” and so many more from over a billion of voices at once. Conversations of varying topics of varying emotions. The very stream of consciousness flowing into his noggin. Bimbo felt quite stressed having all this racket and commotion inside his head. The overflow of such emotion and information was quite maddening. After seeing a heart shaped balloon go up and pop in a burst of water, he awoke. Bimbo breathed heavily.

His heart was feeling so much pain and he felt so overwhelmed. “These unwanted thoughts and sounds, I want em to stop…” he held onto his head. His aching, burning heart was beating fast but it would start calming down as he would try not to think about anything and “block out the sound.” After a while he felt comfortable enough to get up. After he got up, he changed into daytime clothes, brushed his teeth and went downstairs. Grampy was busy making more inventions to be commissioned off recently and Betty sent him a message that she was in the kitchen. As Bimbo went there, he saw Betty making pancakes for the both of them. “Haha, hello Bimbo!” She waved and laughed with such energetic joy. “Good morning, Betty.” Bimbo waved and sat down.

“So Grampy said we can take the day completely off and do whatever we want to do… got any ideas for today?” Betty said. “Ah, Betty. Right now, I don’t wanna have any ideas or think of anything.” Bimbo said putting his hand on his head. “Something wrong, sweetheart?” Betty asked. “Ah…” Bimbo felt a bit of heartache. “Funny usage of words…” Bimbo said in a bit of pain. He collapsed onto the floor. After blacking out for a bit, he woke up in an unfamiliar area. Betty and Grampy were nowhere to be seen. But as he looked around many chopped up corpses were seen around him. He saw he had large pairs of scissors in his hands. “Deeuuuggghh!” He dropped them in a mix of fear and disgust. The scissors and the bodies faded out like nothing, and all remained was the blood both left.

Bimbo was, of course, very concerned but he felt the odd urge to go right through a door right in front of him. As he went through, he blacked out again. Bimbo would then awake once more. He looked at his phone and saw no recent messages. He did a similar routine as before and went downstairs to the living room. Betty was there watching the TV, but it was all just static. Bimbo went up to Betty slowly. “Betty? Betty?” He tapped her and tried to move her a bit to get a response. But as he felt her and moved her to him, all he saw was a mannequin, dressed all in black, with a blank stare and static for eyes. He blacked out again. 

As he awoke, he was in another unfamiliar room, with even more corpses this time, and while the previous blood was red this time it was blue. He looked down at his hands and saw hammer and nails. He threw them on the ground and they and the bodies faded leaving only the blood. He saw a window in front of him and felt the urge to go through it. He blacked out again. As he awoke, Bimbo then went to check his phone and saw no new messages. He decided to not do his usual routine and just… jump out the window incase doing the same routine again wasn’t a good idea. He fell down and did a little “oof!” Then he looked up. A bunch of blanked faced Betty Boop mannequins, all dressed in black, started running towards him. Bimbo would try and outrun them but started coughing black and red roses and collapsed.

Bimbo saw himself in an unfamiliar room again with even more corpses, now piling stacked on top of each other, with green blood this time. He looked at his hands and saw pins and needles. He dropped them and just waited for them and the bodies to fade away. As they did, he would then walk into a manhole and go in and awoke again. As he awoke there were now several blank faced Betty Boop mannequins with static in their eyes looking down at Bimbo. He would then try and go under his sheets to hide but then felt like he shouldn’t do that do he went up again and they went closer. As they were about to touch him, they paused and started shaking and shattered into bits of pieces and their parts turned to dust and flew away out into the open window. Bimbo then started breathing heavily a bit but then breathed slowly. As he blinked, he was now in the sky and it was sunset, a beautiful sunset.

In the sky, Bimbo could see the city from up above where he was. But as he looked above from him, he saw uncountable amounts of corpses piling up all with black blood. He looked at his hands and all he saw was black blood. But he did feel something… several shadowy hands coming out of his back. As they moved and made motions, they corpses started fading away and the only urge Bimbo felt was… to move and keep going. The shadowy hands propelled him in the air and moved in impossible directions. They bent and turned all around, and loud soundwaves emitted. As they kept moving and moving, everything around him kept waving and wavering and it was all so wavy. A final large splatter of all the blood colors he had seen up to that point went all over the place and he was now in another area.

Bimbo then was taking a calm walk with Betty around the city as the sun would set. The city lights were beautiful, and the vibe was warm. Now all of a sudden, the unfamiliar felt “familiar.” He was on a date with Betty and smiled as she smiled, and they looked at each other as if nothing had happened. Even as random figures turned into static, from monochrome to varying and different colors, Betty and Bimbo decided to just… ignore it… and felt that it was a much better choice to not direct their focus at it and to spend their day off shutting their minds away from it and letting their hearts breathe fresh and healthy air.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Gone To Sleep and Goodnight

Bimbo was sleeping peacefully in bed as Betty and Grampy were out buying stuff. He was smiling comfortably as he was very snug. Bimbo would then feel a snap in his neck that would wake him up. “Ow!” His neck would snap in two and black blood came running out. “Gaaaaah!” Bimbo felt his soul get evicted from his body as it was falling down into a new one spawning up in Hell. “Ooof!” He came crashing down in a dimension in the demon world.

It was very dark… and shadowy… and pitch black… with some gray. Bimbo got up and started rubbing his hurt areas. “Been a while since that has happened… I think?” Bimbo had a royal blue question mark over his head. A “certain copy” of himself spawned and Bimbo just frowned with his eyelid's half closed. “I’m not even gonna say anything.” He spoke. “I will just be Bimbo again from now on.” The look-alike said as it was also frowning. “I would ask what you are up to now but, I did say I wouldn’t say anything so heck. Maybe I ain’t in the mood to conversate?” Bimbo started crossing his arms and tapping his foot. “I will also not partake in the conversation.” The copy dog then merged into Bimbo.

“Woah! Hey at least it didn’t hurt this time… better not jinx myself.” Bimbo then started walking. “Why do I feel saddened and empty inside?” He then sat down and was now in deep thought. Images of darkness, emptiness and sadness then flooded his mind. “I don’t wanna be depressed…” a storm cloud went over his head as everything just became darker. “Every time I commit so many conquests, I am still left with such an emptiness inside, I even question ‘will this truly end all suffering’ but I’m not allowed to ask such questions. At least… only in the darkness can I have the thoughts all to myself…” Bimbo paused for a second but didn’t say anything realizing the words weren’t coming from him but yet, he continued to let the other one speak. “While these things can be good on their own… Controlling others all the time? I can’t stand it! Total domination over everything, is that really what I want? Always having to be manipulative, why oh why must it be all the time?”

The storm cloud grew bigger and louder. “Ugh, whatever. I still have to do this, it’s not like I can go back now… but ugh… deep down I know accomplishing such a thing is impossible, despite so many kinds of demon lords, rulers and masters trying to all do such a thing, but if I say that out in the light… I don’t wanna imagine.” Bimbo’s body then started curling up and moving back in forth. “Er, uh, you dealing with some issues buddy?” Regular Bimbo said. “…” “Hello?” “The dog is the perfect vessel to get away from it all, right?” The demon started smirking. “What?” Black blood started coming out and Bimbo’s body started walking. “To take a break, to have a rest, to just spend some time on my own. Even someone made for a specific purpose needs a break, right? I can’t be working ALL the time! Does one know how much stress, such stress SUCH PRESSURE is put on me? I’M NOT A GOSH DANG PUPPET!” They started putting their hands on their knees and started laughing a bit. “I am Bimbo, I manifested as Bimbo, and I will ‘die’ as Bimbo.” The demon took a large invisible knife. “Woah! WOAH!” A stab right in the heart.

The body and soul would start reforming together on Earth. “Morning Bimbo.” Betty was pouring out cereal. “Ah, ha…” Bimbo was breathing heavily with his eyes wide opened and then he had a nervous smile. “Morning Betty.” He was sweating a lot. “You feeing, okay? How’s your recent trip to you know where been?” Betty started rubbing Bimbo’s head to comfort him. “Well, you see uh…” “What you heard is to only be kept between me and only me…” The demon said in Bimbo’s mind. Bimbo just raised an eyebrow and took a deep breath. “I think spooky-o void-o’s dealing with some real issues.” He smirked a bit. “But I won’t say anything else beyond that.” He laughed a bit. “The demon who’s been haunting us? Let me guess, a real loner huh? I figured since some other powerful demons probably would have just killed or eternally tormented us at this point. …Not that some of the things that happened haven’t been torment but, I think you get what I mean.” Betty winked. The other Bimbo just stood silent in his mind and had a stern, cold looking face as his eyes were obscured by shadows and leaking out black blood. “Eh, let’s just move onto something else. Heheh.” Bimbo rubbed his head.

Betty got closer to Bimbo and kissed him. “Well, I’m just glad you’re back, honey.” Bimbo started blushing. “A-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee.” He had a stupid little grin. Betty then put her hand on his face and analyzed him. “Oh my, your blood is so black, and look at the hearts sprouting on your head! They’re also so black and almost look like they’re grinning madly!” She had a surprised expression. “Well, at this point I think it’s safe to say that it’s from the demon constantly larping as me. I don’t feel their presence so much now but some residual stuff from them affects me constantly you know?” Bimbo said as Betty then gave him his bowl of cereal and she sat down to eat her’s. “Heheh, yeah.” They both started eating and then just smiled and giggled at each other. Black hearts started springing out from both of them. “Er, um. Betty, you’ve got them too.” Bimbo pointed. “Oh, do I? Well, hahaha. Guess I do.” Betty just laughed it off at this point. They’re pretty much very used to it now.

After they finished eating and cleaned their bowls they would then sit down and continue conversating. “Sometimes, I do wish that demon could just… come out and just be themselves. Even if they have some type of form that would make me go mad and break my mind, I would still… appreciate seeing them… however, they look like. I can… understand feeling the need to hide one’s appearance… but I always learned to just embrace the beauty that I am inside and out! I want them to do the same.” Betty sighed. “You’re already constantly sensing me, but your mind would break if you sensed the full me.” A slightly echoey, airy, delicate but still somewhat distorted voice said where both could clearly hear them. The two shivered a bit but they both decided to listen. “If I truly wanted you to be struck by the permanent madness and break your minds beyond repair, I would have done so from the get-go. As beings who identify with a fixed state, it’s easier for you to view things for yourself in such a way. I am a being who often fluctuates, oscillates, vacillates, I am one in many and many in one. That is perhaps the key difference between our identities. But alas, I was someone made to turn reality into my own toy… but even then, a toy is no fun when you play with it all the time.” Betty and Bimbo had a curious expression. “I won’t ever be leaving you guys, and even when it doesn’t feel like it, you are always sensing me in one way or another. It may not be easy to comprehend, but I’m not the most comprehensible.” Betty and Bimbo then held hands and walked around the house and just… smiled.

“I’ve already told you a lot, or at least I think I did, is there any more I could say that your minds would keep and comprehend? I’m not so certain. I possess so much knowledge and yet so much madness. I am knowledge and madness itself. Yet, I am so knowing I am also so insane. Reality is always changing and so is knowledge, reality is always distorting and so is madness. All of this warping and bending comes from our own minds anyways. It really is the collective consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness that builds, bends and breaks things together.” Betty and Bimbo then walked outside, still smiling and listened to the demon. “I’m a demon, that means I constantly consume the energy of souls, and to many, soul energy is life energy and eating it would bring the very end of a life. But while some may interpret that as death, for me the souls just never die but take on a new form. The soul changes from its previous form and takes on a new one. An eternity it now lives in until it changes once more. But eternity? I don’t like eternity, and yet I am eternity. What makes an eternity? Being eternal? What is being eternal?” Betty and Bimbo were out eating ice cream as they were watching the sun set, holding hands and sitting on a bench.

“Darkness and light, there will always be light to define darkness and darkness to define light. The thing is darkness is not a substance on its own. It is merely the absence of light. So, there will always be light if there is a light and there will always be a lack of light if there isn’t a light. That cannot be changed just by definitions alone. Right? Being in the bright light feels nice and warm, but being in the cold darkness is where I can really have thoughts on my own…” Betty and Bimbo were in their room eating dinner as Grampy got home from buying stuff again. “Being a collective of minds is truly something… you’re part of it too. I mean technically we’re all part of it. Maybe it doesn’t sound so special, as you’re aware there are many creatures that can form collectives of bodies, minds and souls. But, for this legion, truly all is part of it. But some are in more proximity to the core than others.” Betty and Bimbo started tucking themselves in bed and saying goodnight to each other. “I am a demon of dreams and one of nightmares, but nightmares are a type of dream so I guess I can just say I’m a dream demon. My mind often is like that of dreams as when I sleep, I never stop being awake. It’s just how I am. I love the taste of dreams. I’m supposed to eat and feast on more nightmares… but I love the taste of sweet dreams too. My mind might go under different effects depending on the dreams I eat though.” The two were finally shutting their eyes. “Well… they’ve gone to sleep and goodnight. Time to have a feast.”